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Everything posted by zwrenchturner

  1. Personally I think that any engine in a z is ok if its someone elses car. it keeps them on the road and out of the crushers. as for me I'll leave the rotary in the seven and the L in the Z where they belong. both are beautiful by themselves but putting them together would be like buying an el camino.
  2. why would they do that to those poor engines!?!
  3. if I was incharge I'd walk the poor guy down my corvette lineup and let him have his pick. the guy spent a long time fighting with the maintenance dept.'s manager and we finally got ahold of the owner and he was less than helpful. kinda sucks for the dealership because we're making sure that everyone knows what happened so they'll think twice before getting their car serviced there. the guy tried everything, from going through his insurance company to try to fight it, tried the companies insurance company, the bank he got the car loan through, we got ahold of some of the "higher ups" in GM (they didnt care) we tried everything! no one would cooperate with the poor guy. we tried to get the local news involved (not interested) and all that good stuff and nothing happened. given the "reasonable man theory" they should eat the cost of this one vette and given they guy a new one that way they wouldnt lose business from all the bad publicity they're getting now. I guess it all comes down to the $$$ in the long run though.... :stupid:
  4. I was reading up on it yesterday and I guess over the weekend he setteled with the shop and is getting the body work done. if you ask me its not enough, some of the pictures look like the frame is cracked. and if I remember right once the corvettes frame is bent there really is no way to permanently correct it. oh well, its not my deal. the dealership said that if he wasnt happy with the repairs then he could trade it into the dealership and they'd give him something like $17,000 for it. not enough if you ask me (1997 c5 with 40K on the odo?) I found a couple for 28,000 on the net. either way, I just wanted everyone to hear the story about Stewarts auto so you guys would think twice before they put your car up on a lift.
  5. man I'm having a rough time posting links and pics up here, lets hope this works this time...
  6. Heres a copy of the fliers we've been passing out to the corvette owners in the area, (its been updated recently to include the owners name) if you want a copy or if you want to know more about whats going on contact theblackcobrasnake@yahoo.com be sure to tell him where you're from (classiczcars.com) so he knows that other forums are getting involved (nissan forums are here along with toyota, honda, etc...) anyways heres the flier:
  7. thats all I got, I guess you really have to read the whole forum to really feel for the poor guy, if you want to checkl it out I found it on the corvetteactioncenter forums. its really a sad story I wish I could share it with you.
  8. allright, aparently its not letting me post the link so I'll just show you the pics. sorry. the there was like 27 pages of posts of whats going on with it. they pretty much destroyed the car (1997 c5 corvette) when it dropped 6ft off the lift somehow and the dealership is trying to screw him over by offering to just fix the body when the frame is cracked and the car fell on an oil drum (he was getting an oul change) luckily no one was hurt tho. I forgot to mention that the dealership isnt even springing for a paint job, just body parts.
  9. http://corvetteactioncenter.com/forums/showthread.php?t=50014
  10. here try this one: http://corvetteactioncenter.com/forums/showthread.php?t=50014 its working for me.
  11. I dont know if anyone's seen this yet but Stewart auto in colma, cali (near san fran.) dropped this guys corvette off of a lift and they're really giving him the run around and playing it off like its minor damage. I thought someone here might be able to help the guy out, or maybe offer some advice. check it out and spread the word about this injustice! http://corvetteactioncenter.com/for...ead.php?t=50014 pics are on page three if you want to check them out.
  12. I'm sure most of you guys are more interested in the early Z's like the 240 and by nemesis you mean "on the race tracks" and all that other good stuff, but... a few years back I was the proud owner of a $500, 3 colored, stock 1985 RX-7 with the 12A engine (hey I was broke) however, my buddy was the owner of a stock 1985 300z (he had a better paint job than me) anyways we used to dink around on the roads a lot and I have to say that the two cars were almost identical. When we'd take off from stop lights neither of us would pull ahead, even on the highway it was like racing a mirror image, we were always dead even. maybe it was the cars, maybe we were just equally crappy drivers or something but in my opinion I think the RX-7 should be on here somewhere. of course take into account that I'm just a young buck, I've never raced, and the only Z I've ever owned is the L24 that sits on a stand in the garage (dont laugh, you gotta start somewhere) but I thought I'd share my two cents. :nervous: feel free to verbally abuse me till your fingers go numb if I'm wrong though,
  13. I bet it woulda went longer if they had the cap on the radiator! I've always been a big fan of those rotarys, I dont know if I should be proud that it lasted so long, or cry because they killed the poor girl.:classic:
  14. too many people out there with more dollars than sense.
  15. hey I got another link for you guys. www.molestedcars.com have fun!:stupid:
  16. no, I didnt want to shave the head too much, just whatever was necessary to true it out. but yeah, I'm catching the fever and I find myself oogeling over stuff I dont really need. one step at a time though, first I gotta get these heads done up. thanks for all your help though, I sure do appreciate it.
  17. ...and another
  18. ok I tried to put all these pics up at once but it didnt work, so heres another
  19. thanks a million gav, but I knew I'd need a machinest for the porting work and the block work I wanted done, but you knew what I meant. but you got me thinking about that L28 block, I'll have to sleep on it for a night, I'm on a tight budget so I'll have to price a couple or save a few pennys. either way... but say I did stick with the L24 I'm working with now, what do you think the compression ratio would be with them E31 heads? (11 or 12:1 maybe?) and if I used the valves you recommended (and did the 1mm bore over) would I still need to notch the cylinders? either way... but now that I've looked into it a bit more I dont know how much racing I'll be doing, from what I hear some of the classes are pretty tight when it comes to certain mods, maybe I'll build another one after this with autocross in mind. we'll see, I dont want to get ahead of myself. but you mentioned using valves from an L28... I'm confused did you mean the valves from an E88 head, or just use valves from a 280Z? I could go on forever but I'll stop here for now, thanks again! heres a few pics on what I've been working with ioncase anyone was interested.
  20. I dont really mind origionality and I thought about doing an L28 but I'd really like to stick with the block I already have since I did pay for it. Seems like going to an L28 now would be taking a step back. Especially after all the time I spent cleaning the dang thing up, the lady before me let her sit in a field for 4 years and to say it had some corrosion would be a big understatement. Really I'm just looking for a bit more horsepower from every nook and cranney, and the bigger valves would be a big compliment to the cam I have and the tripple miks I want. Like I said, this is my first all out rebuild and I'm really looking forward to dressing everything up as much as possible and having something awesome to show off when I'm done, and when people ask, I can say "Thats right, I did it all"
  21. zwrenchturner posted a post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    How you guys doin? This is my first post but I've been reading the forums for a couple of days to see if anyone had any information on E31 porting. Havnt found what I'm looking for but there are a lot of threads... But the story is: I just bought a 1971 240Z in sorry shape from a lady for $500, and immediatly started tearing through the engine in hopes of my first all out rebuild. Long story short I'm starting out on the heads and already bought a cam (480 lift, 274 duration) next on my list was valves, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good valve size that they used and any advice that they might be able to throw my way. As far as the car goes, I was thinking street cruiser, weekend 1/4 mile or something, we'll see... but I would like to run off of pump gas (if possible) I was thinking 9.5:1 or maybe 10:1 but if I read right I could have my heads cc'd to that compression right? I've heard you guys mention notching the cylindersfor vavle clearance, if I bore the L24 over 1mm will it still be necessary? oh, and I was thinking of running those tripple miks "zvoiture" posted a while back. I think thats about it for now. Thanks in advance.

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