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Everything posted by Bambikiller240

  1. It is not as simple as pulling the regulator and installing the later altenator, but as I understand it, it's not that difficult to do the required mod. I believe that it involves making a jumper wire from one pin on the voltage reg connector of the wiring harness to another pin on that connector. (may need to do this for more than one set of pins) and intalling a diode in a specific location there as well. I do not know the exact pin locations for these mods, but you can probably find out by doing a search here or check the www.zhome.com website under "Index of Technical Articles", then "A 280Z Alternator For Your 240Z. " Many people do this when they want to increase the amperage of their electrical system. Good Luck! Carl
  2. Bambikiller240 replied to Datzun76's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Make sure that the body shop measures EVERYTHING. Your radiator support can be pushed back towards the fan without appearing to be moved. On Bambikiler it was moved back about 1/2 inch at the top. It would have made installing a fan shroud at a later date impossible if it hadn't been caught. It's the DETAILs that will make the difference between a correct repair and an incorrect repair.
  3. Bambikiller240 replied to Datzun76's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    It sounds like a similar amount of damage to what Bambikiller had 3 years ago out here in CA. The cost for repairing (replacement of the Hood, Fender, Bumper, 1 Headlight case, and 1 Turn Signal lense) with the required labor and painting was $4500.00. Good thing that Foolio has insurance! Make him PAY!!!!!!!! Take the car to the BEST shop in the county!
  4. Bambikiller240 commented on Bill.Oakes's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  5. Hi Ed: Money doesn't always do it. Ferrari pissed away a hell of a lot of money for about 20 years (from 1982 onward) without any sucess at all. Jaguar hasn't done squat with all of Ford's money for the last two years either. Now, having said that, In general, the "haves" will always outpace the "have nots". but no other major racing series that I know of limits the budgets of teams. The "haves" in F1 do spend way more money than makes sense to me, and the Minardi's, Sauber's, and Jordan's of the F1 world cannot even come close to the budgets of Ferrari, McLaren, BAR, and Toyota. Maybe it is time to put a cap on the budget. I'd hate to see the technology limited because that is one part of the series that really fasinates me. It's a tough call to make. For 2003, my understanding is that the race cars must start the race with the engine and tires (and the fuel load) that the car qualified with. I'm not sure what would be done if the qualifying engine "accidently" blew up on the cool down lap. Hopefully someone besides the teams have considered that senario!
  6. Top picture is of the Flow Guide Valve. It routes vapors from the fuel system to either the air cleaner assembly or to the crankcase depending on whether or not the engine is running. Second is..............I don't know. Some kind of relay, not sure what. You must have a 73 240? Third is the Voltage regulator. (240Z's and 260Z's did not come with an internally regulated altenator) Tttthats all folks! Carl
  7. Possibly stolen from the dealer as well. All US models would be required to have the Airbags.
  8. Hitler was "successful" too. So is Sadam Hussain "successful". But success dioesn't necessarily mean that the game being played is useful or beneficial. Success for success sake isn't anything I care about. Make a better wiget and I'm interested in it. The quality of Lexus and Infinity isn't THAT much different from the quality of Toyota and Nissan. But they sure have found a way to appeal to a different market segment while still using essentially the same product. Yeah, there are a few more bells and whistles on them, but the design and technology IS the same.
  9. Thanks for those graphics, Jerry. I especially like the "Red Baron" one! Yeah, the Suzuka race was special for Honda and Sato, it's too bad that Eddie Jordan couldn't have found a way to reward him with a seat for this year, I guess he didn't feel any loyalty since he wasn't going to get the Honda engines for 03 anyway. I think we'll' see Sato in another team within a year or so. That drive certainly added a bit to Jordans share of the "Ecclestone Money Pie". Should be interesting to see if Jaguar can pull themselves out of the septic tank where they've been languishing for the past two years. I wonder just how much money they have pissed away with essentially nothing to show for it? 2ManyZs: First of all, I agree about Road America. I wish they could get that track up to FIA safety standards, it would be fantastic to see a F! race there while munching a Brat and quaffing a cold beer. The majority of the driver aids are on their way out this year. Traction control, automatic shifting, even pit to car communications are expected to be banned. I suspect that radio communications may be allowed, but there won't be any systems management being controlled by the pit engineers. The economy has finally gotten the leadership of F1 to realize that you can't just fling huge sums of money into the F1 circus forever. The smaller teams are really suffering and Max Mosely has finally gotten serious about reigning in the costs. Hopefully these changes with the changes to the qualifications format will mix up the game for 2003. I do agree that the races of the past few years have gotten boring at the front of the grid, but the mid-field , and backmarkers still put on some good dices ( I just wish the local broadcasters would understand that). It's really neat when I can watch cars that go from 0 to 100 mph in under 3 seconds, and can get from 100mph back to zero in less time than that. And 18,000 rpm 4 cycle V10 engines have a sound all of their own! I think the show is going to be better this year than the cakewalk that Ferrari enjoyed last year. Now, if CART can see their way clear to stop with all of the damn full course yello flags everytime a car stalls on track. They just screw up the racing when it happns so often. Most racing series go through cycle where the racing gets better, and better, then for one reason or another it gets buggered up. CART was great in the eightys and early 90's too, then Honda and Toyota started flinging money around, and the series leadership got stale. They lost their way and played right into Tony George hand. I sure hope Chris Pook gets them back on track. I love most all types of racing. I'm even enjoying a bit of IRL (at Texas Motor Speedway anyway).
