Everything posted by Bambikiller240
All right you lot, let's have you.
"Charlie don't Surf!" :cross-eye
Hi po Radiator
True, a ZX Rad is a bit larger (but not by much) and MAY fit, but he specifically asked about Aluminum Radiators.
All right you lot, let's have you.
And where is Mr. Tanny's photo??
All right you lot, let's have you.
OK, my cover is now blown. And, yes the hat is worn for a reason. It's cold here and there isn't as much "insulation" on top as there used to be. My sister took this pic while I was adjusting valves today.
My dogs like the 240z, but prefer my Russian domestic Ural
All right you lot, let's have you.
Now, I could be wrong (again) but I *think* Alan was refering to Col. Walter E. Kurtz in the movie Apocalypse Now. The charector was played by Marlon Brando. Col Kurtz was responsible for many "Heads on Poles" discovered by the Riverboat crew taking Capt. Benjamin L. Willard (Martin Sheen) on his mission. Did I do better this time, Alan?
Hey, ROYCE! which one are you?
Royce and his father have Cortina's, but if I remember correctly, he told me they were White w/ red and blue markings. (I could be wrong on that)
All right you lot, let's have you.
You are right, you know, I kept staring at the picture and that little voice in my head kept telling me that I had the wrong name, but I couldn't think of the right one. Thanks.
All right you lot, let's have you.
Now Alan, you didn't *really* think we'd fall for that, did you?
Hi po Radiator
A XZ radiator is not made of aluminum. Griffin (aftermarket/racing radiators) makes one that fits.
Though I've only tasted white meat, I suspect it all tastes good, so long as it isn't seasoned with "PMS24-7"
Elephant oil cap
Maybe someone who can read the Japanese charecters on the cap can shed some light on this. There are a lot of charecters to just say "OIL" so maybe there is a clue on the cap itself? Alan? Kats? anyone?
Thanksgiving represents the beginning of the season where retail businesses throughout the western world satisfy their own greed and money lust by making the general population feel that in order to demonstrate their affection for family and loved ones, they MUST spend large sums of money to purchase the biggest, fastest, newest, most "in fashion" products on the market. It represents the worst parts of modern society. IMO of course.
T5 Swap into early Z
Good Write up Craig. I'm sure it will help many people! Carl
Raised Camera Shot
Summer/Winter Switch
Hi Darren: The thermo *should* let the engine warm up fully to normal operating temp, if it's operating correctly. It's possible that the themo in your car is a 160 degree unit, whereas for *most * cars in your climate a 180 degree unit would be more suitable. To be honest, since it only costs about $10 for a thermostat and gasket, unless you have replaced it yourself recently, I'd start with replacing it. Are the Spark Plugs and Plug Wires in good order? If so, it could be that the carburetors need some adjusting.
That cylinder is the condenser , and YES, you can easily remove the distributor by loosening the two bolts that hold it to the timing cover. Just make sure that you have the engine at Top Dead Center (shown in the picture), and the pull the Distrubutor out. Don't rotate the engine while the distributor is not installed. Do your work and re-install it with the rotor oriented in EXACTLY the same direction. Make your wiring connections, "Time" the engine and your done.
Sway Bars
I don't think that picture is of a 280Z Rear Sway bar mount. It looks just like the brackets supplied with aftermarket sway bars from Suspension techniques and Ground Control. The pic I'm attaching is from Ground Control. AFAIK, the 280 Z Rear Bar mounts FORWARD of the diff, not to the rear like this one.
Here's a picture showing where AI mean to route the Pertronix wires into the Distributor. (original picture from member "Zs-ondabrain", & modified by me)
Summer/Winter Switch
Yes, that hose does help to warm the engine as it feeds semi-warm air into the carbs from near the exhaust manifold, but if it takes 25 minutes for your engine to warm up, I believe that you need to replace the themostat on your car. It should not take more that 5-10 minutes at the most to warm the car at the tempertures you are describing. PS, I leave the summer / winter switch closed all winter long from November through March. I live in the S.F. Bay area of CA
You use the small "notch" where the wire to the points used to go. When looking at the distributor from standing at the drivers fender looking across the car, it is at 12 o'clock.
Funny, didn't think that would leak
Craig: Your Negative Batt Cable, The Large cable should be connected as I mentioned at the Starter, but there should also be a small wire part of the cable that connects to the firewall, so the cable basically connects to BOTH places.
Attachment is a blank page??
Cylinder Compression
My 1972 Factory Service Manual listed 170 PSI as the compression reading for a new L24 engine
Fuel Overflow Tank Reservoir
The switch from Plastic to Metal occurred much earlier than 73. Like in early 1971 manufacture dates, when the "Series II" changes came to North America.