Everything posted by Gav240z
- Spirit Garage vs Fujitsubo?
L24 Battles Six S20's. Guess who wins?
I don't want to be insensitive to Sakurai, but by any chance is there photos of what the car looked like before the accident? I see it has the Sports Option dual megaphone exhaust and I assume they are widened TOPY wheels?
Rebuilding The Nikki Fuel Pump
Does anyone know if P510s (1600 over here) shared the same pump? I found a fuel pump rebuild kit (NOS) for a 510. Part no. 17010-21025 - not sure it will be suitable for my 240z pump though!
Rebuilding The Nikki Fuel Pump
Thanks for that, so I am assuming my Atsugi pump is original. I am not sure if it was ever rebuilt! Which means it could have a torn diaphragm, I notice when the car has sat a couple of months (I live interstate) it will take a couple of minutes cranking to get it to start. It also tends to feel a bit flat at higher RPMs which would be the SU needles are running too lean, or it could be not enough fuel getting to the fuel bowls. Although I've never had the car stall of stutter mind you.. still worth looking at as a maintenance item.
Rebuilding The Nikki Fuel Pump
Just an FYI but this might help in future. http://www.viczcar.com/forum/topic/14850-borrowed-a-screwdriver-from-a-mate-and-learnt-a-lesson/
Free: 240Z Inspection Lids
Thanks, I go to a night course in Sydney for panel beating and there is a machine there that can do this. I just have to bring them in and ask the teacher how to use it.
Rebuilding The Nikki Fuel Pump
Hey Guys, I just went and looked at the fuel pump on my 72 240z (Australian Delivered). It looks exactly the same as the "Nikki" unit, but instead the casting has "Atsugi" written on it. I've attached a photo (not mine but 1 on eBay at the minute). Is Atsugi the same as Nikki in that the company name changed later on? Or a completely different manufacturer?
Free: 240Z Inspection Lids
That's what I plan to do with my spares.
1970 240Z HLS30- 06026 For Sale (original)
Simple sell the Z31, keep the S30Z's ;). You know you want to. haha.
1970 240Z HLS30- 06026 For Sale (original)
Cars that are next to each other in VIN # are usually the same colour. So white. Engine bay looks like it has Mikuni Type R 40mm carbs. I'm guessing on a Mikuni manifold? I'm 1 short of making a set of 3 of those carbs...
Unicorn Alert: Rubber Steering Coupler
I'm wondering the same, can't you just get aftermarket ones? I'm guessing this is for those that want original?
WTB BRE Clear Headlight Covers
Yes I know frustrating isn't it? Not that I could do any better mind you. I tried reaching out to http://www.bolwellcarcompany.com/ which made sports cars in Australia in the 70s that had similar headlamp trims. But I got not reply on the email. I think it's something I need to go into the company and talk to the right folks about though, email doesn't really cut it. Yep this is what drives the price of original ones up. The cost to reproduce is so high that $2,500 USD actually is a bargain in comparison. I guess economics of scale make it possible to do them at lower prices. But in reality how many can you expect to sell? Most S30Z owners are still busy fitting massively oversized wheels and FuguZ bodykits... it might be a while before demand for OEM spec headlight covers is high enough to justify cost.
WTB: Single Mikuni 44 Type 5 Body
So I thought I'd try here, anyone got a single Mikuni 44 Type 5 spare? I've got 2 as pictured below but need a third to make a set of Triples. The Type 5's have 5 screws to hold down the top cover. http://www.rmcarburetors.net/oem_toyota_solex_type_s5.htm More reference photos here. https://goo.gl/photos/NnL4rypqjayZKLKx8
WTB BRE Clear Headlight Covers
I would like to see someone successfully reproduce the chrome trim ring headlight covers for an S30Z. NOS is over $2,500 USD at this stage.. Good original ones close to $1000 USD. I've never been interested in the rubber ring ones or just clear covers.
