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Everything posted by Bambikiller240

  1. Have you changed your fuel filter lately?
  2. 1. check fuses. Pull them OUT to test. 2. Open the steering collumn "clamshell" enclosure for the turn-signal indicator stalk. Clean out the "fuzz" and other crap that collects in there which can stop the mechanism from operating. Re-lube with a light dab of grease the places where metal parts move against each other. Spray contact cleaner into the switch assembly, let dry. Turn on key and Test the signals. If it works, Re-Install clamshell. 3. If #1 and #2 don't resolve the issue, it's time to break out the ohm-meter and start tracing power and ground circuits.
  3. Bambikiller240 replied to Datzun76's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Me too! I wish "Bambi" had done that little damage to my car.
  4. Bambikiller240 replied to carswizzard's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    Side Window Louvers on Page 25 of the MSA Catalog, P/N #50-1081 - $119.95 a pair. Smoked Headlight covers on Page 20 of same catalog, P/N #50-1043 - $54.95 If you tell them you are a member of our club they will give 10% discount. Also, if you tell them you were reffered from another member of this site, they might advertise and support our club. www.zcarparts.com
  5. 3 Cheers for 1 Bravo 6 and his message!! My ex-wife is a breast cancer survivor. Do self exams, and get check-ups regularly. Knowledge is POWER!
  6. But used ones in any reasonable condition are very difficult to find. Most have broken mounting posts, and/or faded, peeling chrome and paint. Your brother is just about 20 miles from where I live. I'll ask around to see if any friends have what you're looking for. Carl
  7. Nope, This is what he's on!
  8. Applications are being accepted.
  9. I don't have any of that stuff, but he could probably get it at Motorsport Auto, or our advertizer Too Intense Restorations. Both in California
  10. I doubt a woman protester (feral or not) would be giving "Lap dances", but that is the only dance that would keep her out of jail if I was King!
  11. metalman5117: I 100% agree that our sovreignty must come before the UN's, and we do have the right of self defense. Before I'd allow Iraq to acquire missles that could reach the US or develop a Nuke, I'd NUKE them beyond the stone-age. I believe that Saddam, left to his own devices WILL become a threat to the rest of the world. However, he will be a threat to Europe, and other areas long before he is a threat to the US. We would have far more support if this were the senario that we faced AT THIS TIME.. I saw Iraqi people being given "humanitarian rations" this morning on TV. This was in an area that he US led forces had deemed safe enough for the humanitarion aid workers to be allowed into, in other words; it was well behind the leading edge of our attacking forces. These people were taking the aid being offered while shouting "Saddam Yes, USA No". The people of Iraq do not want us to "liberate" them. fstr240z: Anyone with a mouth can spout arguements, as you have seen. The only ones worth listening to, are those who have armed themselves with knowledge. Opinions, can and will differ, but mindless protesting, or arguements should be considered for what they really are. "Bovine Fertilizer." I gotta start staying out of these threads for a while.
  12. metalman5117: Many other countries in the world feel that we are wrong in this action. Should we force our will on all countries of the world? I say No. I agree that the UN has been far too lenient in dealing with the government in Iraq. Still, we are over-ruling an international body and telling the rest of the world that we know what is best for the entire world. To my mind, that is setting us up to be looked at as an arrogant, agressor which will win us no friends and will probably cause us to loose stature as a "country of law" in the world. That is what concerns me most.
  13. biker: The examples #2, and 3 that you site are points where you and I certainly agree. Regarding the 12 & 16 year olds, at that age one can be learned enough to begin to undestand the issue, but obviously these were not. Probably was there to hang out with friends, or brought to the demonstration by parents who didn't have brains enough to educate their children. Regarding the car on the bridge, I'd say impound the vehicle for 30 days, at the owners expense, AND arrest the driver & dancers. No negotiations necessary. Immediate action required. end of story. I have no problem with the statement in point #1, so long as he referred to lawful, peaceful demonstrations.
