Everything posted by justaZcarguy
Subaru LSD in a 240z
Any more developments on this? I have a friend that will sell me a r180 3.90 LSD from a WRX Sti, but I am hesitant to purchase it based on converting it - I thought that it was easier that I am reading but need to do a bit more homework... I have 2 (what I think are r160's), one is a 3.7 and one is a 3.9. however they are both open. That LSD is the better upgrade. I have an r200 3.90 now, but it's a tad whiny and i need to get it out of there I think soon and get it looked over. I'll keep looking, if anyone want's to chime in here, I would appreciate it Thanks!
Anyone in the Portland area have a fuel tank?
I was trying to call you this morning actually to see if you had one... I just get the voice mail when I call Z Therapy. When are you going to be around the shop? I need to get some carb parts anyway and possibly have Steve take a look at my SU's... Thanks for the reply. ~Brian
Anyone in the Portland area have a fuel tank?
Hey all, Looking for a tank for a '72 240, does not have to be perfect, just need the inside decent ofcourse... Or if anyone has seen a Z at a local wrecking yard, let me know. Thanks! ~Brian
blown motor, Thanks everyone.
What RPM do you normally push? Just curious...
Daily Driver
Very nice! Congrats!! I would look into getting the T-belt done just to be safe... Thanks for the pic! ~B
Daily Driver
Lets see some pics!
Results at Canby? Pictures...
That was a sweet Blue Z... I thought that the turnout was great and it was nice to cruise home with some of the gang. Even got to see Beandip get a bit agressive in a corner on the way out! ZoomZoomZoom ~Brian
Daily Driver
That much I agree with... And I am also in agreement with Arne, I at least now, drive my '72 240 as a DD and I have had zero problems with much enjoyment on the way to the much dreaded work. Which is the problem. Forget ZoomZoomZoom I just love driving the Z... I know that it SHOUld be a weekender but is that really how the car was created? I think not. I think that a Z should be appreciated and driven. Not just on the weekends but in general. My only worry is that some idiot on the road is going to take it out, I guess that is part of the risk of enjoying the ride. Hell, as far as enjoying the ride, my only other choice is the CBR and the heater is broke! !B
Cruise to the beach this Saturday...
Hey all, Nice to see a bunch of you in Canby as we dodged the sporatic rain, it was fun! I noticed that Bruce mentioned an event that is this Saturday involving a trek with the group to the beach from Banks and some auto x action there... Is anyone thinking of joining up with this? ~Brian
Who will be at the Datsun Driving Canby Fun event?
I had a blast! It was nice to gather up with a bunch of people with a common interest and get some info along the way! Everyone make it home safe up North? ~B
Help---Engine wont turn over
By the way, it is fairly common for alterntors to fail after sitting for long periods of time... And I mean like usually over a year or better. ~B
Help---Engine wont turn over
I second what Arne stated, if that is the case, the battery was supporting the spark and once it ran outa juice, the spark was gone and no amps left to crank 'er over. Remember, even if you try to jump it with another vehicle, it may take a bit to charge. I would use a jump box with some high cranking amps to see if it will turn over. Keep us posted. ~Brian
Need help with header
I agree about the intake coming off, but tell us, does the sound diminish once the engine is warmed up?
Who will be at the Datsun Driving Canby Fun event?
T-minus 36 and counting.... Chirs in his Z (Bigsinnz) and I will be leaving here and meet up with the convoy (minus the long-haired Jesus freaks in the micro-bus) at 9:00. I am working on hustling up John to join us, it is looking like quite the line so far, I can't wait.... Dave, I second the Woo-Hooo. ~Brian
spings and struts are on! Big problem!
I just want to take this chance to thank Arne for test driving my struts on his car before they go on mine! I hope it works out Deadflo... ~Brian
Hagerty Ins. ?
I am thinking about switching to them... It is like $150 for a years coverage and with State Farm, I am paying that for 2 months.
Who will be at the Datsun Driving Canby Fun event?
I would enter mine if everyone agrees to stay at least 20 feet from the car to blur all the flaws I plan on parking in the area so people can glance but not planning on entering...
Who will be at the Datsun Driving Canby Fun event?
Sorry I have not been in this thread lately, I seem to be having an issue with e-mail notification to threads that I have posted to... At any rate, I plan on being there and convoying down with some of the gang. ~Brian
Look at this picture..Is this too high
Nice call on the fan clutch, that is what I was going to suggest... Sounds like the Z is cooling down with forced air-flow and heating up with no flow. And KD, if you are going hide in a tree, at least paint 'er cammo! Just kidding, I know of your tree curse... Check the fan clutch is my vote. ~Brian
Smoke from steering column? ahhhh!
I think it it at the switch, that sees to be the only source of heat... I am still planing on checking the tail section.
Smoke from steering column? ahhhh!
Thanks E!! I will check that....
Smoke from steering column? ahhhh!
So, believe it or not I have been running with the damn column cover off the car this whole time hoping to spot our ghost smoke. Finally, just a bit ago, it reappeared!! HA! Gotcha!! :ogre: (Seemed like a good place for the Orge Smiley) It is only heating up when the right signal is keyed. The wire that is heating up is a white / red coming out of the signal, back of the switch. It seems to heat up in short time. Ideas? Think that it's resistance in the switch? Thanks... ~Brian
240z rear end clunk - differential?
Justin, That sounds like ring and pinion lash is off, that is how you are going to get that howl, I just had this issue with mine... Typically it is due to wear and possible bearing fatigue. ~Brian
exhaust smell
I recently battled this and was almost beat. Two other places that I would check would be the tailgate portion below the window, I had fumes being sucked in thru the tailgate latch system and breaching past the vinyl peice there, I put weatherstripping around that and sealed it. The other place is where the body and chassis come together at the rear of the rear quarters. This is best spotted from either under the car or by removing the rear plastic covers and looking for daylight in the corners. That was a tough place to spot... Like mentioned, the tail light gaskets are a popular culprit also. I would suggest that you do a search on the fumes issue as there have been several threads posted. Good luck!
New member, but an old timer
Nice rescue!!!! wow, #13. Welcome to the club... The Z knows no age boundries. Hell, my car is 35 years old and can out run most 16 year olds!