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Everything posted by Bambikiller240

  1. My understanding is that the strap is supposed to work in conjunction with the Front Diff mount. The strap limits upward travel, and the Front Diff mount is a cushion/isolator (like a motor mount). If too much force is put on the strap (by hard launches, etc) it can stretch, and then the front diff mount can get torn in half by the excessive upward movement of the diff snout. Over here in the US a solid metal Diff mount is sold and the (few) people I've talked to that tried it claim that it transmits a lot of noise and vibration into the chassis. A while back someone was selling a replacement for the rubber strap that was made out of steel cable, but I don't know anything about it.
  2. Probably not since the ad appears in an AUSTRALIAN publication.
  3. This thread is/was about 240Z's gas tanks and sending units. I had no clue you were referring to a 280Z issue. FWIW, it helps if you indicate the car you are working on when asking questions. I don't know anything about working on, or pricing for 280Z parts. Hopefully someone else can advise you. Sorry.
  4. Bambikiller240 replied to chickenwafer's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    1. Anti-Clockwise 2. It does spin in the same direction, but appears as Clockwise 3. Because you are! (and so am I)
  5. Hello Steve: Cleaning the wires of the rheostat is a good idea, but if they are rusty (a common issue in a 30 year old Z) they are likely to fall apart. Any lube you put on the float hinge is going to wash right off as soon as gasoline hits it. I can't imagine where you are buying tank senders. I've never paid more than $35 for a Nissan OEM one, including the one I bought last year.
  6. ...and they don't make near as many demands as women, aren't subject to PMS, don't expect you to figure out how they feel either. Oh ya, they'll wiggle their tail for you all day long and lick your face for no reason at all. (dogs that is)
  7. Bambikiller240 replied to chickenwafer's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
  8. Bambikiller240 replied to jszarecki's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Depending on how hard the hood was hit, you may need to replace it. That happened to my car and in addition to the bent front, the hood was "bowed" in the center from the hit (I couldn't see the bow, but it made it impossible to adjust the hood properly after the bend was repaired). Did your bumper get hit too? On my car the bumper, grille, hood and both headlight cases got damaged. Estimate to repair my car with new parts and paint was almost $2K.
  9. Large flat blade screwdriver and a hammer. Put screwdriver tip on one of the tabs of the locking ring, apply hammer to other end of screwdriver in order to rotate lock ring counterclockwise (I believe). What I plan to do in hopes of replacing the connectors to the sending unit is to take the new sending unit to the parts store to see if I can find connectors that will work
  10. Bambikiller240 replied to dat260's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    1200 or B210?
  11. Bambikiller240 replied to chickenwafer's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    "directly" babies (or adults) don't have to "ingest" gas to "expel" gas. anyway, babies "food" is actually dumped directly into their bloodstream via the Placenta. Their digestive tract is not active until after birth.
  12. Bambikiller240 replied to chickenwafer's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    "attention" "fetal"
  13. Bambikiller240 replied to chickenwafer's post in a topic in Introductions
  14. Bambikiller240 replied to chickenwafer's post in a topic in Introductions
    They sure were! We stayed there for about 5 hours (on a weeknight) it was so good.
  15. Bambikiller240 replied to chickenwafer's post in a topic in Introductions
    I went to Hooters in Rochester, NY once.....in February. It was COLD.
  16. Bambikiller240 replied to chickenwafer's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Oooh, this could get good now!
  17. Bambikiller240 replied to chickenwafer's post in a topic in Introductions
    Nissan belongs to Renault now, they have all they money they could possibly dream of pissing away. Let'em go out of business anyway I say, they aren't making cars I'm interested in buying. BTW, I'd love to live in Tittsburgh! (just so long as it's not near Pittsburgh)
  18. Bambikiller240 replied to zhead240's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    it will just go blank. If your computer has Microsoft XP, you can go to this page (below) and upload a free image resizer tool from Microsoft. It makes resizing easy and you can resize multiple pictures at once. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx Scroll down about 1/2 way and look on the right for "Image Resizer"
  19. Bambikiller240 replied to chickenwafer's post in a topic in Introductions
    I hear stories like this so many times, I'm starting to think the same guy is buying every 350Z in the country. Either that or there is an IQ test to be flunked before one can buy a 350Z.
  20. Sorry C.W. that just means that your response was not an informed one. Hitler was nice (to some people, so was Clinton, Arafat, and so is Bush. I rest my case.
  21. You obviously haven't read enough of Tom's previous questions, answers, and suggestions, otherwise you'd understand the reason for the comment(s).
  22. Bambikiller240 replied to chickenwafer's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Oh so WRONG. Obviously you haven't met enough people yet
  23. Bambikiller240 replied to chickenwafer's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Well, they are kinda busy. I personally don't care if they smile or not (I'm not there to make friends), but I do get annoyed when they act like it's a bother to sell parts for older cars, even though I go armed with the Part Numbers and reference to the fiche page the part is found on. That's another reason I miss Chloe.
  24. Bambikiller240 replied to jszarecki's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    My valuation may not match anyone else's. I will always value something like that on the low side unless/until I can view it IN PERSON. Pictures and a flakey seller (this one IS) can be very deceptive.
  25. Bambikiller240 replied to jszarecki's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Good catch Andrew. I didn't recognize the VIN. I wouldn't bid over $600 for that car, myself.

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