Everything posted by Bambikiller240
Hot Rods
Ahnold isn't much expert on anything (except grabbing hooters and butts). I was referring to the only one who was saying what CA needs (without having any real concept of what's going on here).
Custom Wiring Harnesses (Part 2)
The Club hats were not made for us to our specs. They are a stock hat manufactured for Port Authority. I feel confident that they had much more control over the hat than we could ever expect to arrange for our product. The Embroidery was designed/manufactured for us. (and quite well I might add). Just to be clear. I would love for the OEM wiring to be reproduced. But only if built by people who know what they are doing, who "have skin in the game" and care about how the end result will perform in their own car.
Custom Wiring Harnesses (Part 2)
OK, Mike. I should have said EXTREME PRICE (as in what they are charging) the "COST" is indeed quite something else. certainly it is relatively easy to manufacture, but they also assume some liability for the performance of the product My point about the "versions" (and this should be obvious to anyone) is that the cost of having harnesses manufactured is more expensive per unit when you are having only a few made vs having hundreds made. There are a lot of variations to be considered and a relatively small market for each. This thread discussion was about us (members) having harnesses made in China. (India wouldn't be much if any better) Who is going to invest the money to have this done? Customer Pre-orders? A CZC soda can collection drive? How many people will actually pay in advance for an item that hasn't been made (not just say they will do so, but actually pony up the bucks months in advance) without having any guarantee of receiving a quality item? Who will guarantee the "investors" money is not wasted or lost? GM, or Buick, or Calloway setting up a plant in China, or arranging for production in an existing plant in China is FAR different than a loose-knit group of entusiasts making the same arrangements. They will have agents on site to look out for their interests Who's gonna make the arrangements for us, who will arrange the manufacture, who will ensure the product is built to spec (not just the sample, but the production), who will handle the shipment, export/import docs/tariff? All this talk of us contracting to have anything made 1/2 way around the world is just wanking off. Drunken: There may not be significant differences in wire lengths or connectors between RHD and LHD cars, but the wrapping and routing of wires into a loom will be dramatically different. IMO This idea for a project is one that is best left to enthusiasts with lots of time and dedication, or to people with lots of money to fling around the world (China)
Custom Wiring Harnesses (Part 2)
Ah, yes. China, world recognized as the leader in quality manufacturing.
Which goes first ?
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 06:51:35 -0600 From: Carl Beck <beck@becksystems.com> Subject: RE: <280> Windshield Seal Replacement >> Also, is there one available that doesn't have the grooves for the >> Stainless trim? >Scott Bruning wrote: >Nope. Can't buy it anymore. Sorry. Hi Scott (everyone): And in IMHO it is a good thing that a windshield gasket isn't available without the grooves for the stainless trim. The reason being that it's not "just" trim... it's a brace to keep the gasket from folding in the wrong direction and letting the windshield pop out. Due to the high-pressure area inside the first generation Z Cars - that windshield gasket is glued in place not to help seal it but to keep it from popping out at high speed. The stainless trim is critical to maintaining the correct form in the gasket. If you are driving around with yours missing - don't drive above 80 MPH and for sure don't roll down a window ;-(... I'd never disagree with Scott... but now that I've watched at least five professional glass installers do the front windshields on first generation Z's... and I've tried it myself ;-(... I will tell you this... They all put the gasket on the windshield, then put the stainless trim in place in the gasket (while one can still flex it open).... next they wrapped the cord around the groove in the gasket (to pull the inner lip inside the car) - - then they put the glue on the outer edge of the gasket and popped it into the car. When I ask them all about the process - they all said the same thing.. "if you wait to put the stainless trim on after you have the gasket and windshield in place on the car - you'll never get in on without bending the hell out of it - or tearing the outer lips of the gasket"... It's there to keep the outer edges of the gasket from flexing the wrong way - it doesn't prevent you from putting the windshield in - it prevents the windshield from popping out.†FWIW, Carl Hi Scott (everyone): Glad you mentioned that "dishwashing liquid" - I forgot a "step" in the process. Just before they sat the windshield on the car - they sprayed the rubber gasket with soapy water to lubricate it and make it slide/pop in easier. good luck, Carl Carl Beck Clearwater,FL IZCC #260
Which goes first ?
I've been told that it is best installed on the seal before the glass is put in place.
Hot Rods
I'm sooooo glad we have an expert on what CA needs.
Which goes first ?
I've been told that it is best installed on the seal before the glass is put in place. I have no experience with either method.
Hot Rods
I'm quite sure that it does. It would seem really odd for CA to be more liberal in regard to this situation when they are such HARDASSES on everything else involving automobiles.
Leaded fuel is OK to run on no catalytic cars! Race GAS :)
Kerosene is how it's spelled. People (at least people in the know) have been using or mixing Aviation Gas for use in automobiles since at least the 1960's. The main question is, Does your engine need, and can it really use the higher octane rating to achieve anything other than emptying your wallet a a quicker rate? If your race engine does, you probably have enough $$$ and are too busy to bother with the added hassle of lugging containers around to airports on race weekends.
Any advice from the pros
I wouldn't be too surprised if it is per month. Only one way to find out. Play up the Starving Student angle. Practical? Only your budget knows for sure. I wouldn't be practical for me at the moment.
Windshield and door seals any advice
Gary: The point of the thread, and my post is that some people DO CARE, and you cannot ASSUME.
