Everything posted by Bambikiller240
Ripped off?
Yes, it is legal to allow friends to watch a recording made from cable or satelite programing, so long as you are not charging for the privilege, or showing it in a commercial establishment (bar, etc.)
Will new bearings improve it?
Local hardware store, though Harbor Freight has a better price if they have a store near you. Shipping cost kills the price difference though. Be sure you get a BRASS drift and not a steel one.
Ripped off?
I was trying to leave this thread alone, but.... I have another question. When you subscribe to cable or Dish Network, or DirecTV, it is legal to tape (record, or TiVO) the programming that you receive, so long as it is used for personal, private, non-commercial usage. Isn't the same true for images a person downloads from this site to their own hard drive? I mean how would a person be harming the owner of the image by doing so "for personal, private, non-commercial usage"? Isn't this sort of usage OK?
Will new bearings improve it?
In 99.9% of cases you do not need to replace the hub. You simply drive the races out of the hub, drive new ones in, and replace the bearings and grease seals. (Of course you also grease the heck out of everything too.)
Spindle pin re-installation
Did you use Polyurethane bushings or OEM rubbber? I believe that if you used rubber, the range of movement should be similar to what you experienced previously. With Poly bushings, I had quite a bit more range of movement than with the OEM bushings.
Metric Fuel & Vacuum Hose (Braided)
I don't know Brian. Wherever you get hose, just be sure it is rated for the pressures encountered in Fuel injection. Regular fuel hose won't do the job for you.
Removing Rusted or Otherwise Stuck Nuts/Bolts
Chloe used to be able to get almost all of the bolts for the cars. Getting your neighborhood Nissan dealer to expend the effort to look up the P/N's is going be the tough part of trying to get them now.
Metric Fuel & Vacuum Hose (Braided)
I'm no guru, but I''l chuck in my $.02 In the strict sense of the word, No it would not be OEM replacement. It may or may not be of better quality, Many of the OEM hoses are "formed" to a shape in addition to being the cloth covered hose. Obviously these hoses are just straight hose, not formed to a particular shape. Also it's tough to tell if the color is even close to that of the OEM hoses. Lots of room for color variation here. **None of this is to say that the hose isn't any good, just that I don't believe it can be called OEM Replacement.
Which mail list, Bill? can you copy & paste the first part of it into a post? You are (so far) the only one who says they are getting it.
z in country
works 350z
Removing Rusted or Otherwise Stuck Nuts/Bolts
Kroil or Sili-Kroil work great for me. I haven't found it in a store, but you can order it on the internet and you'll be on Kano Labs mail list for at least 2 years. www.kanolabs.com
Spindle pin re-installation
On mine, the problem ended up being resolved by rotating the spindle pin ever so slightly in one direction or the other. Once the spindle pin was EXACTLY in the right orientation, the locking pin went in easily.
Ripped off?
I do notice AND remember. I do still feel it is "off topic" since this isn't a legal issues web forum. Relevant? Only "somewhat". Especially since it's up to each person to choose to protect their own property, or not; and to deal with offenders. The way that is accomplished is by contacting the offenders, not complaining to the general public, IMHO. You will let me have my opinion won't you? Please, Please, Pretty Please
4 Sale AGAIN
We'll see. Bidding on the last auction barely got to $22K.
Ripped off?
Hopefully, the same as you do with me. I only posted that statement because I got flack for stating that position earlier in the thread. Trolls indeed!
Wheel Weights
Without specific manufacturer information, width of wheel, backspace, and offset information on each wheel pictures or posted by everyone, this thread is not going to be of much real benefit. The "Dished Mag that many of the 240Z cars have/had...." were not all made by the same manufacturer. Western, Appliance, and Anson were just a few of the companies that made wheels used by USA Nissan dealers on 240Z's.
Ripped off?
Which was my point from the very beginning of this thread.
Choke Remount
I'd like to see a "brighter" picture also. And one from the side that gives more of an idea of how this is done.
RIP Indian Larry
I'm not sure that is true, but I am sure that my local Police use it for that reason
Home-market S30 Factory Options
Definitely a rust promoter. Always has been, probably always will be. It's too bad though, cause if it weren't for the rust issue vinyl would be really cool on a Z :stupid:
Ripped off?
To whom does this copytight belong? Who must one get approval from to use a photo found on this site? The Site? Does the act of posting a photo relinquish the photographer's rights to that photo? What if the photographer wishes/chooses to allow others to use a photo that has been posted here for the benefit of visitors to the site? Is the site able or financially willing to enforce this policy regarding all content? The Photographer? Does the photgapher have to do anything to specifcally "allow" the use of their photo that has been posted here, or can he just ignore it's usage elsewhere? These are a few of my facorite questions
N.A.D.A. (Zed's value)
I guess I understand the need for it, but I don't like it either.
can you spot the "mistake"???
In the USA: Yellow Turn Indicators in front (and Front Side Markers as well) Red Turn Indicators in Taillights (and Rear Side Markers as well) _____________________________________________________ 240Z has McPherson Struts in front suspension and Chapman Struts in rear suspension. (A lot of people are not aware of this)
N.A.D.A. (Zed's value)
This car was recently sold on eBay by a car dealer and is representative of what can be found here in SF Bay Area. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=2487690891&category=6187