Everything posted by justaZcarguy
rear end noise and control arm issue??
Well, got the new z fired up, runs awesome... 2 Things: In the rear diffy I can hear a "wrrrrrrrr" at a sustained speed not a howl per say, just a wrrrrr that gets louder and then seems to quiet down at certain speeds. My guess is worn ring / pinion, but someone wanna chime in here? Also, when I am slowing down to a near stop I can hear a clickety-clickety from the rear that kinda sounds like spider gears turning, not like half shaft joints tho... And, but wait there's more... When I gas the car the rear seems to joust slightly to the right and upon deceleration in seems to go back to the left. Control arms? Thanks guys, and I plan to post some new pics and update the avatar this afternoon. Thanks for the feedback, I do appreciate it. And yes, I am checking the gear oil levels after this post. Have a great Sunday! ~Brian
cluncky bumb ???
sounds like the diffy mount to me...
Ok, I'm back. Couldn't stay away...
After 2 hours on a tow truck, the beast is home. And holy cow was this a buy. The previous owner really did his homework, I gotta say. I'll start from the front I guess... Nice front air dam, with some thick rubber routing the air to the radiator. The radiator is new and appears bigger than stock. Lighting is Hella H4 behind the clear ice cream scoops covering the lights, which I have not decided to leave on there or not. The 3 screw SU's were just completely gone thru by Z-Therapy right before the car was parked. The rack bushings have been upgraded along with the steering coupler and has the shortened steering knuckles. Black box Dizzy, internal reg'd alternator and the fuseable links have been upgraded to real fuses. The door panels are uncut and near perfect, heck it even has the original Hitachi radio and a perfect heater control console. It has aftermarket springs on it, red in the front blue in the back. Borg Warner 5 speed out of an 81-83ZX along with the 3.90 diffy. Thicker bars front and rear with poly busings. Jeez that's enough for now. Thought that I would let you know that it's here and now I can say that I am OFFICALLY back. After sitting for 6 years, it seems to run great. Yes, I changed the oil... Enuf for now, hope everyone is well! ~Brian
new member-exhaust fumes in interior ???
Oh, and Chris, Welcome to the club!!
new member-exhaust fumes in interior ???
Hey Carl!! Been a long time, hope you have been well!! I've never adjusted the hatch to have a tighter seal... I take it this is done in the latch assembly? Thanks ~Brian
new member-exhaust fumes in interior ???
I would check the taillight seals, that has been the problem in most of the z's that I've had. Another area is the where the hoses associated with the fuel tank are located, sometimes I hear of those being breached, usually this is more of a fuel smell... I would check the area around the taillights for gaskets / holes on the rear tail section. I can remenber having to blast the blower motor to get positive cabin pressure to avoid fumes in one car. Now about the poisioning, kittys are furry. Hope you find it! Keep us posted. ~Brian
Does anyone know what these are?
Well, Dejavu for me.... And something I already did. Cool. Well if I stick with the 7" it sounds like there is a chance that they may fit. I hate to order these in and have them not fit, I guess that I am beating dead horse here. I guess I can't figure out why the coil overs would allow a taller wheel....
Konig 17's Question
So the spacers are to compensate for the offset, right?
Does anyone know what these are?
So, if I am not going to go Coil-Overs then stick with the 16's? Which I think come in a 4 bolt...
Konig 17's Question
Hey Panama, Are those 16's or 17's? Those look Awesome!
Konig 17's Question
I appreciate the advice Sir... And by spacers you mean the adaptors needed for the 5 lug, correct? Thanks again...
Does anyone know what these are?
They are nice... Hell, that whole car is awesome. I am guessing at 225/40/17 for the skins... I am going to stick with 7" rims on mine. Chris, Are yours 16" or 17"? Thanks!
Does anyone know what these are?
Hey All, Does anyone know if these are 17's on here, and what tire size they may be? I know that is a tough question to gauge from a pic bu I figured I'd take a stab at it. I am looking into 17's, and possibly 215/40/17 rubber... Thought's? Ideas? Thanks all...
Konig 17's Question
I am told that there are adaptors that are needed. What I have found out is that is basically makes the wheel flush(er) with the car but still is tucked inside the wheel well. Thoughts?
Does anyone else have my setup? L28, N42 head
For the record. HS30-H is one of the more savvy people you can turn to when it comes to advice. When I was running the Mikuni's I was chasing my tail for a while and he is right about what he says, for me anyway, it was trial and mostly error. But that is also how you learn. Good luck!
Konig 17's Question
I'll check 'em out.... Thanks! ~b
Konig 17's Question
Hey all, I am looking at the Konig 'Netz' 17x7 Wheel that is designed to fit the '72. This car is dropped about 1-2 inches from what I can tell. Are these gonna fit with no mods to clear the sheet metal, espically when working the car? I love the look of these... ~Brian
Ok, I'm back. Couldn't stay away...
