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Everything posted by Bambikiller240

  1. Bambikiller240 replied to Fun_in_my_z's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I can IMAGINE that conversation! (having experienced one similar conversation, it wasn't a pretty sight)
  2. Bambikiller240 replied to Fun_in_my_z's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    SO how many race cars are you going to have. Aren't you building one? Now your getting the one in your avatar. Are you becoming the Chip Ganassi of Central CA?
  3. Bambikiller240 replied to Fun_in_my_z's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    There was a point to it?:stupid:
  4. There is an area of ambiguity in the article on ZHome (also on our site as well) regarding where and how to install the diode. The installation that I have seen used the connector from the old Voltage regulator to install the diode. The diode was placed between pins on the former V Reg connector that corresponded to the WHT w/ BLK and BLK w/ WHT wires on the Car Harness. this avioded chopping into the OEM harness to make the connections. IOW, the car could easily be converted back to External Reg Alternator. Now, I haven't done the conversion, I'm just reporting what I saw on a friends car, so confirm for yourself the locations of the described wires at the V Reg connector and wire the plug accordingly.
  5. Bambikiller240 replied to seerex's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hi Dwight: Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Getting a good deal on the DIRECTV/TIVO combination box. They're offering it for $100 (with free installation and upgrade of the dish to Dual LNB) if you subscribe to the Platinum level for a year (I already do). When I called to order, they told me it was back ordered and offered $25 off! So for $75 I can't go wrong! The only kick is that it only works with DIRECTV service. Not that I'd EVER go back to cable, anyway. That would be :stupid:
  6. Great Thread! Please continue to keep us updated.
  7. Bambikiller240 replied to mmagnus's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Hi Mark: On my 1972 240Z, when standing in front of the car and looking at the engine compartment, the sticker is just to the LEFT of the radiator. It was stamped (like with a rubber stamp & ink) with the paint code number. Carl PS I don't remember for sure whether the numbers were readable from this view ( I *think* they were) or were upside down from this view.
  8. Bambikiller240 replied to MikeW's post in a topic in Interior
    I just hope it doesn't say "Manufactured on Friday at 4PM" EDIT: Hmm, Smilies don't work on this thread.
  9. There is an article on converting to an Internally Regulated Z/ZX alternator in the Tech Articles section. The principals should be the same, even if the connectors are different (I don't know if they are or are not different). Have you read that article, and/or found it to not be useful for the Maxima Alt.?
  10. Bambikiller240 replied to seerex's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    No wonder I never heard of the POS channel, they can't even get their braodcast schedule synchronized with the broadcast listings that they publish. If anyone got it on TIVO and is willing to dub a VHS tape, please let me know. Thanks. I wish my TIVO/Receiver from DIRECTV would get off back order!
  11. Bambikiller240 replied to seerex's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    That's a different show, Steve. This one was only 30 minutes long.
  12. Bambikiller240 replied to deedee's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    ...............those two summers would have been better spent on the beach doing nothing!
  13. Bambikiller240 replied to seerex's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Arrrghh! I just got home and discovered that I'm taping a show about Bimmers! WTF?? Right channel, right show, wrong subject! I'm pissed!
  14. Bambikiller240 replied to seerex's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    For DIRECTV subscribers it is Channel 232 i believe. 5:30PM and 7:00PM Pacific Standard Time.
  15. Nothing has been said officially to my knowledge, but the smart money is for Kimi to partner with JPM. David's getting a bit long in the tooth for F1 in some peoples eyes.
  16. Hi Jerry! Everyone is so down on Ferrari for "dominating" the F1 scene for the past few years. Have these folks forgotten that before their recent spate of good fortune they were in the doldrums for MANY years. Before Shuey arrived, the last time they were F1 champions was in 1979 with Jody Schekter as pilot. Ferrari's dominance will fade as quickly as it arrived, someday. It is the nature of a racing series where technical innovation is encouraged for a team to be able to dominate, and when you add the talent of Shuey to the mix it isn't easy for another team to knock them off of the pedestle.
  17. I agree James. Except that I say "fortunately" the dream won't come true. (I hope!) I hate it when a dealer trys to take advantage of someone, even if the buyer should have done more research and used more brain power before committing to the deal. IMO that dealer KNOWS that the car isn't worth that much.
