Everything posted by Bambikiller240
US B210-->is this the US's 240k?
Oh ya, altering the wheelbase is a minor change and simple task. :stupid: Shoehorning an L24 into a 610 would be easy in comparison Victor: I wish we had gotten those models also.
VIN Decoding
1. Valuation of Z's can vary significantly depending on location 2. Terms like "fairly straight body" leave a lot of "wiggle room" and what fits that difintion in your eyes will probably not fit that definition to me. 3. If it's only 80 to 90% complete, it's a project car and it's value is (IMO) much less than a complete car of comparable condition, VIN, etc.
US B210-->is this the US's 240k?
..........in other words there is no equivilent over here.
what happened to our forum?
look for a thread called "Forum catagories". talk to Mike.
Gas tank restoration
....... or theses (plural of thesis?)
clutch problems???
Whatever you did with the diff shouldn't have any bearing on the clutch problems, so lets forget about that. What did you do with the trans or clutch P/P, T/O bearing, Slave cylinder, Master cylinder? Change any parts, mix up parts, forget to bleed system?
attachment function is working fine.
ask me anything
Actually the correct answer is a 2 part answer. Part 1. Because you have one. Part 2. Because she's female.
Gas tank restoration
in·flam·ma·ble ( P ) Pronunciation Key (n-flm-bl) adj. Easily ignited and capable of burning rapidly; flammable. See Usage Note at flammable. Quickly or easily aroused to strong emotion; excitable. non·flam·ma·ble ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nn-flm-bl) adj. Not flammable, especially not readily ignited and not rapidly burned
ignition circuit testing
Your description of the alt IN your car makes me think someone has modified your car.
Ztherapy SU's, wow what a difference
save pennies.
As far as I know the image size is limited to 1024 X 768 OR LESS and I believe you have to do this image by image (in other words you can't upload 1 folder with multiple images).
Got ahead of my self, and now can't remove Nut!
Thanks Mark and Pancho
Fuel Filler Door Lock Detail for Series II 71 240z; Picture Request
I think your gas cap door is correct for your vintage of HLS30-U. The 71 Z that I previously owned had the latch you describe. The 73 240Z that I owned had a lock/key. The 72 Z I currently own has neither.
Got ahead of my self, and now can't remove Nut!
Thanks Pancho. Just to be clear, do we use the cut-off wheel to remove only the "peened" area of the nut, or do we cut off the entire area above the "hex" part of the nut? Mark: Thanks for the offer of pics. I don't think I need any more of this part f the job, but if you document the rest of the job, please consider posting some images of the important aspects of this project.
changing differential oil
..........and use anti-seize compound on the threads of the plug before you reinstall it.
Got ahead of my self, and now can't remove Nut!
Mark: I was wondering about this. It looks like the threads on the stub axle have been removed by the cutting. Is this an illusion? I am trying to gather as much information on this job as I possibly can as I am sure I will have to do it one day in the future and I want to understand what to do and not to do when the time comes.
Gas tank restoration
If your tank is rusted badly inside you may have no choice but to have the tank opened up to treat it. It can be very difficult to reach all area's inside a tank to remove the rust without cutting holes in it. In short, you do what you have to do to restore your tank to a structually sound condition since new tanks are not available, and used ones in decent condition can be hard to find. Thanks to a poor repair contracted by the (original) P.O., my cars tank had to have two holes cut into it to allow access to all the rusted areas. After the rust was removed, the openings were sealed by patches riveted in place , then silver-soldered, and finally the tank was sealed. a 3 year warrenty was given by the shop (this was almost 6 years ago) and I have not had a single problem, or sign of any rust in the fuel filters since the repair.
Advice on using a Glaze Breaker
Thanks for the advice, Phred!
Seat mechanism covers
Anniversary? Well, Err, Ahhh........ we met last May on the Mt. Hamilton run with Ben and Dave Record. I'm not sure that I can be there at the Stoneridge Mall meet this weekend. I'll be at Blackhawk for sure though.
Seat mechanism covers
Thanks Marc. Are you going to be able to make it to the Blackhawk show on June 3rd? There's probably another trophy wait'n for you. Hope to see you there!
280Z, the right car for me?
While 280Z's are generally reliable cars, you have to keep in mind that they are almost 30 years old. The cars have already outlived their normal life expectancy. Components can fail. I am not you, but if I was your age, I'd want a newer car as a daily driver (one I can realistically depend on, and drive in snow when needed) and I'd be saving my $$ with an eye towards acquiring the Z that I want as a second car. (one I can work on, drive on weekends, park indoors in the winter, and have fun improving as money allows). But that's just me
Seat mechanism covers
Naw, that isn't me. That is German F1 pilot Nick Heidfeld. He has more $$, women, hair, and has many other things than I don't have either.
Seat mechanism covers
Sure it does You are trying to insert an image that is already on the internet, right? If you are trying to post a image that resides on your own computer, you have to scroll down the edit page and click on "manage attachments", select the image on yur hard drive, upload it and close window, then save the changes
'73 240z various questions
Maybe he's the twin brother of that clown in AZ that was putting up and taking down Z car auctions all last week.