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Everything posted by Gav240z

  1. It will depend on the final bid amount as the insurance cost will also depend on that. To give an idea I believe Ron has sent me a couple of clocks I've had rebuilt and the cost is usually around $60 USD insured. From LA -> SYD but usually it costs a bit more going the other way (Australia tax). I originally tried to configure the eBay shipping but it was too complex with all the options there, so instead I'll organise a carrier outside of eBay and send tracking # and insurance details to the winner. (If it meets reserve).
  2. Thanks Alan, All very helpful as per usual, since you use these brakes on all your cars I'm assuming you find the upgrade worthwhile over the stock twin piston calipers then? I once owned a set of the Toyota S12 and S12W calipers and found them absurdly heavy compared to the stock rotors and you could really feel the difference in the steering (with the additional weight). I drove someone else's car with them on before fitting them to my own car and after that decided to sell them (S12) and keep the stock calipers. I asked someone recently to weigh these and it turns out they are lighter than the standard calipers. http://www.jdmjunkies.ch/wordpress/2015-12-11/240z-the-super-rare-sumitomo-mk63-ex-works-brake-delivery/ If they are indeed lighter or the same weight as the stock Sumitomo calipers then it's a no brainer in my book to do the upgrade. I really didn't want to do a brake upgrade that would rule out fitting the standard Topy steel wheels or other period wheels. There would be nothing worse than getting a puncture, going to the boot to fit the spare wheel and then realising it won't fit over your nice shiny aftermarket brakes.
  3. Awesome that's the kind of information I was looking for Carl. I wonder if those larger wheel cylinders are still available? Or if a machine shop could enlarge them to suit? Does anyone know if you can still fit the 14" Topy steel wheels on the car when using the ventilated MK63 calipers?
  4. I'd love a set of these calipers for my cars. Apart from rebuilding the calipers, finding appropriate discs etc.. is there any other modification required to the braking system? I assume they work well with the rear drum set up?
  5. Do you mean like these? I would like to find a source for them also. Love them. I am pretty sure I kept this used set when I pulled the motor out. But no idea where to find replacements.
  6. Gav240z replied to NVZEE2's post in a topic in 510
    Ah ok, I didn't know it was in North America, just saw videos of it on a track in Japan at another event. Great car.
  7. Gav240z replied to NVZEE2's post in a topic in 510
    Love the Prince R380, is it a genuine car or replica?
  8. Gav240z replied to kats's post in a topic in 432 & 432-R
    Very cool and rare parts Kats. I love your HS30-H, looks great and I wish they exported that model outside of Japan.
  9. Looks great Ron!
  10. Gav240z replied to RIP260Z's post in a topic in For Sale
    I would be interested in the 3D printed PVC grip piece. These foot rests came in our 260z's in Australia but the rubber grip is missing.
  11. Is this part of the emission system? I don't think AU market 240z's had these.
  12. Nice piece, wish I could justify buying it. Shame there isn't more of these about too!
  13. Interesting I've only seen this 1 particular style of airbox used in Australian market cars. But I haven't done an in-depth comparison between boxes fitted to different years admittedly. For your reference I'm attaching a picture of the engine bay of HS30 0004 the earliest known Australian market delivered HS30 and earliest known surviving HS30 for that matter. It has the same sticker it would appear.
  14. Nice, is that the only sticker that was on the early cars? We only got this style of airbox on 240z's sold in Australia, we never got zee flapper! I'm fairly certain this was the only sticker we got. Going to save the images from that auction for later reference.
  15. I personally think it's a $35k USD + car. How many are out there in this shape? These cars have worldwide appeal, listing on BAT may limit it's potential but on the other hand has sometimes work in favour of the seller. But other times it works better for the buyer. @Carl Beck comparing with a "Super Samuri" is really difficult a lot of those cars and their pedigree is questionable at best. It's a minefield from my understanding, but also the UK market tends to pay a premium price for RHD examples (Or HS30's) as they should too! They were better hehe. , jokes aside, to the OP if you're looking to sell quick set price around 30k, if you have a bit of time hold out for 35k. Personally I love seeing examples like these.
  16. Also early radio? You mean TM-1081ZB(S)? AM radio? Or the later KM-XXXXX radio with FM tuner found in 72+ 240z's delivered to North America?
  17. Gav240z replied to JLPurcell's post in a topic in For Sale
    Is your 1 on eBay or is that another? http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/332131928746
  18. Gav240z replied to JLPurcell's post in a topic in For Sale
    I think I have a few oil cap variations I'll have to dig them out but if they are different to the ones shown here I'll post a photo.
  19. Gav240z replied to JLPurcell's post in a topic in For Sale
    Yes there is a few different variations of the "elephant" oil caps. To my knowledge there isn't crazy demand for any particular type.
  20. Gav240z replied to JLPurcell's post in a topic in For Sale
    Ok let's get this party started, since it appears the cover is not sold yet. I'll offer $250 USD + postage for the cover to Sunnyvale CA 94043.
  21. Gav240z replied to fixitman's post in a topic in For Sale
    Japanese market Fairlady Z's didn't have "Datsun" embossed on them. Pretty sure these are for the home market cars.
  22. Gav240z replied to JLPurcell's post in a topic in For Sale
    Those elephant oil caps are not that desirable over here, they are quite common. The OIL cap is rarer, but I've already got 1. No I'm afraid I was looking to trade a 2400 cover for a NISSAN cover, my 70 240z (HS30 00150) was probably made around September 1970, which means I was a month or 2 too late to receive the 2400 OHC cover. But since the car has the hand throttle, rear vents in hatch, and all the other early car features (71A gear bag), E31 head etc.. I feel that the 2400 OHC cover is at home in the engine bay. I am in 2 minds about giving up the "larger" NISSAN cover simply because they are quite expensive themselves. Happy to part with the smaller version though!
  23. Gav240z replied to JLPurcell's post in a topic in For Sale
    Willing to trade for a NISSAN cover?
  24. Gav240z replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Here is a fun game of spot the odd 1 out in this sequence of photos. Sorry about the different angles (I didn't take all these photos) but I thought I'd see if anyone else can spot something that might look out of place here :).
  25. Gav240z replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    Great thread and bit of a bump. Here is something worth adding about HS30's sold in Australia. HS30 00204 had L24 - 018042.HS30 00208 had L24 - 018074So quite a large range difference between engine no. and chassis, a few later cars had:HS30 00291 had L24 - 021354HS30 00297 had L24 - 021352So kind of gives you an idea as to how haphazard engine blocks were assigned to cars in the factory.

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