Yea, I was not down there when he hooked the cable on... That was a near deadly mistake. Had that thing caught someone on the way back up it would NOT have been good. You should have seen the overheads on the tow-truck, the plastic was no match for it that is for sure. I've been around these cars for a bunch of years and I never knew that those were to be removed from the dealer, you sure see a bunch of them still on... Well, you learn something new every day, eh?
Ok, I'm back. Couldn't stay away...
I do have the ability to fix it and this is the first time that I will have a Z that is not my daily driver, not that it won't be I think that it is a good investment and I've seen worse. Heck, I've HAD worse. As long as the frame rails are in tact that is the main concern. I brought the 510 home tonight from the shop, I have to admit, that is a hard car to part with. That thing would tackle the corners like the dukes of Hazzard. Minus the dirt and whoo-who's. What can I say, I guess I'm still a Z car guy. ~Brian
electrical problems after paint
Nice fix, and thanks for posting it. Nothing like a faulty VR to come and go like a ghost... Had that haunting already myself ~Brian
Ok, I'm back. Couldn't stay away...
We are arriving at that, I know that it is a decent deal, and the previous owner is being somewhat picky about who it goes to. I'll take that as a compliment. There has been some serious thought put into it, the coupler, the dizzy, the bushings, updated fuseable links, NOT CHOPPED SPRINGS (dammit I hate that), steering knuckles bla bla bla. So I just want to continue the legacy. I think that it's worth what we have arrived at... And I will comment more on that after the fact, I am not side stepping the question, I just don't want to speak out of line. I do know that it's tough to find an early Z (espically on the west coast) that is rust free, and when you do they are rarely under $3k. So I guess there is a balance there. In the long run I will plan on repainting the Zed as there is crows-feet in the paint in spots, but that is long term, the paint is not that bad and I have driven worse that is for sure. (Beandip, you stay outa this or I'm gonna sik Ozzzy on you... ) Ok, your turn. I have no idea what that bunny is for. ~Bri
Ok, I'm back. Couldn't stay away...
I have to say that is a bit scary. The damage on the outside is not quarter sized for sure, more like dollar bill. I hope that the damage on the inside is not as severe, but I would be suprised if it's not... I know for sure that I don't plan on removing the rear quarter as I did this on my first z years back. Yes, that was a pain in the BUTT. What are the fixes out there for this? This does not look as comprimising as a frame rail, but never the less, not a good thing I am sure. I don't think this will make me pass on the car, but I do want to know what I may be in for. I don't think that it is going to effect the drive-ability / safety, but please chime in if your opinion is different, I know just enough to be dangerous :hurt: . Or at least that's what I'm told... :stupid: Have a great night! ~Brian
Ok, I'm back. Couldn't stay away...
Thanks Jim, By further back I assume that you mean towards the middle of the car?
Ok, I'm back. Couldn't stay away...
Hey there Mr G! How have you been? Hope that things have been well! That was a huge loss, I had just set that darn car up just the way that I wanted and then in about 2 minutes it was done. It was a dark night on a country road headed up to my parents. Not to sound like Stephen King. I had driven the road several times and am very familiar with it, I was running the car, but not to it's limits at all. On a right turn about the mid of the apex, a car had cut the corner into my lane, cutting the loose gravel on the right shoulder to avoid head on it basically dragged the car over the edge before I could begin to even get into counter measures. Now I've had my fair share of counter-steering and in this instance never had the opportunity to so much as start. Gravity was a bad thing on this day and once we initally landed, it took the hit on the passenger side (as you can tell) and then in about 5 dense thick feet of berry bushes ended up on her top. The black spots all over the Z are actually smashed berries from the weight of the car. This was fun to get out of. And, even more fun to drag up to the road. FYI - Do not let the tow-truck driver winch from the rear tow hooks. Up righting the car, with full force upon the winch, the bolts broke, the winch came at us with a vengence and the hook / strap / bolts struck the top of the tow truck obliverating the overheads. Not a good idea. Anyway, it basically twisted the front end down as you can see. I was sooo frustrated with relationship issues and what-have-you that I had to let 'er go. You know, the old timing issue... All in all, could have been worse as the top was comprimised very little, there were some dents in the upper half of the Z from hitting things, but in general, not too bad. The driver of the other car never stopped at mine, but was involved in a head on accident about two corners down about 2 weels later. Some people never learn. Anyway. That is the story to that one. The car went to another Z owner and is being rebuilt and will one day see pavement again soon.
Ok, I'm back. Couldn't stay away...
I wonder how much trouble the dogleg area is going to be, AND not so hot on the gas tank conversion (if you remember that part...), that just may go back to stock as well... Anyone have ideas on the dogleg? It's not just surface.... Thanks... ~Brian