Windshield and door seals any advice
Enrique: I was not being critical of Troy's business in this thread. I was correcting the statement that said : "i saw a set datsunrestore.com for 229.95 and that was a16 piece set has anyone used their stuff or know if its actual nissan stuff because all their other stuff is" .... I never said anything about him making a buck or not; but like all businessmen his choice to reproduce stuff is certainly not motivated solely by a desire to "support our hobby". Make no mstake (and again this is not a criticism) he's in it to make a buck also, and there is nothing wrong with that. Also, I never implied that Troy implies things are OEM when they are not. My statement was (in light of seerex's incorrect statement) simply that one cannot assume that everything is OEM. And, absolutely my statement applies to EVERY vendor out there. Troy has been pleasant when I've delt with him also, I never said, or implied he wasn't. I haven't found much wrong with the "new" items I have acquired from Troy either, the point of my post was that seerex's statement was incorrect, and that one should not assume the origin of items from Troy (who's business was mentioned) or anyone else. Many businesses will state flatly the origin of their parts. "Repro", "Aftermarket", "OEM" are often stated in the description. If it isn't, that is a red flag for me to ASK!
voltage regulator for 60 Amp
AFAIK, the Voltage Regulator switches based on voltage, not amps. I doubt it cares about the amperage much. (But I am no expert)
Suspension Techniques Springs
What are you talking about??
Perhaps you'd consider sending full res images to those who wish to use it as a desktop wallpaper on their own computer?
L-28 and ZX Transmission swap
There are at least 3 sizes of T.O. bearing collars out there. Throw-Out bearing collar information can be found at THIS WEBSITE
Suspension Techniques Springs
Marty: Here is their website. It's really just a contact page (they say new site is coming soon) but there is a 800 number you can call for information. http://www.stracing.com/
Honor Roll
Mike: You are wrong. The thread has been here for a year and a half. It was not political. My post urging people to vote may have appeared to be political since voting is political, but I never suggested that anyone vote for any one person. Just that they vote. I've said repeatedly on this site that I don't like Bush or Kerry and neither of them got my vote. If you think differently, fine. I couldn't care less. You can have your opinion as I have mine. If you think that terrorists are not here, you are sadly mistaken. They have been here for many years (long before 9-11, and they are still here). If you think fighting them "far away from US soil" wil prevent them from continuing to come over here you are very sadly mistaken. It encourages them. Either way, we will likely be fighting them for decades. Most likley here AND there. It isn't like they have to ship an army halfway around the world to attack us. That has been proven several times. Having our armies deployed around the world does nothing to prevent their arrival. It encourages them. However, in case you hadn't noticed, the "terrorists" who implemented 9-11 didn't come from Iraq, and weren't financed by Iraq either. That honor goes to our allies Saudi Arabia. But the longer we are in Iraq, it becomes more likely that Iraqi's will attack us at home. If you were in the military, then you know that the soldiers voluteered to be in the armed forces to protect and defend our country, they most assuredly do not volunteer to wage this war, they go where they are ordered. Many of our soldiers in the Middle East joined the National Guard with little expectation that they could be shipped thousands of miles away (2 or more tours of duty in some cases). Many of the soldiers did not expect their enlistment to be extended far beyond the contract they signed, they also didn't expect to be called back to the service YEARS after having performed their obligation and been honorably discharged
Honor Roll
Which makes their sacrifice even more worthy of note. But make no mistake, not all of them support the decisions that put them there. (51% is a statistical majority) The bullets and bombs that take their lives don't select them based on their personal politics. These men and women are sacrificed for someone elses politics. And they have mine. In spite of my lack of support for the politics (of BOTH parties) that put them there and will keep them there.
REALLY Important, Time-sensitive!!!
I don't know, Vicky. I'm watching the news on NYC TV stations and they are already saying that results in some "key" states are coming in. I think that statements will be made, but I'm not so sure that they will really mean much until tomorrow at the earliest. As for the mechanics of voting, I must agree with you. I preferred the punch cards. Even as an absentee voter (without the machine) I had no real problems making sure the "chads" were completely detached. On the news radio this morning, someone was saying that there were voting machines in PA that had votes for one candidate already in memory before the polls opened. That kind of stuff, and the lack of checks and balances, a paper trail, etc concern me greatly. Computer glitches happen, and with no way to verify/recreate data some votes may not be counted, others may be counted twice and we will never know.
Any advice from the pros
Finding a unused garage is not a bad idea, but it is very difficult to do in a college/university/tourist town like Santa Cruz. Marc's concerns about noise/access issues are quite valid. When I was in the Navy, a friend and I rented a garage and noise of parking late at night was a huge issue.
Honor Roll
So then what was the point of your post? This thread was about deaths to Military personnel. Discussion of disease and accidents was/is off topic. Your political commments added in your subsequent posts go a long way toward explaining your agenda. PS, since I started this thread and have maintained it, it is MY thread. Start your own Dr Schweitzer!
REALLY Important, Time-sensitive!!!
Vicky: Have you read, or otherwise learned of all the problems with the electronic voting systems that are being used? These issues make the "chad" thing look like a minor thing. The sad part is that the people in governemnt know about the problems and have chosen to use these systems anyway. This election could easily be stolen by one or the other of the parties. (these problems are not just in FL, but in several other states/localities as well.)
Honor Roll
The pupose of this thread is and was to honor these men and women. I encouraged people to vote (I didn't/don't care who you vote for) with the memory of their loss in mind God knows why Tom took exception to to this thread. Then wanting to find a way to equate their sacrifice with accident victims, and people who are aflicted by disease. The big difference is that their deaths could have been avoided by one single decision having been made differently. A decision that many experts (even the CIA) say was flawed. No one gives a $^!# who someone from another country would vote for. The citizens of THIS country can control their own destiny. It's just a lot easier to do when you are well informed, and not blinded by smokescreens put up by people with another agenda. Tom: Notice that neither candidates name was ever used in this thread by me. (and neither got a vote from me). It was you that polluted this thread with politics.