Everything posted by Bambikiller240
I've seen this Z in our galleries and now it is on ebay
Whoa now partner, I didn't include any ( ) smilies or any thing like that; I'm not looking for a "date".
I've seen this Z in our galleries and now it is on ebay
Thanks Ernie! I shoulda looked at James signature. :stupid: But it does illustrates my point even better. For less than 1/3 of the $30K investment on the eBay Z, James is waxing his A$$ in the 1/4 mile. I call James "ZmeCruise", in affection. Just to tease him a bit. I TRY not to do it too often.:cheeky:
cant get timing right--please help
Make sure the Oil pump / Distributor driveshaft is looking like the one in the attachment. Don't ask how I know to check!
I've seen this Z in our galleries and now it is on ebay
Exactly my thoughts Stephen. It's easy to take a stack of parts and pile them onto a chassis, but to get it all to work properly TOGETHER, is quite something else. If I had all those "goodies" and $$$ in my car and it only did 14.1's, I would NOT be "bragging" those numbers in an auction. I'd be keeping quiet and hoping no one asked! Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but isn"t ZmeCruise running 14.1's in a car with substantially less investment than $30K, and significantly closer to stock configuration?
why dont we see gt wings on zs?
Oh, I thought we were talking about Real Z's. Even for a ZX, I don't believe that it would do much of anything at the speeds that street cars are driven 95+% of the time. (except to look FUGLEY)
exhaust manifold
Hi James: Interesting that you got good service out of Zbarn. I've gone to their website several times and sent emails to them inquiring once about a transmission, and another couple of times for other parts, and I have NEVER even gotten one single response from them. I finally decided they weren't interested in doing business, so I won't ever make an attempt to do busines with them again. Too bad, they ignored this potential customer, maybe thay have all the customers that they need. The only complaint that I had with Danny's was that for the longest time he didn't take credit cards or PayPal. He insisted on Money orders, but his site now says they take PayPal. The main reason I mentioned them to Gary is that they are located semi-locally to him so shipping wouldn't be too much of any issue on a heavy part like the Ex Man.
exhaust manifold
Hi Gary: Have you checked with DANNY"S DATSUNS up in Roseburg, OR? He's got a ton of parts from "over 75 cars dismantled and on the shelf plus another 40 plus still intact. If you need parts for your vintage Z cars I’ve got them!" I've gotten several items from them over the last few years. Good Luck
What are you running
Currently running old weak OEM springs, KYB strut carts, all Poly bushings. Next upgrade is Mulholland (old school) short, stiff springs that I just got from member greyghost, and a 1" front sway bar and a 3/4" rear sway bar, and 14" X 7" Konig Rewind wheels. Tires to be determined.
I've seen this Z in our galleries and now it is on ebay
Only runs 14.1 in the 1/4 mile though. not that special for a $30K investment. Think I'd want to sell it too. I'd rather have more GO and less SHOW. Of course, opinions vary.............somewhat. Just my $.01 (I'm broke already from Xmas shopping) Carl
why dont we see gt wings on zs?
Where do you get the idea that the whale tail came on Z's??? It NEVER "came" on any Z. It is a design element of the Porsche 930/935 that was sold by after-marketers and grafted onto a few Z's by a few people. It was never very popular and thankfully died an early death.
OK, Keep in touch and we can get together for a pint or ??? I work funky days, Mon, Tues, Fri and Sat. Though my schedule may change by then. I might be able to come up with a cold/wet weather project too. Carl
Hi Ed: CoastguardZ is welcome to stop by and visit. I need my hood installed (hope it's already done by then though) and we could B.S. about cars, I just meant that there isn't any organized car stuff going on from Jan to Mar. I can always come up with a project to share with a guest! The list is long.
No spark 73 Z
flyfish: Please don't create a new thread regarding the same issue with your Z car. Doing so does not allow for the continuity of information flow for those other members who follow that can learn from the issue you are facing in starting your car, and the steps required to resolve it. Stick with the original thread and add new posts as you work your way though the issue. Thanks, Carl (Bambikiller240)
Starting up 73Z
If your gonna do that, you'all better make sure you ain't holding the plug when the ignition is cranked, or you'll get knocked across the street!
I am in the East Bay area of San Francisco Bay area. Probably about 70 miles or so from Petaluma. I don't know anything going on related to Z's in that timeframe. It's our wet/cold season, and nothing much happens related to cars.
All right you lot, let's have you.
Hi Dwight: Hood is in the backyard! Much closer to me than the hair I used to have! Actually, I took the hood off in August when I started the install of the rebuilt engine. I've been plagued with some minor problems since then and the lack of someone who knows how to install the hood and get it properly adjusted. It was much easier to take off than to get installed and lined up correctly.
Engine Rebuild Questions
Oh, Lordy! That is too funny Alan!
"Cleaning" Eectrical Connectors
No wonder that stuff is so bad for us.
"Cleaning" Eectrical Connectors
I think it's the ascorbic acid in the Coke (a preservative) that does it. A soft drink like 7-UP (with citric acid) will do the same.
All right you lot, let's have you.
Hi Marty: Yeah, I think white is kinda rare in a 72 Z , but my plastic panels are so brittle and have a few significant cracks in them that I need to replace them anyway. I still may dye new panels white, but I really don't want White seat covers, so I have to decide what else I can do in that area. Since parts of the interior, like the console and dash came in black, maybe black seats wouldn't look too bad with the panels in white. Anyway, I have plenty of time to ponder that, as it will be years before the money trickles down to that level of my plans for the car.
why dont we see gt wings on zs?
Hi Chris: Yes, I enjoyed reading it as well. A good idea to tell the stories from many viewpoints. Only a participant could appreciate the exhilaration of the dash across America. I was at the Long Beach F1 GP in 1979 and observed the finishers who remaining in CA for the week leading up to the GP, take a cruise around the track (including the "ambulance on a flatbed" that lost it's transmission on the run into CA). Those folks were STILL having a grand time a week after the race had ended.
All right you lot, let's have you.
Seat cover. Interior is (was) white. Now a yellowish white. Eventually will be black, I think. (years down the road)
"Cleaning" Eectrical Connectors
In a case like this it's better for the solution to be weaker than stronger. As my shop teacher used to say "Ya can't put the metal back once it's gone." The corrosion is "flakey" and soft compared to the sound metal remaining and it will clean up fairly quickly with a bit of brushing with some of those small "acid brushes" found at the hardware store. I cut the length of the brush hairs a bit shorter to make them more stiff and they work pretty good after a good soak in the vinegar solution. Di-electric grease is good to put on the connectors after cleaning
All right you lot, let's have you.
Here's one of me and the princess.
Starting up 73Z
Hold the business end of a spark plug wire near a piece of the chassis (like a bolt/nut/or other bare metal) look for the spark to jump the gap to the metal. Best viewed in a semi dark area (i.e. NOT in bright sunlight)