1970 240Z HLS30- 06026 For Sale (original)
That TV guy was Wheels Dealers and Mike Brewer a UK TV program. They contacted me ages ago in Australia (the production company) looking for a 240z to buy around $5k AUD. I told them not gonna happen, too cheap for our market. Although it does seem they try to make it appear as legitimate as possible, in reality much of that show is staged...
Genuine Datsun 240z JDM/Euro Spoiler
Thanks, good to know. I've seen a few in Japan that I've considered buying. There are various amounts of reproductions available. However the thread above is a good guide as it shows the early style. The mounting points are interesting, I didn't realise the factory ones looked like that. So will keep an eye out in my searches. The BRE version seems like a good candidate however. Just a shame shipping them to Australia is going to be expensive given size / dimensions. So only interested in buying in bulk. But you need to be confident in the product to buy in bulk.
Genuine Datsun 240z JDM/Euro Spoiler
Any feedback on the BRE reproduction of (Z432-R) "ribbed" style rear spoiler? Are you happy with the quality and fitment? I was looking to order 1 myself.
1970 240Z HLS30- 06026 For Sale (original)
I'm wondering also, has it sold?
RHD Fairlady S30 gas pedal
I paid more than I care to think about, but the worst part was the seller was totally indifferent to it... *sigh*. Hopefully I can get it working and the damage was just cosmetic... Nostalgia certainly is a factor, my first car was a 1973 110 red Datsun 240z and I just fell in love with the 240z's from that point on. I've had a later 260z 2+2 which I did enjoy driving but the shape was never quite the same as the 2 seater for me. Still a great car from the drivers seat. I've only got 1 Calendar Clock at the moment, but no car to put it in. I'm sure at some point someone will want it though. But the face on it, is just a copy of the earlier Rally Clock ;).
[SOLD] 1971 240Z wheels
Are they date stamped 1972? 4.5j or 5j in width?
RHD Fairlady S30 gas pedal
The radio you posted above is a later 74+ year radio. I tend to not pay much attention to the later stuff myself and look for the earlier stuff. Early Fairlady Z-L radio's. I've come across a few. But if I spot any later radio's I'll keep you in mind. Thanks for the tips re: radio. Here is a radio I bought from Europe, seller didn't add any protective packaging and guess what? It looks to have been crushed in 1 corner... I found a bit of PCB which looked like it had some 'circuit' on it. I will have to open it up and assess the damage. Who sends something like this with no packaging? I'm surprised the faceplate wasn't annihilated.. I'll start a new thread for the radio repair work.. So far most of them work, just a couple of niggles like those described. Pretty impressive.
RHD Fairlady S30 gas pedal
I avoid eBay where possible. The fees can be outrageous and destroy my profit margins which are razor thin to begin with. I just happen to come across about 10 quartz mechanisms and then managed to find 10 Jeco clocks (nobody seems to want converted 260/280 clocks). It only makes sense for me to have these refurbished in bulk. Gotta factor in international shipping + currency conversion etc.. I've sold most of the clocks I had converted and have a couple more I've been too lazy to list for sale. Given how hard it is to find these parts now I'm sort of ok with keeping a few spares for my own cars to be honest. I do see 8 track radios from time to time but quite rare. I've got about 8 TM-1081ZB radios I'm going to refurbish. I might need to pick your brain re: Auto seek function repair a couple of them don't move in either 1 direction or both. I also need to improve fine tuning of the radios.
RHD Fairlady S30 gas pedal
$412 USD, but I took a regular clock as a 'core' exchange. Since I was getting multiple clocks restored by Ron and I was sending them in bulk to him for refurbishment until we ran out of quartz movements to fix the early Jeco clocks.
RHD Fairlady S30 gas pedal
I had 1 of these converted to suit an earlier dashboard and it sold right away. So yes it should be.
RHD Fairlady S30 gas pedal
There is 1 for sale on Yahoo! Auctions right now. http://page21.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/j413012763 Although it says unverified working condition. I had a fully restored Calendar Clock up for sale at $650 AUD (restored by Ron), didn't get much interest in it. So I've kept it. I won't give it away. Only getting harder to locate.