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Everything posted by Bambikiller240

  1. I wasn't meaning that Michael wasn't there. (He could have been) Just confirming that at least some of the Ferarri F1 team was known to have been there.
  2. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11777&highlight=Music http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7186&highlight=Music http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2062&highlight=Music
  3. As for advice on using POR15, follow their directions/instructions EXACTLY. You should receive complete directions/instructions with your order, or you can find the info on both the manufacturer's AND distributor's websites, or you can call either of them with any last minute questions. They will be glad to help.
  4. The link should have been http://www.baddogparts.com/, but if you are buying floorpan and rail parts, I'd buy from Charlie Osborn at http://www.datsunzparts.com/ since he has a floor replacement system that is generally considered by many to be the best available. ( http://www.datsunzparts.com/Summary.htm ) Everyone has an opinion, this one is mine.
  5. Different strokes for different folks.
  6. I don't know about Schuey being there, but Jean Todt and Roy Byrne were in the area. http://www.speedtv.com/articles/auto/formulaone/14486/ and http://www.planet-f1.com/news/story_18338.shtml
  7. As stated above, lighting, resolution and other factors could conspire to alter it's appearance in the pic, but it looks considerably too light to my eyes in that picture. I don't think a silver car would look too good with the charcoal (roughly) colored trim panels anyway.
  8. Especially since Barrett-Jackson doesn't have any control over the SPEED Channel employed Talking Heads
  9. Apples and Oranges. Restoration is what it is. Just because a dealer added stuff that wasn't authorized by the factory, it doesn't mean the definition of "restored" has changed. Example: If the Z car is to be considered "restored", it needs to come with stock steel wheels, and (the now outrageously priced) wheel covers. The Spook was a "factory authorized" option. There were mirrors that were factory authorized options also. As for them being painted, body color, I don't think that was authorized. Whichever route is taken is an individual choice, but they should not be confused. Personally, I'd prefer a Z with a Spook, Mirrors, and Libre's, but that doesn't mean I don't drool over the restored cars that I encounter.
  10. He may be one, but he's one with hundreds of millions of dollars in his pocket. He can afford it. Probably makes for a nice tax deduction.
  11. Bambikiller240 replied to mmagnus's post in a topic in Electrical
    Well, since the battery is in the picture, I guess it's NEXT TO THE BATTERY! It is an old bolt and the cad plating is long gone , the entire bolt (along with the terminal) was cleaned up with DeOxiT before winter. The bolt head has since acquired a film of surface rust. Since everything still works normally, I think the DeOxiT is still protecting the threads.
  12. Firmly entrenched in RealityLand
  13. Bambikiller240 replied to dat240z71's post in a topic in Aftermarket
    8.8:1 is higher than many TURBO motors. remember he's talkingabout a turbo motor.
  14. Bambikiller240 replied to mmagnus's post in a topic in Electrical
    The smaller cable comes off the NEG cable, not the POS. It gets screwed to the firewall. There should be a small screw in the firewall that is used for that.
  16. I unsderstand that yu are not unhapy with it. What I was saying is that I would not be happy with it. I don't like the idea of 1/2 the coils on the front spring being bound up (with the car at rest) like that, nor would I like the limited strut travel available. My car is a street car and the streets around here are not smooth enough for me to be able to live with those conditions. Frankly, I can't see how the springs are "progressive" with so many coils bound up with the car just sitting there.
  17. Bambikiller240 replied to mmagnus's post in a topic in Electrical
    Neg cable gets bolted to the upper bolt that secures the starter to the Transmission case. Pos cable gets attached to the larger of the two studs on the starter solinoid.
  18. Bambikiller240 replied to calliebrat's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    It depends on what tempurature your Theromstat is rated at. Most people use either a 160 or 180 degree thermostat. Temp would be just above the rating of the thermostat.
  19. I'm glad somene posted pictures of what the Tokico Progressive springs give you when installed. It saves me the time, effort and money of getting something that I would not be satisfied having on my car.
  20. No audio being broadcast. Just Images.
  21. In my garage it is done with Solvent, a Wire Brush, and Elbow Grease. Is there an advantage? Well, I can look at it without going "Eeek, that looks like $hit". Good enough for me. It probably could also be done by dipping in an (Aluminum safe) Hot Tank, but I'm too cheap to go that route.
  22. Well, I'd say it was pretty official. I have a FSB introducing the 1972 240Z that I didn't think to check today. I wonder what it says? I'll have to check on it tomorrow. No matter what the result of the check up on the car at Blackhawk, it's a nice color IMO.
  23. Bambikiller240 replied to new_2_z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I believe that once the gasoline level was higher than the upper edge of the filler nipple (on the tank) that air remaining in the "tall" (RH) side of the tank would be trapped and thus cause fuel to burp out of the filler and prevent filling. Anyway, as Enrique alludes; Beandip has the info on the correct way to eliminate the evap tank and any possible problems. I believe that he's already posted it on this website several times. You might check in the Tech Articles forum, or try a SEARCH.
  24. It's the old apples and oranges situation. You make up your mind what you want. The differences in cost and performance are considerable. It shouldn't be too tough to decide which build is right for you
  25. Isn't that the truth. I had a friend who lost his Smog Tech license and his job due to getting caught trying to falsify a certification.

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