  10. Hi Jerry: Thanks for the kind words! It sounds like you are an "extreme fan" of F1 as well. We have to be to get up at 4:30AM on Sundays to watch the races, right! The technology and heritage of F1 really sets it apart from other forms of auto racing IMHO. I've loved F1 for many years now, and have been following it as much as possible since 1977. I tape the qualification shows if I cannot be home to watch live, and I get up EARLY every race weekend to watch the festivities "live" and generally tape the race for later review and possible addition to the archives. Over the years a local friend and I have developed a ritual of either visiting one another to watch the race together or we spend the entire race on the phone chatting as it unfolds. While it is true that the outcome of many races in the most recent few years has been a predictable Ferrari domination there are generally some great dices back in the pack for position! (if the local brodcaster is kind enough to show them) I just hope that a way is found to get the Belgium race at Spa back on the schedule. That race, Monza, and Silverstone are my favorites. One week to go!!!!!!! Best Regards, Carl
  11. I don't know how to spell what you sit on, but it's prnounces "toosh E" . What Mr. Camo posted is pronounced "Too-SHAY". Don't forget to put lights on your "Toosh E"
  12. Single qualifying laps! They get one lap on Friday, then based on those times, the slowest runs first on Saturday, the Friday's fastest driver goes last on Saturday. THEN the cars are locked up in Parc Ferme. No major work allowed, only very minor stuff under observation by race officials. They must start the race on the tires they qualified with and they cannot add fuel prior to the race. This should mix it up a bit. The teams will have to take race stategy (# of pit stops planned) into account when deciding how much fuel to have on board for Qual. Yeah, I do know what you mean, I still have many tapes of the 80's and early 90's era that I watch durring the winter when I need a racing fix. I was never a Senna fan, but geez that guy could drive! Mansell was a favorite of mine as well. I remember him trying to push his car across the finish line when it broke down on the last lap of a race. He just couldn't accept a DNF. you don't see that kind of grit from drivers now days. Though I have enjoyed many CART races over the years, it seems that the people running the show in the past 2 or 3 years have gotten FULL COURSE YELLOW FLAG happy. They really ruin the races with so many yellows. Seems that everytime some car gets stranded on track they have a full course yellow; instead of just hoisting the car over the wall or pushing it to a safe location. If F1 can deal with cars that becaome stranded, I cannot see why these jokers (the officials) have to play this stupid game. Regarding the Gold Coast Indy race, the rain was awful, but they should have done something besides running the race under so much yellow flag laps then fudging on the rules for calling the race early after some teams had committed their strategy based on the "normal" rules for ending a race early. Again the officials are the problem, not the drivers or teams IMHO. Carl
  13. It took Ferrari around 20 years to get back to the top after Jody Schecker won the Championship, let them enjoy the fruits of the hundreds of millions of dollars (billions of Lira) they've spent. Has Speed TV announced whether they have signed the contracts to show the races again this year? Last I heard they were still in negotiations with Bernie's boys for the rights. I just hope they stop giving the USGP, Canada, and Monaco to ABC. Those clowns can't cover a race worth wizz. Should be an interesting season with the new qualifying rules. Carl
  14. If you are taking the head to a machine shop for seats, guides and general machining, just scrape what you can off with a putty knife and let the shop deal with the rest. They will have a perfectly flat surface plate to finnish the head surface which will keep everything perfectly flat. If you get too carried away with a dremel tool or other means you're likely to cause the head to require milling to get the surface perfectly flat again. The machine shop is well versed in how to care for your cylinder head, let them to the exacting stuff that makes or breaks a proper rebuild of the head. You just take care of the block surface. You're far less likely to bugger up that cast iron surface than the soft aluminium cylinder head. Just my $.02 Carl
