Everything posted by Bambikiller240
L.E.D Solutions for dash and other LIGHTS?
Most likely, I will wait and buy it when you guys have something for the taillights, or side markers, or whatever. To combine shipping cost, and hopefully by then I'll have more spare cash anyway
L.E.D Solutions for dash and other LIGHTS?
Hi Dave: I don't know. Right now I probably don't have the money to buy one, anyway. As a buyer, cheaper is always better. Carl
L.E.D Solutions for dash and other LIGHTS?
Is the light output on the Map Light greater than stock, or equal to stock, or????
In the last 4 or 5 months I've had "account verification" emails from probably half a dozen "banks" that I have never done business with. Phishing :stupid:
240/260/280Z Headlight Cases on eBay
LEFT Headlight Case (Sugar Scoop) RIGHT Headlight Case (Sugar Scoop)
Datsun 240RS origins and history
Is this really possible? I mean Datsun cars were manufactured by Nissan.
Anyone have pictures of Gunmetal Panasports? Non in gallery!
Best asked of the business that you will be ordering from, or directly to http://www.panasport.com/ .........At least if you want a meaningful answer.
Console repair: How to patch holes?
Next stop Gilligan's Island
Yet another tire/wheel question
Width of wheel (and offset of wheel) , and height of tire sidewall will determine min. and max. width of tire that will fit inside the fenders. On a 14" tall wheel the tires sizes that I have used are 195/70 X 14, or 205/60 X 14. They were mounted on 5" to 7" wide wheels. I have no experience with 13" wheels on a Z.
Just to warn everybody, I received an email last night purporting to be from eBay. It looks exactly like you would expect a message from ebay appear, BUT It is a BOGUS email and IS NOT from eBay **************DO NOT USE THE LINK. DO NOT LOG IN ********** It read as follows: SUBJECT LINE: ****Urgent Account Security Measures**** Alert ID : 0262341143 You have received this email because you or someone had used your account to make fake bids on eBay. For security purposes, we are required to open an investigation into this matter. To help speed up this process, you are required to verify your eBay account by following the link below. DO NOT USE THIS LINK!!!http://scgi.ebay.com/verify_id=ebay&user=02626454 DO NOT USE THIS LINK!!!! Please save this fraud alert id for your reference Please Note - If your account informations are not updated within the next 72 hours, then we will assume this account is fraudulent and will be cancelled. We apologize for this inconvenience, but the purpose of this verification is to ensure that your eBay account has not been fraudulently used to combat fraud. We appreciate your support and understating, as we work together to keep eBay a safe place to trade. Thank you for your patience in this matter. Regards, Safeharbor Department (Trust and Safety Department) eBay Inc. Please do not reply to this e-mail as this is only a notification message. Copyright 2004 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. eBay and the eBay logo are trademarks of eBay Inc. is located at Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125
Yet another tire/wheel question
You can also learn a lot about tires and wheel at www.tirerack.com On their home page look for "Shopping Tools" at Right side of Page header. Hover your mouse over it and a drop down menu should appear. Select "Tech Center" at the bottom of the drop down. That will take you to a page with links to lots of information. It may seem overwhelming, but just look around and you should be able to find the information you want. If not, ask here and someone will be able to help you.
Yet another tire/wheel question
You can find 14" or 15" wheels for a 240Z, but not very many different styles are available since most modern cars are Front Wheel drive and require a much different offset (wheel construction) than rear wheel drive cars like Z's. Prices will be fairly high for most wheels also. Figure between $400 and $1500 for most wheels. You can spend more. As for what would look nice, well that is very subjective. Look through our Gallery and you'll get an idea. Also check Motorsport Auto's website. They sell several wheels for Z's www.zcarparts.com
Anyone have pictures of Gunmetal Panasports? Non in gallery!
Fix for Slow Wipers
Enrique, do you know anything about this? I didn't need to make any adjustments on mine. I haven't seen any data describing the answer in the Factory Manual. Without a definitve data source, I think your only option is "trial and error".
AM Radio for 1970 Z
The radio in a 73 240Z will not be the "correct" model for a 1970 240Z. 73 Z's came with an AM/FM Radio. 70 Z's camew with an AM Radio (At least in USA anyway)
Calling our firends from Down Under and NZ..
Only problem is that most S30 bodies in the wreckers here are rotten in this area. You could look for a long time and not find anything of use. Especially if you are east of the Mississippi River, or in the Northern tier of states where salt and snow have killed almost every Z. This part of the chassis is really tough to find in good condition.
Fix for Slow Wipers
If the wiper arms ALWAYS go to the bottom, and then ALWAYS stop higher in their arc, the part Enrique refers to is the problem. Attachemnt show the part Enrique refers to. I was thinking that they only messed up sometimes. The spare system I bought for parts had the tang on the spring broken off and that caused the Operating rod to not always stop in the same position relative to the motor connector and Wiper Motor.
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
I vote for you to keep the status quo.
Console repair: How to patch holes?
Thanks John.
500 Megs Z car stuff is now over 800 megs
V8-240Z's original link (in Post #1) still works fine for me. I'm looking at the site right now.
Console repair: How to patch holes?
"Thanks for the Plas-T-Pair reference......... Anyone have a link to the mfg'er for this product?
Console repair: How to patch holes?
Fix for Slow Wipers
I think maybe the circular spring w/ tang in the Operating Rod to Motor connector has broken where it locks into place.
Fix for Slow Wipers
Well, that's a different story. It could be that the a part of the connector to the wiper motor is broken; or that it has been taken apart previously and not re-assembled correctly. Was it working correct, then suddenly started working wrong? Or has it always been workig wrong since you got the car? Hey, at least it's summer where you are. I have been slowly working on a Tech Article on rebuilding the Wiper system. Priority is a bit low at the moment, but I'll get it done eventually.
Fix for Slow Wipers
remove the nuts that secure the arms to the pivots. Re-set the arms to near the bottom of the windshield. re-install the nuts. To "re-lube everything" you will need to completely remove the entire Wiper System (including the wiper moter, operating rods, and pivots) from your car. Disassemble everything (except the motor) clean, remove any corrosion, regrease and assemble everything, then install it all back into the car. It's not terribly difficult, but does take more than a few hours and must be done carefully to get everything back together correctly so that the system operates properly.