Everything posted by Bambikiller240
wow-just listed
an anomaly
1973 economy restoration
They couldn't use MY car to learn on. NO WAY!! :devious: That would be a bad idea and definitely not "ideal"
Pertronix magnet install
Well, I don't know how loose yours is, but mine is fairly tight. Keep in mind that there is no contact between the magnets and the pick-up that senses the magnets (or anything else for that matter), thus no friction, or drag to cause the magnet sleeve to move about.
1973 economy restoration
In the SF Bay Area you'll pay a minimum of $4000 if you want paint and minimal body work (no major repairs) done "right". And you may have to wait 6 months or more to get your car into the shop.
Pertronix magnet install
Not sure I understand what you are saying. The magnet sleeve is supposed to move WITH the the shaft. If it didn't, it would be slipping around the shaft and it would be impossible for the Pertronix to fire at the proper time.. The magnet sleeve should slide onto the shaft and be in a fixed position when fully seated.
Stainless Steel Replacement Fastners
Will: Until a couple years ago I was like you. Knew of the difference, but didin't know why. Then I started contacting Hardware companies to source replacement bolts and spoke to a salesperson at Lawson Products ( www.lawsonproducts.com ) who explained that from the information he had, he thought that the "JIS" meant "Japan Industrial Standard".
whatZ DidZ You GetZ for CriZtmaZ?
I need it sometimes.
Air Cleaner Question
where have I heard that before?
Air Cleaner Question
The small diameter hose goes to the "Flow Guide Valve" which is mounted on the inner fender just below the coil. The fitting you have labelled "to air pump??" does go to the air pump. Does your car still have a air pump? If not, plug it.
whatZ DidZ You GetZ for CriZtmaZ?
I got an eraser to remove gratuitous "Z's" in posts. Actually, I got some $$ to buy a few parts.
Stainless Steel Replacement Fastners
Last time I inquired (several years ago) I was told that the bolt-head sizes on some of these stainlesss steel bolts will be different from those of the original bolts used by Nissan. This may not matter to some people, but it might to others. Nissan used "JIS" Metric Fasteners in many (if not most) areas of the cars. An example is 8mm X 1.25 bolts in JIS require a 12mm wrench, a standard 8mm X 1.25 bolt requires a 13mm wrench.
Air Cleaner Question
Your diagram looks like the a/c for a 72 240Z, not a 73. What do you need to know (specifically) about the diagram?
shorter sterring knuckles
There was only one shorter type available in the USA, 10 mm shorter. As least that is the only one listed in the Datsun Competition catalog that I have. As far as differences, according to the Haynes manuals, stock is 2.7 turns lock to lock. I seem to recall that the Datsun Competition catalog that I ordered from indicated the short steering arms changed that to 2.4 turns lock to lock. I'll have to double check that.
First drive in the Z, Backfiring and sputtering.
Yess, Check the Tech articles forum for a installation instruction.
L24 piston markings
On my recently rebuilt engine the new pistons had 050 stamped and the builder indicated to me that it was a .50mm overbore. PS The original pistons had no markings on the top
Is this evan possible?
Anything is possible given enough time and money. Looks like there has been serious time (and money) spent developing this car.
car shipping in North America
Good Luck, Nate. Keep in touch! Carl
car shipping in North America
Nate, you might try a search on this website as this subject has been discussed previously.
- front speakers
Various little tweaks and problems
It could be that your choke cables need a bit of adjustment. My car had the same problem after I replaced the carbs. Turned out that an adjustment of the cables resolved the problem. Tell us about your electronic ignition installation. Which system did you go with? I'm sure someone can help to confirm a correct installation. Regarding speedo, I don't know the cause, but "bouncing" is a fairly commn problem. Sounds to me like your ammeter is behaving normally. Normally the needle wouldn't read much past the middle unless the battery charge is low. At night, mine reads right at the middle like yours. The oil gauges in Z cars are notoriously "variable" (inaccurate) shall we say. At idle the reading can be incredibly low, but from your description I'd say yours is reading about normal.
Where is the end...
Voltage Regulator on the fritz?
I have to agree on this. Almost every time my Z's have had problems with Alternator, OR Voltage Regulator; I have ended up having to replace the other component as well. Also, I've known people to be disatisfied with the "modern" (solid state) VR's. Some have even ended up searching salvage yards for a used original VR to replace the newly purhcased "modern" one that they thought would be the answer to all of their problems.
shorter sterring knuckles
At low speeds it required somewhat more effort. But IMO the trade off was worth it. PS, The wife didn't like it, but afterall it was MY car.
Need advise - insurance claim
Just to reiterate comments made by seerex, AVOID letting them total your car, then "allowing" you to buy it back and keep the car as part of the settlement. In doing this (at least in CA) you end up with a Salvage Title to the car which kills the value of the car to a future buyer.
shorter sterring knuckles
I had them on a Z that I owned in the past. Had zero problems with them. They will quicken your steering a good bit, so if you do something like autocrossing (a lot of rapid and hard cornering) you can scrubb the tires more than with normal steering knuckles and wear the tires quicker, but that's about all I experienced.