Wiring harnes for 73 240z
last place i took my car ****ed up the wiring, the batterie dies over night, and now when i jump it, it runs till i take the jumpr leads off... so does anyone know where i can get Wiring harnes for my datsun? and any suggestions on ignition systems?
wiring diagram?
thank you for your help. I think the last place i took my car f*cked it over. I want to replace all the wiring.
wiring diagram?
I'm still working on getting a Chiltons... maybe i can order one from wyotech when i go there.
wiring diagram?
anyone know where I can find a wiring diagram for my 1973 240z?
brakes and cluch
I really need to flush all my fluids but I don't have the money to take it in right now. my cluch might be full of geew but i thnk i got all the air out.. maybe. as for the brakes i dunno about a leak, but i have inscrewed the Proportioning Valve to let out fluid witch keeps my brakes from dragging and air my get in when i do that. I have weber carbs on my engine that the vac is hooked to, i don't know how much of a vacuum it makes
brakes and cluch
my brakes work like poo, than i notice that i can't push my brake all the way down, than 5 or 10 mins later i can only push it an inch down and the brakes start to drag. i got my master replaced, could it be the throw in the master? my cluch, my cluch does not seem to work like it use to, i cleaned out the fuild in the reservoir becuase it was almost like grease, than put some synthetic stuff in there. now i push my cluch in and it fells like I'm not even movign anything till it's at least half way in, and now when I go into reverse I'll have my cluch al the way in but it still grides, and i have drided 3ed about 5 times now, is my cluch shot or is it not working right?
Floor preparation
dude... it's an original japanese model or at least just a right hnad drive car, i bet it has a R24 in it. my friend called you a moron. you know there are cars that have steering wheels on the right?
Floor preparation