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Everything posted by Bambikiller240

  1. until

    July 10th - 13th, 2003 Mt. Shasta All-Datsun Meet -- For more information, contact Dennis or Peggy Hale at 831-336-2444 or check the NorCal UFO website for details. http://www.norcalufo.org/ not much info on the site about it right now, but I'm sure if you contact Dennis and Peggy Hale, they can give you all of the info that you need.
  2. until

    July 10th - 13th, 2003 Mt. Shasta All-Datsun Meet -- For more information, contact Dennis or Peggy Hale at 831-336-2444 or check the NorCal UFO website for details. http://www.norcalufo.org/ not much info on the site about it right now, but I'm sure if you contact Dennis and Peggy Hale, they can give you all of the info that you need.
  3. until

    July 10th - 13th, 2003 Mt. Shasta All-Datsun Meet -- For more information, contact Dennis or Peggy Hale at 831-336-2444 or check the NorCal UFO website for details. http://www.norcalufo.org/ not much info on the site about it right now, but I'm sure if you contact Dennis and Peggy Hale, they can give you all of the info that you need. Additional Info: Mt. Shasta All-Datsun Meet -- Have some fun with your Datsun / Nissan. The Track Day on Thurs. July 10th at Thunderhill Raceway includes lunch, and is limited. Non-drivers are welcome to come and watch at no additional charge. Track Group Photo at 12:30 PM! The Meet will move up to Mt. Shasta for Fri-Sun. Swap Meet,Tour, Gymkhana, Left Coast, Autocross 1 & 2, Show'N Shine, line up for the group photo & 4 meals are included in Shasta Full Driver & Full Event Driver entry. Photo enlargement sold separately. Mt. Shasta single event entry price is $20.00 per event, no- pre-registration for single events necessary.
  4. until

    Sunday, June 23, 2002 ZONC (Z Owners of Northern California) 2nd Annual All Nissan/Datsun Sportscar Extravaganza at Blackhawk Auto Museum near Danville, CA Guest of honor: "Mr. K" Yutaka Katayama. Exhibition of cars on plaza and lower parking lot. http://www.blackhawkauto.org/newsf.html

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