Everything posted by Bambikiller240
What to save
Actually, I believe that the FSM uses the term "Transverse links" for what we in the US call "Lower control arms". At least in the 1971 and 1973 FSM's.
AIR that's a better price than Vic Brit. !! I'll have to keep them in mind for later. Thanks for the info!!
remove undercoating
Sorry, No digital camera as yet. Spending all of my (limited) money on the car, and lifes surprises. I did one floor pan late last summer, and plan on doing the other this summer. Maybe I'll get one of those new disposeable digital cameras and document the project.
Did you order those from Victoria British? I haven't used those, but they should be fine. Next time I take the suspension apart I'll probably get a set. I like the boot idea, but may keep my Poly bump stops.
Compression Testers
AMEN! Get the one with a threaded fitting, not the one with a rubber end that you press into the spark plug hole. I want to say thread is 14mm X 1.25; but I may be wrong. It is a very standard metric size though, so you should not have a problem findin one that will work for you. I've had my Craftsman one for 25 years. Works great.
First look at my engine...
Actually if you were on the coast you MIGHT find someone who has a boat and would buy them. You won't be that lucky on the prarie!
Fuel tank sending unit leak
Hi Victor: I don't know of a sealer that is fuel safe. There must be one, I just don't know of it yet. Are you sure that leak is coming from the O-ring and not from the the pipes above the the sender? I've seen the solder that secures those pipes into the tank crack and allow seepage. If you can wiggle the pipe(s) and they move, the solder is broken. Was the groove that the o-ring seats into clean? Sure you didn't pinch it when re-assembling? I've never had to use anything but the o-ring to seal mine.
There should not be a need to replace the bearing or the spacer IF they are in good condition. You may want to grease the bearing, but that is probably all you need to do. The spacer in the back strut assembly just takes up the space where the bearing would be. Yes, the bump stops prevent bottoming out the strut catridge and ruining them. The material you found at the bottom of the spring is what is left of the old bump stops that are glued to the "Hat" that holds the top of the spring in place. I don't think that the rubber stop is available separately, they only come with the Hat, but you can get Polyurethane ones to replace the rubber ones. I think I got mine from MSA.
remove undercoating
You will need to make sure that your door seals are in good shape and stay that way. Also make sure that your windsheild seal is in good shape too. POR or no POR, any water that gets down there WILL take a LONG time to dry and will cause the carpets, and any underpadding to get moldy. The Dyna-Mat or Q-Pads shouldn't mold, but carpet padding and carpets will.
remove undercoating
Finish was similar to the POR but without the sensitivity to UV, I brushed it on. Spraying their products requires special filteration for breathing and I don't have a compressor either. The ChassisCoat is similar in consistancy to POR. If the POR has beeen properly applied, I don't think you would need to worry about signs of rust in the future. It is NOT as thin as regular paint though. I have 2 coats of POR and 1 coat of ChassisCoat on the underside AND same on the inside of my floorpan.
remove undercoating
I applied the POR ChassisCoat Black Paint over the POR15 on the inside of the floorpans. This summer I will replace the tarmat stuff that I had to remove to apply the POR with something. Haven't decided exactly what to use yet. There was a Thread here a while back suggesting several options for the Tar Mat. As I recall (I could be wrong) one was "Q-Pads", and another was "Dyna-Mat". I need to do more research before I settle on what to use.
remove undercoating
You can undercoat after the POR if you want to. Will help keep road noise down a bit. ChassisCoat is not "necessary" for the bottom unless you want to do it. POR and undercoat is enough. Let the POR dry for a week or more, then cleanand dry the surface and undercoat. You should consider doing the POR to the interior as well because if the door weatherseals leak, water will get in and stay hidden under the carpet/floormatts for a long time and will rot the floors from the inside. I did inside and outside of the floorpans on my Z so I KNOW I won't be doing it again EVER!
Just bought a z, NOW WHAT
Unless the car has been modified, the camber is NOT adjustable, but wear on the inside part of tire tread "could" be a camber issue. As in bent/damaged suspension. Your best bet is to take the car to an alignment shop with a computerized rack that will provide you with a printout of the settings found on the car when it came into the shop, and the settings after the alignment was performed.
remove undercoating
I don't have access to sandblasting equipment and used a wire wheel on an electric drill motor. worked fine for me.
remove undercoating
Doesn't matter when you do it, so long as you DO it. Probably easier to do with the pans out of the car. Easier access and all that. If you don't strip them and properly prepare them, you will be wasting your money on POR.
The Boss Key?
Oh, yeah. I forgot about that window. I was so wound up about trying to make the other one go away. BTW, I can think of at least 1000 reasons to buy the CD, and every one of them has a Nissan P/N. I hope people continue to buy it. I enjoy owning my copy.
The Boss Key?
I do know how to use a computer, but I do not know every single detail or option thing available on them. If the spreadsheet didn't go to full screen automatically, I could have closed it simply. I understand that "it doesn't do anything to your computer", however it do do something to ME. It cost me 20 minutes of unproductive time at work while I tried to get rid of the damn thing (didn't know about the F11 keytrick mentioned by Mr. Camo) and finally had to shut down and reboot the "antique" system (Pentium I - 66Mhz ) that I am stuck using at my workplace. Very Annoying. Why would somebody buy a Parts Fische CD based on a "Boss Key", I don't get it? Thats like buying a car based on the color of the building it's parked in front of. :stupid:
The Boss Key?
That's what I do anyway. By the time the "Boss" window opens your screwed anyway. YES! NO!
The Boss Key?
BE Careful using it. I tried to use it at work, and I could not close the spreadsheet window. I could open other windows over it, but the window was larger than the screen and the "X" in upper right corner was not visable and window could not be resized. I had to shut down my system to get rid of the damn thing. Good thing the "Boss" wasn't there or I'd have been screwed! For me, it's not worth the bother.
remove undercoating
The POR Distributor in Sacramento can ship it within a day or two. UPS will take another couple of days to deliver it. Order a week ahead of time to be safe. BTW, POR must be applied to BARE metal (applied over paint, it does NOTHING!) , properly prepared with "Marine CLean" and "Metal Ready". Both are products sold by POR. Order it all at once. Ask question of the distributor. They have lots of advice to help you.
remove undercoating
too expensive. Regular Paint Thinner will do just fine. Let soak in a bit then scrape DO NOT USE HEAT AND SOLVENT!!!!
remove undercoating
A scraper and elbow grease. You can soften the undercoat with solvent, or application of heat from a heat gun. Don't try to heat with a torch, you'll burn the undercoat.
Are we sure this isn't Steve's Wife or Daughter? Maybe we'd better download quickly, just in case! PS Tight Butts Drive ME NutZ!!!!!!!!!!!
Driving Music...
Anything by Led Zepplin, Santana, George Thorogood & the Delaware Destroyers, Pink Floyd, or Fleetwood Mac were major favorites of mine back in the day. Now days I don't drive long distances much but when I do, I take a CD player with a pile discs by the same folks and ROCK OUT!
Manifold balance tube
The picture that shows the rear of the balance tube appears to show the model number of the balance tube that you need. It looks like it says "E46 JAPAN". The E46 is the model n umber ofthe balance tube. Refer to that number to describe what you are looking for, and explain the location of the barake vac fitting. Just to help carify what you need for your car. good luck in your search! Carl