Everything posted by Bambikiller240
Clear Hatch Glass
In the USA, back in the 70's, "some" aftermarket glass companies sold hatch glass that did not have the defroster grid. I had a friend that got "stuck" with a clear hatch glass (by his insurance co.) when a thief busted into his 74 260Z to steal things out of his car while it was parked in a mall parking lot.
Yes the image was great. Too bad there is a big honkin watermark across the top of the vehicle's windshield and roof to ruin Jerry's fine work.
Heater core exploded!!!
But, doesn't Jesse James buy all his parts from AutoZone? just kidding you Stephen, I wouldn't buy anything from AutoZone (unless it was a liquid that came in a sealed container from a nationally known company) I love a bargain as well as the next guy, maybe even more, but that $60 heater core and $15 head gasket...............well let's just say I'd never gamble on them in my car. There are other places to scrimp that make more sense to me. Price is WAY to cheap to give me any confidence that they are quality parts.
Heater core exploded!!!
So you are just going to assume that the cylinder head isn't warped from this blown head gasket situation?
Damn Snow
I can hear the RUST BUGS munching on that car all the way over in Cali. They should have it completely devoured by spring time.
Torque Spec Question
First, It isn't as simple as just torquing down the nut. Here is what the HAYNES manual specifies Torque the Hub Nut (castelated) to 22 ft/lb while rotating the hub in the forward direction, THEN back off the nut 60 degrees and fit the split (cotter) pin. If the holes for the split pin do not line up, further loosen the nut JUST ENOUGH to align the holes for the split pin. If you are going to do this kind of work on your car, you really need to find the time to get some manuals. They will save you lots of time (and grief).
Need help on floors
Matt: Perhaps I should have stated my beliefs more like sblake01 did in his post. I'm not trying to discourage you at all. Just pointing out that the comments like: make some of us wonder about your expectations of what will be involved. You really have some work ahead of you. That floorboard is "gone", no if's and's or but's about it. It could be repaired, but isn't worth the time, or effort to do so. Typically the rust that you can see is the tip of the iceberg. You are quite likely to find considerably more rust under the paint, and inside the doglegs & rockers. Once again, I'm not criticizing, just pointing out something that is a very common occurance. I do wish you success, especially given your stated attitude and reason for selecting this car. You can learn a lot from doing this work.
Need help on floors
Want to know how to attach images? DONT USE THE QUICK REPLY ! ! ! Click on the "POST REPLY" button, then enter your text. Scroll down the page to the button that says "MANAGE ATTACHMENTS",. click that and take it from there. Your question about " i need to know what size..etc etc " needs to be stated more clearly. FWIW, no one has yet criticized your choice of cars. If you have the MONEY, TIME, and SKILL to bring it back to life.........more power to you. However, from your questions it may seem to some people that you don't yet have the knowledge to really know what you have gotten yourself into (in terms of the work & expense that is going to be required to finish the project)
My rear is confusing me...
The mounts for the Moustache bar to the chassis did not change.
Need help on floors
Ditto what Ed said.
What a bargain
Yes, the pricing is quite humorous. But, hey, after all they are in "as is" condition. :stupid:
What a bargain
Are you serious? (I hope not)
car shakes
Yes, it's a long trip to LA on the 580 & 5. Not much to look at as you drive either. Glad you made it home OK.
Useless information. Of interest to some.
I can understand that. But in a brief scan of international news websites I found stories from around the globe that seem (IMO) to confirm that these vices are international. Wherever people are found................ (Viktor Yushchecnko being poisoned with Dioxin is just one example, problems in Rwonda and Demcratic Republic of Congo is another) Notice I left out the USA and Middle East? It's not because there aren't problems in both of these places.
Carbon parts (post suggestions)
Shipping and tariffs will likely make it not cost effective since most of this stuff is already available in the US.
Rear Bumper Rechrome
Motorsport Auto also sells the rubber for the rear bumper guards (repro)
Power Antenna in a Bag - Original?
So what do people do if their mast gets broken? Is there an alternative to buying a modern antenna?
car shakes
Thatis what I was thinking, clutch issues. A Flywheel &/or Pressure Plate that has been overheated (in the past) can cause the clutch to "shudder" as you release the pedal also
Bluescreen of Death
What do you all think about this 240z
Yes, but this doesn't describe the transaction this thread is about. My point was that your car is in much better condition than this one, and thus more valuable. Add the $1.5K penalty for crossing country to buy it, and it is my belief that you'd be more likely to get a buyer locally than one from the EC. JMO
Useless information. Of interest to some.
Those are the BIG THREE, but I don't think you'll find that these are limited to "Americans". There is plenty of all of these things throughout the world.
Useless information. Of interest to some.
Some people feel the need to be able to say "Look at me, My car is worth $$$XXXX"; others are satisfied maintaining/improving, driving and enjoying it.
JGTC Racing
Agreed. (ten charecers)
JGTC Racing
Sorry for the spelling error, teacher, what punishment do you choose for me this time?
JGTC Racing
Your own post states you want to "nip it in the bud". Can't people just discuss the event without being corrected? I thought that was what the thread was all about. As 26th-Z stated, to most of the USA, the Fairlady IS the 350Z. Because that is what Nissan calls the car that they sell here. Blame the confusion on the factory (Oh, there is that word again), since they chose to use different names in different markets.