  15. Your car doesn't have a head either, but it does have headlights, I'll bet!
  16. Bart: If you are talking about the connections at the front of the gas tank, (in other words the connections near the fuel tank/guage sender unit) the ones that go to the front of the car for the fuel pump and carburetors; NO, dropping the fuel tank will not help much, but you really should not have any problem getting to these connections. It is a little tight there, but not bad at all. kmacks advice about loosening the (any) hoses with a pliers before trying to remove them is really good advice. On the other hand if you are talking about the fuel VENT hoses, (the ones that are about 5/8" or a bit larger in diameter, then lowering the fuel tank WILL help, but you need to drain the tank as completely as possible before doing so. It also helps to get the car up on blocks as high as you can, so that you can be directly below the tank as you loosen the tank straps in order to support the tank and gently lower it to the ground. I support it with my knees, and then lower it to my chest, then I slip out from under it (to the side).
  17. As mentioned by Smokey, the important thing is if YOU like the mods or not. Also, the body condition must be detrmined EXACTLY in order to assess the value of the car. RUST IS CRITICAL. Inspect every part of the body. Are there bubbles of rust showing unde th paint ANYWHERE? Rocker panels, benhind the fender well, around the rear wheel arches, in/on/around the hatch area of the car? How about in the spare wheel well? On, under, around the battery tray area? Floor pans, inside AND outside? Has the car been used as a daily driver in your state? Does your state apply salt to the roads in the winter? Salt will KILL the body and once the car has been subjected to this environment, it is VERY difficult to prevent the car from developing a serious case of body rot. The salted snow, ice, water gets everywhere, into the smallest gaps and crevices and will disolve a Z before your eyes over time. The photo shown below is an example of what to look for. This rust is fairly advanced, and is "probably" more pervasive that what is actually visable.
  18. Bambikiller240 replied to mjyikes's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    The guage 2ManyZ's refers to only comes with the Solid Aluminum/Delin T/C Kit that is sold through companies like Ground Control. It is not provided with the polyurethane bushings sold by MSA. When I bought my P/U bushings from them 3 years ago, they told me to assemble as normal and torque to spec. Then to retorque after 500-1000 miles of normal driving.
  19. I've done that , and they can't do anything unless it can be PROVEN that the seller is doing so to avoid selling the item. Of course they can't/won't/don't investigate much. Even if it can be proved, all they can really do, is to bannish him/her from eBay. Of course he/she just comes back under a different name, email address, and a mail drop-box address. You are essentially at the mercy of any sellers honesty or lack thereof.
  20. Now if I could just get Anna Kornikova's HEADLIGHTS into my 240Z!
  21. Rear tail light is sort of like a "double negative". A tail light is a tail light. It is found at the TAIL of the car, right??? Now does anyone know if the "front headlights" from a 260Z will fit in a 240Z!! :stupid: :stupid:
  22. Bambikiller240 commented on Kyle's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  23. Bambikiller240 replied to JoeT's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    The early 240Z's came with an E31 cylinder head, and YES, an E88 head can be substituted. Be advised, however, that there are TWO varieties of E88 head. One came on the very late 71 240Z's and the very early 72 240z's. This head had combustion chambers of similar size to the E31 (a high compression design). The later E88 head came on the late 1972 240Z's and the 1973 240Z's. This variety of E88 had significantly larger combustion chambers (low compression) and was designed to meet the more stringent SMOG regulations that were imposed on new cars. Both heads will fit the block, but you will get different (lower)performance with the late version E88 head. The only way to tell the two apart is by examining the combustion chambers. See picture below. It shows the early head; E31 or EARLY E88, that area indicated is "notched" or filled in on the early heads resulting in a smaller combustion chamber on the E31 and EARLY E88. In the later E88 the combustion chamber would be "more round", in other words, the notch of metal would be missing, giving a larger combustion chamber.
  24. Bambikiller240 replied to texasz's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    I emailed the seller this evening and inquired about a brief inspection of the car. He's replied that he would be willing to make the car available in the next couple of days. If I can clear my schedule enough to make the run to San Jose for a look, I'll do my best to check it out thoroughly and report back to you all what I find. Now I am NOT well versed in exactly what equipment should and should not be on #212, if those that truely know (knock, knock, Mr. Beck ) would send me a PM with a few tell tales it would help me to report what I find. I know where to find the tags and where to look for the VIN stamped into the firewall, and I believe that unless the chassis was altered by a "master bodyman" I could identify a chop or "clipped" chassis.
  25. You can also get Stainless Steel Braided hose from http://www.earlsperformance.com/html/index.htm Carl

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