  14. I apologise if I'm being harsh in my previous comments. Many of the people complaining about the "protesters" have never experienced "serving your country, and protecting our freedoms" through the military. It often times seems that their voices are the loudest, when most of them have no concept of what it means to defend the freedoms that we enjoy. Including, but not limited to the freedom of speech. I do understand that combat is sometimes necessary. Also, I have no doubt that Saddam had been playing a shell game with WMD's. Moving them, and hiding them from the UN inspectors. It is just hat I feel that, at this time, the way to deal with that is through international law. When the SOB actually threatens the US in a meaningful way, I just might advocate turning Iraq into a "lovely glass bowl". But not yet. Peace!
  15. Just with those "Stump humpers" with whom you disagree. It isn't the same thing. You still seem to advocate "beating" other people who you disagree with. Freedom of speech is guarenteed to ALL by our Bill of Rights. It is not selective.
  16. Well, as one of many who served his country to protect the rights of the protesters, and all who live in our country (including you also) to voice your opinion, all I can say is...........Talk such as your statement espousing "find(ing) stump humpers to beat on" is cheap talk. Perhaps you'd benefit from the opportunity to learn what it really means to serve your country, and to fully understand the freedoms that they defend.
  17. How about a link? or at least a URL..............
  18. If you feel really strong about it, all branches of the military are accepting applications. They could use a few more big strong men. Your statement makes you sound like just the type the Marines want.
  19. Very well said Enrique. All of the people participating in protests AND those complaining about protesters should be required to read and understand this statement.
  20. Imagine how dirty HE (and the other slime ball that I mentioned) should feel. They both need a shower and a wire brush scrubbing.
  21. I agree that I'd like to know where people that post are living, but if that field is made mandatory for resgistration on the site, the majority of those people who currently do not complete that information, will simply fill it in with meaningless info such as "God's Green Earth" or "Paradise on Main Street". This happens on eBay all the time. Even when a specific geographical location is listed you cannot be sure that it has any basis in reality. Just something to think about.
  22. I don't owe my freedom to the oil companies,and the fact that there are some people getting more wealthy at the expense of the average Joe doesn't make me Proud of the system that allows this to occur. When will the people learn. Clinton was/is/always will be a jerk and pi$$ poor example of a President. Bush is no better. He lied about his drug use, and was a drunk for many years. If you listen to him speak (or mis-speak) you'll see that he's a mental midget as well. That "idiot" at the Oscar's is some one who I disapprove of also. His right to speak however, is protected, and outside of Hollywood, he probably did his career more harm than good by climbing up on his soapbox. The US does not HAVE to "do the dirty work" or "babysit the rest of the world". We choose to do so. Carl Dwight: I'll help you paint up signs and meet you in front of the Arco station! halz: In a country as large as the US, people have no choice but to pay for gas. It is a necessity of life. Which is why the oil companies are constantly raping us for extra-ordinary profits. The fact hat the "producer's have always played this game" doe not make it any more palatable or justified.
  23. Your gas is more expensive largly due to the taxes placed on it by your government. When the taxes stay the same and the price rises in spite of the raw material costs going down, people DO have a right to complain!
  24. 91 Octane has dropped to $2.39 / gal. in the last week. About 6 cents change. Still way over priced compared to opther area's of the country.
  25. If you believe that, I have beach front property to sell you in New Mexico. In case you hadn't noticed, the pump prices routinely climb immediately when "uncertainty of supply" issues hit the news. Long before the oil purchased at increased prices hits the US shores. On the flip side, when the per barrel price of oil drops like it has in the past 2 weeks, the price remains at the elevated levels for a long time, usually well after the lower priced crude has hit the beach. Gas prices are set by the Oil Companies acting in colusion with each other to squeeze the public for all they are worth. If you lived in Caifornia where the mergers oil of companies over the past few years has virtually eliminated competition, you would see first hand the situation that we experience every day. Bush's friends who run the oil companies from the executive board rooms know that the Bush government will not act to stop the price fixing unless the heat is turned on HIGH to force their hand.

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