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Everything posted by lonetreesteve

  1. It's definitely a blue on blue car, too bad the original engine is gone. Rear bumper is off of a '73 -a sign that the car could have had rear end damage at one time. Still, if this car is one of a few remaining '69 production Zs that are blue on blue, that is something special.
  2. Judging from the pictures, the car appears to be in very good shape. FYI, it's a Series III car, not a Series II, but nonetheless, a very clean California 240Z. Does the owner have documentation on the mileage?
  3. Wow, you're right Mike.....I noticed the rear valance but not the over spray. You would think that if someone is asking that kind of money for the car, they would at least clean up the over spray.
  4. Guy, I couldn't agree with you more. For many years, Carl Beck has tried to stress that probably the single most important factor when selecting a Z is how solid the body is. It's always worth paying more for a Z-car with very little or virtually no rust than paying less and having to deal with the expense and frustration of a rusted car. Just as your '70 spent its entire life in the dry Arizona desert climate, I took Carl's advice and looked hard for the most solid project car I could find and found one in Arizona. There have been plenty of solid 240Zs for sale over the years in the southwest (Arizona, California, Texas, Nevada and New Mexico) you just have to keep looking and not worry so much about the cost of shipping. Heck, the shipping is a just a drop in the bucket compared to what a lot of guys are paying for rust repairs.
  5. One of my favorite 240Z colors -918 Orange. Here's the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250451073740&viewitem=&_trkparms=tab%3DWatching&salenotsupported
  6. I agree with you, Z-connection is a much better seller. If you buy multiple items from him, he will always combine the shipping to save on shipping costs. He's also very responsive, helpful and courteous in his e-mail communications. Unlike Reddat who is very short and rude in his e-mail communications. As far as shipping is concerned with Reddat, don't even get me started... I sent him an e-mail about 3 or 4 years ago regarding a few BIN NOS 240z parts on Ebay and since he never lists shipping costs on his items, he refused to combine shipping and wanted a small fortune to ship a few small items from Texas to Colorado. After I told him that his shipping costs were extremely excessive, his reply was "Well, I need to make money somehow".
  7. Guy, Yes, your '70 is truly an incredible car and I'm not surprised that she takes 1st place in every show you've entered her! From a neglected old car baking in the Arizona desert (see pics below) to multiple award winner, she certainly has come a long ways! I'm sure Bruce is also proud of her as well. I saw your thread with the pictures of the L28 -you did an incredible job -the engine looks absolutely beautiful and I'm sure that it runs great too. I look forward to seeing the pics of you '71 product once it's finished.
  8. Check this 240Z out: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-Z-Series_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZalgoQ3dSIQ26itsQ3dIQ252BCQ26ituQ3dFICSQ252BUAQ252BUCIQ26otnQ3d15Q26poQ3dLVIQ26psQ3d54QQ_trksidZp3907Q2em263QQcategoryZ6187QQitemZ130313218730QQsalenotsupported
  9. The interior is an easy fix. If you take a look at the pic of the engine bay, there are definitely some rust issues. If this rust is indicative of the rest of the car, the $2,500.00 asking price is probably a little high, even for a Series I.
  10. I agree with Carl, it's too bad about the condition of the engine bay. Couple this with the assumption that the underside isn't in great shape either (since there are no pics), this really hurts the value of the car.
  11. Anytime when a seller makes a statement like "Not a pile of crap" in the ad, you have to wonder a little bit about that person I agree, that interior is awful!
  12. Looks like a very nice car. Here's the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1972-Datsun-240Z-with-only-51K-original-miles_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ65Q3a12Q7c39Q3a1Q7c72Q3a317Q7c240Q3a1308QQ_trksidZp4506Q2ec0Q2em245QQhashZitem19b44861a1QQitemZ110398824865QQptZUSQ5fCarsQ5fTrucksQQsalenotsupported
  13. Yeah, I remember that movie also, Will. I was too young to drive, but my brother and a couple of the neighborhood kids would ride our bikes about a mile away to watch movies playing at a nearby drive-in. I swear that drive-in must have played Death Race 2000 every night for 2 or 3 weeks straight. We could only watch from the top of a hill and couldn't hear anything, but nonetheless, we all kind of liked it. Maybe someday I'll go rent the DVD so I can actually see and hear the movie over thirty year later. A very strange movie, which was nothing new for David Carradine.
  14. Check this set out. Just listed on Ebay this evening with a starting price of $700.00. Not the earliest version of the D hubcaps, but nonetheless, in great shape! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330334703093&frommaketrack=true&sspagename=VIP%3Awatchlink%3Amiddle%3Aus&viewitem=&salenotsupported
  15. Roger, As far as the floor pans and frame rails are concerned, Zedd Findings has some real quality stuff: http://www.datsunzparts.com/NewParts/summary.htm With regard to body panel repair parts, Tabco is a good place to find some: http://www.tabcobodyparts.com/html/table_of_contents.htm As far as front fenders, I understand that you can still find them new through the Nissan dealers for a little over $200.00 each. Good luck to you and your son on your project. My son and I had fun on the two 240Z refreshes we did. He recently graduated from college and moved out of state, so I'm all alone on the #3 refresh. Take it from me, kids grow up very quickly and I cherish the time that my son and I spent together working on and driving our Zs. I'm sure you will have the same experience with your son.
  16. Hi Logan, I see you got the engine removed. Do you plan on doing a full rotisserie restoration of the car?
  17. Guy, Bruce really did a remarkable restoration job with your '70 and I'm glad to hear the dash repair that he did (that started this great thread) is holding up so well. I really like the new wheels you put on the car and I also like what you and your Dad have done with the '71 car. I'm not sure if Bruce ever told you the story when he rescued the '70 from the Arizona desert or if you ever read the old thread, but it's a great story: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21629
  18. I'm sure a lot of you are aware of this this website located in British Columbia. A lot of NOS parts available; however, some parts such as the dashboards are very expensive: http://www.new-datsun-parts.com/datsun-240Z-parts-interior1.html
  19. Yes, at $1,100.00, the price is much better; however, the seller will not ship, only local pick up. Judging from the packaging and the label, this dash looks to have been sitting around for a good number of years.
  20. Wow, this guy is all over the place! Is the 08/05/13 on the barcode label a specific date (perhaps May 13, 2008?)?
  21. You're right, Mike....very strange. Each ad also has different pictures. The Atlanta ad has far more pics than the other two. The dash and interior door panels look great and it's interesting to see the Nissan part number for the dash, I don't recall seeing that anywhere else before. I know that the interior door panel part numbers have been discussed here in another thread. Has anyone tried to contact the seller?
  22. Check this out, features an NOS 240Z dash and other NOS parts: http://dallas.craigslist.org/dal/pts/1180974085.html
  23. I think that the $3,800.00 asking price is an outstanding deal for such a clean and original California 280Z with only 88k miles. If this was a 240Z, it would probably sell at auction for more than double the asking amount. If kept in good condition, this car will certainly appreciate in value and the buyer will have a lot of fun driving it.
  24. All '73s came from the factory with flat tops, as did the '74 260Zs. Both the flat tops and the round tops can have problems. I'm not sure what the full story was with this car.
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