Everything posted by Bambikiller240
Converting E31 head to internal oiling
Generally, No. You must block off the oiler tube supply holes to maintain acceptable oil pressure. (FWIW, all modern cars that I am aware of use the internal oiling camshafts)
Converting E31 head to internal oiling
Craig: In addition to removing the spray bar, you must replace the current camshaft with one that provides for internal oiling. (i.e. oil is pumped into the camshaft and each cam lobe has a tiny hole in it where oil under pressure gets squirted out to lube the rocker arms and everything else up in there. Advantage is that there is no longer a spray bar to crack and fall apart, robbing part of the cylinder head of life saving oil.
L.E.D Solutions for dash and other LIGHTS?
Dave: I can only speak for myself, but I wouldn't cut even 1 wire of my OEM harnesses to install ANY mod/upgrade/fix. Is there any way around having to do that? My wiring has lasted 33 years without any butchery, I don't want to be the oneto break the chain.
Converting E31 head to internal oiling
I have no experrience with doing this, but I do know that it can be & has been done by many people.
Z Car On History Channel November 7
Just checked DirecTV / TiVo schedule and they have it listed as 8PM PST and Midnight PST with a 3 hour documentary about Alexander the Great in between the two showings
MSA 2004 on Direct TV
Sorry, I deleted it. It wasn't very good IMO. False Crap like "Katayama and Pinninfarina got together to decide how the car should look." :stupid: Also, The segment on the Z car and MSA show was barely 7 minutes long.
gear lever welding - fitting 72 gearbox into 70 car
I may be wrong, but I think that lever on eBay would only work if your car was delivered with the "B" type trans. It doesn't look to have the extreme bend that was described by Alan T, and would be required if your car was delivered with the "A" type trans,
MSA 10th Anniversay Show 2005
Will: See post #1 for dates http://www.zcarparts.com/ will have more info about next years (2005) show after the new year.
MSA 10th Anniversay Show 2005
Heat is one of the things I look forward to when I attend. Our summer doesn't start for another month.
Newest Club Hat Delivery!
MSA 10th Anniversay Show 2005
They DO have pre-registration. BUT, people (cars) show up (i.e. arrive) on a random basis. They (MSA staff) run the cars into the show area and park them "in order" of arrival. One next to the other, next to the next, etc. I may be wrong, but I haven't noticed that they "measure" and mark out spaces for each vehicle. It seemed to me that they "eye-balled it" one after another, after another as they park the cars. Since the show is held on a public street, they have a limited amount of time to prepare the venue (and get some sleep) before the long day of the show. Except for the point about non Z cars being allowed, I think this is much ado about nothing. It's not like you have to walk MILES to see all of any particular model. Maybe it would be better if they assigned viewers a chair and all of the cars drove by you, in order by model. Come on, it's a car show, what is a little walking to see what is there to be seen. Look at what you are interested in, ignore the rest and move on. It's not that difficult to do.
MSA 10th Anniversay Show 2005
I have to agree.
MSA 10th Anniversay Show 2005
Spots are generally not assigned at MSA. It appears there are exceptions as I've seen some clubs parked together, Johnnie Gable and a few other notables appear to have prefered spots. If cars were separated by "model", owners of one (or two) models would be complaining about being parked in the boonies. MSA can't please everybody, so they do what works for their staff.
Very Clean 240Z for sale in Texas!
Good catch Chris.
Water drain holes
The water should not have gotten in there. The car may have a bad Hatch weather-seal. I would not recommend drilling holes to drain the water. I would suggest finding out how the ater is getting in and fixing that.
MSA 10th Anniversay Show 2005
"IF" I am able to attend next year it would be good to meet you guys, but an aftershow dinner would not work for me as I would need to leave by 3 or 4PM in order to get home. A Pre-Show breakfast or something else may work better.
240Z Screensaver and Windows Icons
Well, it was there in December of 2001 when the link was posted. Guess you are a little too late to get it.
Need some help on the snow shoes for my 70 240z
Z's should not be driven in Snow. As for V8 info..... www.Hybridz.org
Ignition Troubles
Yes, it certainly is possible. You would need to disassemble the distributor to confirm. The vac advance plate is actually two plates with ball bearings sandwiche in between. Need to remobe advance diaphram and pull the advance plate to see if the balls are gone, or it is bound up by dried out grease.
What are you paying for gas?
Our pump prices just went down a dime a gallon. Now we ONLY pay $2.39 for 87 octane and $2.63 for 91 octane.
MSA 10th Anniversay Show 2005
Just guessing, but maybe it is to encourage "mingling". Another possiblility is that most other shows do not have the shear volume of entries that MSA draws. The logistics of arranging cars with a limited number of people running the show, and getting all the cars into the show in an extremely short timespan would make that job a bear to handle. I do understand your point though, as I have ZERO interest in most of the post 1978 cars entered.
What are you paying for gas?
Someone tell me again how the oil companies are our friends and how they don't take advantage of circumstances to rape the public at large. Ya, Right........and pigs FLY!
Body Style Changes??
You didn't search very well. www.zhome.com
New age Doctors
Did the Funnybone section move?
headlight relay upgrade harness's for sale
Dave: My harness showed up today. Haven't had the time to open it and check it out as yet, but I plan to later tonight. Thanks for the quick ship. Think I mailewd my Money order last Weds, so that's a quick turnaround. Carl