Basement Waterproofing?
Last Q: Is there a warranty?
Honda Civic Heater Blower Motor upgrade for 240z's--My personal take
he provided a different perspective. dont take it personal dogma. different strokes for different folks.
To all that knew James Burgess aka "ZmeFly"
has anyone else noticed the vague similarity between the user name "boostedz" and the signature that ZmeFly used on this site, and on the Got-Z website??? "26 second turbo beast. Dogs dont like trucks they like booooooooost!" Now maybe some will say it isn't proper to point this out, but I find it odd that someone who wasn't around for all of the excitement (in real time) has such strong motivation to defend the slimeball in question and to call into question the motives of the people who had BALLS enough to stand up and try to warn others by presenting facts, and other information. I saved one of the other threads about ZmeScam before it was deleted by the "thought nazi's" and it's real interesting reading almost 2 years down the road. Here's a taste of what some of you missed. (bet this post doesn't last long either, so save it quickly and share it amoungst yourselves!)
To all that knew James Burgess aka "ZmeFly"
Finally, confirmation that everyone was scammed by James. Too bad that it appears he got away with his dishonesty. F' him....in the head......w/ an AK47
ZMax Power Formula
I inherited a package of ZMAX products that my father purchased from TV before he died. I used them in his pickup truck. The only thing I noticed was that he wasted his money purchasing them.
hermonic balancer
Since your engine is already on the stand, the Impact gun is your only choice to lock down the crankshaft, unless you remove the engine from the stand. Last time I needed to do this (with engine on a hoist), I slipped the long end of a HEX wrench into one of the holes in the block used to mount the trans, and turned the short end of the wrench inward until it engat=ged the teeth of the flywheel. That jammed the flywheel/crankshaft and I was able the break the harmonic balancer bolt loose with a 27mm socket and a looooong breaker bar..
71 240Z Valve Problem
Is it possible that one or more valve seats have sunk (up) into the head?
71 240Z Valve Problem
There is only one way to access the valves in order to see what is going on..................... (I think you know the answer to this one)
F1 Race @ Indy
Michelin to Refund ALL 120,000 (2005) Indy F1 Tickets
New and improved! Bimonthly poll of the month
What about Series III and Series IV (HLS30-U) 240Z's (III's produced from 10/71 through 08/72 and IV's produced from 08/72 through 08/73) http://zhome.com/History/DesignChanges.htm I guess we cannot partisipate.......
Need help with t/o bearing collar!!??
Actually, according to NISSAN Service Bullitin #148, the F4W71B (commonly known as the Type "B" trans) was new for 1972 Model 240Z's (which are commonly called Series III) which began to be produced in Sept/Oct of 1971 http://zhome.com/History/DesignChanges.htm is also a reference for the information that the new transmission was introduced in Sept/Oct of 1971 in the Series III version of HLS30-U (North American market 240Z) If a "B" trans is found in earlier models of 240Z, I believe it would have been a transplant performed outside of the Nissan Factory.
Dumb question: 71 240Z Windshield Washer
The 71 240Z that I used to own had them. (Nozzles, washer bottle and attached pump, ....everything) Here is my dumb question....Do you know where to look for the washer bottle, nozzles, etc? Just asking...no offense meant.
TC Rod install w/new PU bushings...HELP...
I wouldn't consider this unless I could shave each of the bushings EXACTLY the same amount. JMO
F1 Race @ Indy
You won't hear that from my lips. I don't like him, period. But he's blameless on this issue, IMO. He and his Mum even had the decency to boycott the farcical trophy ceremony. He should file suit against the FIA and Bernie in order to recoup funds to refund ticket sales.
F1 Race @ Indy
Michelin should be fined and put on probation for coming to the USGP so ill prepared that it's tires were unsafe to compete. The FIA should have allowed a chicane between T12 and T13, even if it meant that the race became a non-points paying event. I disagree that the 1 set of tires per GP rule is good for the sport. In the example given in a previous post, if Kimi had trashed his tire and had to come in for an additional pit stop, his race would have been run anyway. Well, I agree with most of what you said, but Bernie and the FIA had an obligation to put on a show and they let it go all to hell. Michelin is not blameless, but there were options that could have been used to ensure a safe race for all drivers, and a show for the paying (and non-paying) fans Amen! Shame on them all. Michelin, Bernie & Max, and the FIA.
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