Everything posted by Gav240z
00091 for sale
In this kind of situation would the car be worth more with a L24 in it than an L26 even if it wasn't the same L24 it originally had in it??? The car seems like it would be fairly good but it's not restored just looked after I spose I'd have to see the car first There's also a 240z with a 350 Chev in it in there for 10k I wouldn't mind seeing how that went but I prefer the L series to a Bent Eight.
Hands up who's in Perth (or Australia...)
Yeah it's the same number plate in the picture as the one I had with Lindsay. I think I looked at this car myself it was so beautiful the pictures just didn't do it justice. In the pictures the paint doesn't look great and the car looks very plain but in person the car is great. I can't work out how to upload pictures I tried clicking on the IMG button and directing the link to my hard drive is there another way because it asks for an internet address and I can't see a attachment command Never mind I just worked it out. Gav, Must have been me stressing over a c++ assignment I had last night. I swear I could be blind .......
Is It Worth It
Well I have no doubt I'll be able to flog off my Z as it's pretty rust free in many ways and I don't think there's an bog waiting for me when I strip back the paint maybe a little on the rear left quarter. The rest of the car is pretty good. This other car I'm looking at will need a bit of tidying up body wise with a couple of small rust spots. I'm the kind of person however who would probably drive this car for a few years buy something as an everyday car and pull it down and respray it like I am with the one I got already. It's just a case of money at the moment and not having fun driving a toyota corolla which is getting high in mileage and I feel will start costing me money. The gearbox is feeling a little rough and the engine will want a rebuild in a few years as 4 bangers need a rebuild around 200 k's and it's done about 100k's. I wanna drive a car that's fun but i don't wanna rush my project that's all. If you like you can view pictures of her at www.project240z.0catch.com under body work there's pictures of the car. Thanks Fellas I appreciate the wisdom. :classic:
Hands up who's in Perth (or Australia...)
YO I'm from Melbourne Fellas. Is this the same Z as pictured below and does Lindsay from the Z Shop know this person. He tells me they have the earliest know of 240z in the world but as Alan tells me this may be incorrect.
Is It Worth It
Well guys I forgot to mention I enrolled into a welding course at the Uni I'm attending it runs on a monday night but after school and part time employment plus a welding course I feel my grades may suffer even if the course is only over 7 weeks. It's an introductory course so I plan on going further to get better skills. I would honestly love to restore the car myself and know that everything was done properly nothing would bring me more satisfaction but due to time restrictions I don't know if I can make it happen the way I would like. I've been into Z's for around 4 years now since I was 16 I'm now 20 and have owned a 260z previously but never been able to drive my 240z around. My mum would like me to wait till I have finished studying to restore this car. Problem is I feel bad about leaving a shell in the garage taking up space and the fact that I really wanna do this project means I have to wait so long. I guess I don't wanna look back and say I wish I had done that and never got around to it and just bought a newer car instead. Anyway I'm still looking at gettting that 240z and still trying to sell my everyday car. Thanks for the advice guys.
New Camcover and Airbox
Alan can u provide more info on the rocker cover. Also have u got any pictures of the bonnet hinges as I recall u said they were different on the ZG. Also is the air box an after market thing if so why did u put it on if the rest of your car is so original.
Only $AUD 295,000.00
Someone in here called the 2000GT a Yoda haha sounds funny but I am wondering why exactly they called it a yoda???? Is it cause they think it's ugly????
Only $AUD 295,000.00
Don't even think about that, If there's a 432r here in AUS it's mine don't touch. ........ :classic:
OMFG sooooo powerful soo faaast!!!
I have a mate who loves honda's. I can't say I love them I don't mind some there well built in alot of ways but I do hate Toyota's I own one and it's a heap of **** compared with my Z. Why doesn't anyone hate Toyota's??? jUst honda's?
Horsepower vs. Torque?
Well I'm studying Physics at the moment and torque = force X distance. Now to my knowledge torque will affect how fast a car accelerates. I really don't understand myself how the power and torque affect the car's performance so maybe I'll leave this to someone else as it's 11:00 at night and I'm tired. I thought I knew the answer now I've lost it sorry.
Only $AUD 295,000.00
Sounds like an alright price for the rebuild I think that's all they do now I don't believe they really do resprays or other major bodywork there anymore. I'd keep clear of there Zshop special suspension and exhaust systems I didn't like the sounds of that. I got quoted $600 for a rebuilt electronic dizzy where at Zworx in Mordialloc they only charged around $250 - $200. Always get a couple of prices before buying new or old parts from these guys, Gav, If in doubt go down and see Warren at Zworx he's pretty friendly.
