Higher lift cam
You should get better springs and retainers. And new rocker arms.
Z dies during high speed acceleration
millerje01, I'd lower the float height (less gas) and see if that helps, its a 30 year old car, you cant always go by what the manual says.
When drifting goes bad!
I dont think they were trying to drift, the oil barrens from the middle east will buy new cars and put oil all over the road to put on a little show. i guess its just their way of having fun, looks more dangerous than anything else. and as for that racing crash, OUCH!
Lady in Blue
Blue is nice, I think i saw someone do they're 240 electric blue pearl or something, i think it was a Honda colour. One thing about the blue on the older Z's is that it looks to new, I like them in the older colours personally.
Need some help on the snow shoes for my 70 240z
Wait a minute, are you serious?
Stress Cracks on 240z
In the linked message it says that welding the crack isnt recommended, why is this?
L.E.D Solutions for dash and other LIGHTS?
HLS30, How much did you sand them down? I have read that if you sand down the dome shaped end part so it is completly flat it will throw the light less directly. Chris
The 240Z and tall people
wow, I always thought because it was a small car the inside would be small to, its like we belong together Thanks for all the feedback. Chris
The 240Z and tall people
Wow, thanks guys, I'm set then. Now i just need to get a slightly fatter wallet.
The 240Z and tall people
Hey, How tall are most of you guys? I'm 6'2" and I'm wondering if I will be able to fit well into the Z. Last time I sat in one (I dont own one of these beauties yet, hopefully in good time I will) I think it was pretty tight but not so tight it was unconfortable, I wasn't driving the car so that might make a difference. I guess my questin is how tall is TOO tall? Thanks Chris
280Z Vs. 240Z Handling
I can't stand fuel injected cars, I dont like how it is set where its set and thats it, there are no adjustments(not easily at least) , I like the tunability of the carb. Mabye thats just me?
280Z Vs. 240Z Handling
they come up between 10 and 20 thousand (Canadian$) I was actually looking for a project car, something that I could drive but was pretty rough around the edges. I don't knwo if im just looking in the wrong places but i can never seem to find the fixer upper type, they are all good running, no rust(or so thy say), nice paint, just good looking cars, how much would i expect to pay for a 240 that say needs a bit of rust repair, paint work, drivetrain work, mabye a bit of motor work? I can do most if not all the motor work myself, I can paint the car mslef, body work I am not to familiar(sp) with yet but I could probly stunbmle through it with some help from an autobody shop, basically i could do most of the labour intensive work myself, so restoring or refreshing it would not be to big of a problem. Oh and which route is cheaper? to buy a car that is already in A1 condition or to buy an old "beater" and fix it up? I would still probly fix it up even if t is more expensive just for the experience . Thanks guys
280Z Vs. 240Z Handling
I'm talking about the 280Z. Oh and how si the 260 for handling? somewhere between the 240 and the 280?
There is a company called ABC Hobby in Japan they make a 240Z and ZG. I emailed them once and they said they'd ship to Canada for me, but the only thing is it, would take months to get here and would be pretty pricy to buy and ship.