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Everything posted by lonetreesteve

  1. It can't be done with a full dash cap without damaging the cap. That's why the glove box and the heater control panel need to be removed in order to remove or install the tach and/or the speedometer from the rear.
  2. Looks like it's been relisted-here's the new link: http://denver.craigslist.org/pts/1521387489.html
  3. Since you live in Tucson, you should check it out if you're interested in the car. A lot of Arizona Z-cars have been spared from the rust monster, particularly if they have spent all their time in Arizona. For $3k, a '70 that runs and is solid (although it looks like it may have some rust issues in and around the battery tray), seems pretty reasonable to me. If it has the original matching engine then that would definitely help matters. Series I cars are getting harder and harder to come by. This one needs a lot of work; however, if it doesn't have any major rust issues, then I would jump on it.
  4. From what I can tell from the pics, looks to be a pretty solid car. I would ask for more pics, particularly some of the rust-prone areas. Also, I would see if the seller would throw in the shipping since it's been for sale for a while. Date Listed 07-Dec-09 Price $7,500.00 Address Saskatoon, SK, Canada Extremely Rare, Right Hand Drive Fairlady Z. Model GS-30 2+2 2.0 litre in-line 6, 5 speed, independent rear suspension, 40,000 original km body is extremely good and rust free, car is NOT restored Car has been in Canada since the late 1980's and is currently Saskatchewan registered This car is daily driven in the summer only A fun, very rare sports car just as it is ASKING PRICE REDUCED to $8000 Oct 10, 2009 far below the appraised value of $11,200 which was based on the overall condition of the car - did not include the uniqueness or rarity of the right hand drive as there were no similar cars to compare it to.
  5. I agree with Leonard, don't try to repair the body, the rust on your car is REALLY BAD. You would be better off selling the Fairlady for parts (since RHD parts are rare) and use the money you make from the parts plus half of the $16k that you were planning to spend on the Fairlady and buy a solid Series I 240Z that just needs paint and a new interior. Then use the other half of the $16K to refresh the Series I. Just my 2 cents.
  6. Hard to tell from the pics, but looks to be a good price for a 240z with not much rust and a lot of parts: http://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/pts/1510866927.html
  7. Another way to loosen the wing nuts is to use one of those miniature crescent wrenches - it has worked well for me on a couple of cars.
  8. I would say '70 -'71 Ash tray assemblies. '70-'71 consoles, "D" wheel covers, 240Z rear tail lights in good condition with good chrome trim, Series I steering wheels, rear hatch glass (either the very rare clear glass from early Series I cars and the '70, '71 and very early '72 rear hatch glass with vertical defroster lines. Additionally, sets of early stock steel wheels with matching dates. NOS 240Z horn pads and NOS 240Z outside rear view mirrors are a couple of other items.
  9. Hi Simon, Since you live in Southern California, there is a huge quantity of older Z-cars in your area. In fact, there are more old z-cars in So Cal than any other place on earth! The even bigger bonus is that are also a lot of older Zs available that have minimal rust issues, unlike most places. Check your local craigslist and Ebay and good luck!
  10. There are so many Series 1 cars that are unaccounted for. For example, take a look at this one listed on the Denver Craigslist that has been garaged for 20 years: 1971 Datsun 240z Date: 2009-12-01, 9:06AM MST Reply to: sale-axfe7-1489747609@craigslist.org Series 1. Been garaged since 1989. Ready for some bodywork and paint. I have rebuilt or have new parts to complete the restore, just cant afford to finish the car anymore. All mechanicals, ignition, carbs, suspension, exhaust/muffler, brakes, hoses, tank, radiator, steering, everything has been rebuilt or replaced with new. Suspension, bushings, brakes, all new. Boxes of new parts ready to go with it, such as all new weatherstripping, turn signal lenses and gaskets. 280 motor with the 5 speed tranny, with SU carbs. Spare rear end, axles, 4 speed tranny, ect. Serious offers only! Call for more info 303-946-7182, mornings is best. If not leave a msg please and Ill return the call. * it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests PostingID: 1489747609
  11. One way to track the Ebay sales for not only the Series I 240Zs, but all 240Zs that have been sold on Ebay is by this website (requires a paid subscription): http://www.collectorcarpricetracker.com/ A lot of 240Zs have been sold on Ebay; however, this doesn't even scratch the surface when you consider Craigslist, Cars.com, local newspapers, car lots, etc. And once the cars are purchased what becomes of them? Are they registered with the local DMV, licensed and driven right away? Are they used as parts cars? Are they stored away for many years with the intention of restoring?
  12. I hope you had insurance on your car!
  13. All of these "lists" are very subjective and I'll never understand how they come up the so-called rankings (Mazda Miata #1, give me a break!). Here's a list from Motor Trend that includes the 240Z and GTR: http://www.motortrend.com/features/consumer/112_0909_60_coolest_cars/index.html
  14. $3k is a GREAT price for a '71 Porsche 911. (They even spelled Porsche wrong). Looks like it has been in storage for a while and it's hard to tell the condition from the bad quality pics. If it were near me, I would buy it in a heartbeat!
  15. The seller really doesn't know what he/she has. A V8 in a 911????
  16. Wow, Joel. What a HUGE undertaking. I'm impressed with all the all the hard work you have put into the car; however, as one of the posts on HybridZ mentioned, wouldn't it be a lot easier to just purchase a Fairlady Z?
  17. Arne, I almost forgot all about the Cosworth Vegas! That's really cool that it's your old car.
  18. I highly recommend that you get it running first before you try to sell it. You will end up with a lot more money that way.
  19. Here's a very nice '78 Black Pearl that I believe has been listed on Ebay before: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-Z-Series-Auto-Black-Pearl-Edition-Collector-owened-Very-nice_W0QQitemZ270488221958QQcategoryZ6187QQcmdZViewItem?rvr_id=&target=Gadget_KW&vertical=%7B%7D&origin=motortopia.com&keyword=z+cars+datsun&creative_id=2726023355184102879&adgroup_id=8947514819364782848
  20. My first 240Z was black as well. I had it when I was in college in the late '70's and early '80s. I received a lot of compliments as well. I bought it from the body shop manager of a local Datsun dealership. He had the body work and paint done by his men at the shop. It was a '72 and was originally blue with a white interior. The man told me he decided to have it painted black after he saw a '78 Black Pearl on the showroom floor at the dealership. I may have some old pictures of the car somewhere, but here are some pics of another 240Z that was recently up for auction on Ebay last March
  21. I purchased a set of these from Banzai Motorworks for my '71 (see first picture below). I did a search here Classic Zcar Club, but could only find a picture of an old used one barely hanging on with the door weatherstrip pulled out (see 2nd picture and link to Bre-240Z's thread below). Does anyone have a picture showing a new one fully installed? http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?p=242346&highlight=quarter+window#post242346
  22. Rich, Thank you for making the trip to check out the car and to take some pictures. Sounds like it is a bargain..... one of our other San Diego-area members should jump on it quickly, because it won't last at that low price!
  23. This crash reminds me a little bit of an old movie:
  24. It's hard to say judging from the single small picture that was on Craig's List, but if the car was a typical So Cal non-coastal 240Z, it probably had minimal rust and could have been worth 2 to 3 or even 4 times as much than what the $3k asking price was.
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