Only $AUD 295,000.00
That looks fairly sweet dude I like it. Not as much as a 240z but hehe. It's hard to find such pictures I know finding fairlady Z's on the net is quite a challenge if you don't know Japanese. Gav,
Only $AUD 295,000.00
Alan I have the magazine which has a 432r in it can't remember if it was brought here or the test driver went to Japan to see it but I think there was one here in AUS. If someone broke that car up I'd kill em'. If I could find such a car I'd be so thrilled it's like a dream car for me. Not even half the Z owners out there know what it is ..... let alone the general public. Do you know of any ways of finding out what happened to a car? Is there a company you can pay to track down say a datsun 240z or Fairlady that was brought here and registered or is that illegal I think i've read some people in the US have done it when they wanted there Z they bought brand new. So it's a PS-XX prefix on the firewall. Wow I'd be amazed if I found one. Is it true the S20 is worth $13,000 US? THat's more than the RB26DETT what an animal. Any ideas what it would cost for a S20 in AUS $$. I'm dreaming here don't worry Gav,
Only $AUD 295,000.00
Yeah I know of Zshop I used to go there with my white 260z before it was written off. I know Lindsay drife when I say know I've met him on several occassions but he wouldn't remember my name as it's been so long since I've been there. He showed me what he claims is the earliest know of 240z in the world something Alan Has pulled me up on HLS30-H I think that's his name on these forums. I was told to stop going to Zshop because some people feel he overcharges but he probably has so many young kids come in there and wanna do this and that and there just dreamers. I on the other hand was a young fellow still am but I think he was quite reasonable. I have been going to Zworx which was probably known as Zfactory when you were here located in Mordialloc. Anyway have you got pics of your Z dude? I'm always curious to see what other's Z's look like. Gav,
Only $AUD 295,000.00
Now maybe I should write one post instead of 4 just make it longer but... I just remembered. James Bond Drives one in the episode where he goes to japan I forget the name (Show's how big a Bond fan I am). But it's a Sean Connery One if that helps. Maybe Diamonds are forever???? Anyway it's a white one, Gav,
Only $AUD 295,000.00
If the 2000GT is worth $250k Australian then a Datsun 432r should be worth more in my opinion. What do you guys think? Gav.
Only $AUD 295,000.00
Stupid me just realised your in perth not Melbourne.
Only $AUD 295,000.00
Halz, I was reading your post and just wondering where in Melbourne you were i'm located around caulfield.
Which head is best..
Almost forgot. If I could find an E31 I would use that cause that's what they used for racing early in the seventies as it didn't have emission controls. Gav,
Which head is best..
I'd get a P90A if it weren't for the hydraulic lifters that can't be replaced easily or without lots of money. I read somewhere there's 2 versions of the E88 head also. I am interested in this because I wanna know which one is better as I'm looking to purchase a 240z which has the F54 block 280zx valves E88 Head, with cam and some porting etc.... The car goes like Hell and sounds like a mini V8 it has the twin exhaust pipes like the works rally car and it makes an unbelievable note... I have a F54 Block and P90 head that I used to have on my 260z until it was smashed. Worked fine but the compression ratio wasn't good for a N/A car. When I turbo it look out however. By the way I believe that Tom Kaneiko I think that's his name with the orange 240z Turbo and nitros injection. It puts out about 500hp and he's running an E88 head. Square ports rule. Gav,
Is It Worth It
Hi guys I'm writing becuase I have a 240z in the garage which has been stripped to a bare shell and I planned on sand blasting the rust out and rebuilding the car ground up brand new paint etc. Now the other day I found a car advertised a 240z 72 mdl a year earlier than mine which has been well restored with the same color I was gonna do ferrari red and rebuilt L28. The car is almost perfect new bolts etc and windows + rims and full exhaust system. It's been maticulously cared for and the only fault in the car is a little rust has come back up from the 8 year old job in the doors and a small amount in the rear hatch. The car is straight as an arrow chassis wise and looks amazing. So my only concern is the rust because it's come back. Is this a bad thing does it mean the car wasn't properly sprayed and I'm better off restoring mine and doing it all myself or is it acceptable and good enough to just repair the troubled zone. Oh and by the way the boot area was left original color and wasn't repainted I looked in the spare tyre well to find minor surface rust which would be a good indicator as to how bad the rest of the car could be underneath it's near perfect exterior. My 73 has holes in lots of places like that and especially under the battery area. Any tips suggestions. I'm currently a student and have a low budget for restoring cars. This car is priced cheap at around 8k and would mean I have to sell the Shell in the garage and run about car (Corolla). Is it worth while Please help urgent. Gav,
240Z in movies
In Speed Starring Keanu Reaves and Sandra Bullock there's 2 Z's a 240z and a 280zx. The 240z is seen around the start of the movie when there's lots of highway action and keanu first get's on the bus. The 280zx is on a tow truck and the bus actually knocks it off and over the truck and it smashes hard on the ground shame really as it was in good condition and would have bent the chassis like a banana. Gav,
2+2 vs 2 Seaters
Hey guys If you wanna see my old 2+2 it's at the link below: http://www.project240z.0catch.com/friendscars.htm It's the white one there's also pictures of other cars below it. I love Big Mac's 2+2 it's a pure animal.
What is your favourite colour Z?
Hey Big Mac I used to own a 2+2 and have the biggest soft spot for them there awesome. I also live in AUS but in Melbourne. I don't spose you know of any Z's 2+2 in the same quality range as yours for sale??? I hate looking in the trading post as most of the stuff is garbage even if it is where I got my 240z. If you WERE going to sell your Z how much would you say roughly it's worth? in AU$. If you prefer not to say that's cool I can understand that. Gav,
280z 2+2 Update
Hey Mike I love your 2+2 those rims look nice If I could find a 2+2 like that for sale here I'd buy it up in no time and sell off my Corolla piece of junk it is. Gav,