  18. I heard about this on the radio this morning. Wonder if the is an video of the races available?
  19. Mike, Mike, Mike; I NEVER said it isn't worth "$^!#". (or that it's worthless or anything of the kind. ROI does not have to be financial. Many times it is not. ROI can be in the form of performance, awards (this car got at least one of those), or a combination of both. My opinion is that for an investment of $30K I expect more than what this car has shown. In awards, AND performance, and also in style (very subjective, but I haven't heard anyone say they LOVED the paint job yet) IMO the fact that it's been on auction for 8 days and hasn't drawn even one bid speaks volumes. So far no one thinks it's worth $12K (yet.) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Now don't any think I saying something about the car, but regarding the statement....... "They do it because they love it. Removing the whole aspect of investment, this guy turned his passions into something from his imagination." --------------------------------------------------------------------- I can imagine taking a cat turd and painting it, putting colored beads and tinsel on it, and adding festive pinstriping to finish it off with loving care. But that doesn't make it useful as a Christmas ornament. On any project or job, it is the RESULTS that influence the value, not the intent of the builder. For a car that has to be performance, and appearance, functionality, etc. The car HAS won an award. The one performance measure that was stated is the 1/4 mile time. No dyno results like HP or torque figures were mentioned, so I have commented on what was stated by the auction. One would think if there were any other notable specs, that they would have been listed. (I'm dropping out of this thread, as I've stated my opinions and the reasons for them. No one has to agree with me. We'll see if anyone thnks it's worth $12K by 9PM PST on Saturday) Is it $12K worth of quick? NO, James waxes him for less than half of that figure. 2ManyZs: Your statement is probably closer to the truth than any of us realize. But with that paint job, it'll take a bit of searching to find a buyer that has the same taste in paintwork.
  20. well for sure you wouldn't want the rear wheels hanging out (as if in an "oversteer situation in a RWD car) but how much downforce is needed to keep the rear tires of a FWD car planted firmly and tracking properly?
  21. AFAIK, a Volt/Ohm meter, and a continuity tester. Sources? Local Sears, or Full service Auto Parts store
  22. I assume that you mean REAR downforce on a FWD car. It's a good question! I'm curious too. Anyone have an answer?
  23. I pretty sure that all of us who work on our own cars and "tweak" them to various levels value our won car at more that the "real world, actual value it would bring on the open market". It's only natural. I've been there before, others have been as well. Member Harry Frigg (Michael) comes to mind with the 73 Z (a Gold Medal winning car a few years back) that he sold earlier this year. Only the person who did the work, spent the coin, and watched it evolve can understand the depth of effort put into the car. BUT, the reality is that these cars seldom sell for anywhere near the amount of money that is put into them, even when they are "performers", and/or "show winners". Maybe the car on eBay is worth the $12K as a "show winner" to somebody but not to me since I'm not fond of the paint job.. From a performance view point, I don't feel that it is worth that much either. Just my $.01 (broke after Xmas shopping)
  24. I repeat............... I acknowledge the time and money he put into the project (it's easily seen from the parts list and the IMHO fugley paint job), BUT he's not getting much out of that time and money. Putting time and money into something is not worth much if you don't get much ROI (return on investment): He's discounting it to 1/3 of his investment and not getting ANY bids it has a paint job that only the designer could love IMHO and it's slower than it should be with all the parts he's thrown into it. [/list=1] Where is the value? What's the point in putting high performance parts into an engine or chassis if after all the work and $$ it doen't perform like it should. It's an unfortunate situation, but it's reality. James car out performs it, for far less $$. Thats the backup. Remember, Opinions will vary. You aren't required to agree with me, nor I to agree with you.
  25. Bambikiller240 replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Electrical
    Hi Mike: Thanks for the good review! The Pertronix unit is not a reed switch. It's not mechanical at all. It's a solid state switching device that senses the electro-magnetic fields of each of six magnets that rotate around the distributor shaft, and fires the coil at the appropriate times. It's a simple system and is pretty neat. It's not a "Racing" Ingition system, but it works great for a street car, from bone stock to a car with mild modifications. Once you start looking for Major modifications, it's time to step up to fancy Unilite distributors and powerful racing igniton systems.

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