Everything posted by Bambikiller240
Lookin for front strut tower brace
It is made for the specific application. Only one mod required: "Take it out of the box it came in".
Flattop carbs vs. round top carbs?
Flat Top SU Carbs = Boat Achors Round Top SU's = Good Carburetors www.ZTherapy.com
Lookin for front strut tower brace
There are two ways to go about this: 1. "The right part for the right job". (MSA#23-4201 @ $109.95) 2. "The Jed Clampett Method" ("I can fix it. My Dad is a TV repairman. He's got the ultimate set of tools" - Jeff Spicoli of Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
Will they fit?
What brand cartridges did you use?
What are you paying for gas?
Yes, the market forces are generally of an international bent. As I said, other countries may be experiencing them ( to a greater or lessor degree) as we are. When I said that the price differences between OZ , UK, etc and the USA are largely based on differences in taxes applied to gasoline by our respective governments, I was refering to the situation explained (more eloquently) by Walter Moore. Since you asked........I'll WHINE...... IMO, the gas price hikes we are seeing are caused by several things. (in no particular order) The increasing international demand for petroleum (like China, for one example), unbridled speculation (greed) in the "futures" market where oil prices are bid higher and higher, greed of the US oil refiners who raise the "at pump prices" before the oil purchased at a higher price even reaches our shores. Lastly, the little excusion into Iraq (by our foolish leaders) which has done a great deal to destabilize the Middle East (where a significant portion of our oil imports originate. END OF WHINE (I'm not getting drawn into a debate about whether I'm right or not. Others may live in a different "fantasyland" than the one I live in.)
What are you paying for gas?
Nope, not saying that, just meant that the reason your (and other countries) current prices are different than in USA is largely due to taxes. The daily price increases that we are experiencing are due to matters that have almost nothing to do with taxes. Your country (and others) may also be experiencing some of this. (I don't know) yes, meant "aren't", not "are aren't".
Could someone help me?
Try out our search function. These sort of questions have been answered quite often and you will find lots of info in our archives.
What are you paying for gas?
did you mean whining (only 1 "g") we are aren't. Just comparing differences around the LARGE country. ....and the reason for that price difference (between USA and OZ / UK) would be largely in TAXES. The prices are rising for very different reasons (at this time) in the USA.
What are you paying for gas?
Just drove by the SAME station as last night. It's now $2.48.9 for 87 octane, and $2.72.9 for 91 octane. :mad:
What are you paying for gas?
$2.44 for 87 Octane, $2.68 for 91 Octane; as of last night 10-17-2004
How much insulation?
Here's a link to an article on insulating a car. Has a good description, and link to the manufacturer of "Brown Bread" insulation http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/volume_10_2/car-audio-sound-deadening-6-2003.html
Will they fit?
No to both parts.
conflicted about rust repair
If you were to treat the area's pictured with POR's "Metal Ready" product, the holes would be enlarged considerably. Bearing that in mind, and what little of the rocker panels that can be seen, I'd opt for replacement of the entire floorpans, and rockers (if needed) AND treatment of the entire area with POR15. This is the kind of work that you only want to do once,............................ unless you have lots of money, and time to burn. Just my $.02
struts/springs or coilovers?
Hello Mark: For a Daily Driver, I'd stick with either the European OEM Springs, or Eibach Progressive spring set; and either KYB's, Tokico Blues, or Illumina's for struts. Coil-overs, while convenient for the reasons that you mentioned will be noisier (and IMHO) not worth the effort. Sorry, No part numbers. Now if you were racing the car............................ suggestions would be somewhat different.
Fuel Injectors Open All the Time?
I'm no injection wiz, but the injectors themselves can fail, the sensors that the computer uses to control the injectors can fail, and lastly the computer itself can fail. Troubleshooting the complete system with a shop manual is the best way to determine what is causing the issue on your engine. Sorry. There really is no simple answer to this sort of thing.
Testing for voltage
Previous Owners. Gotta Love them.........NOT! :mad:
Large White Rectangle
White Rectangle documented.
MSA 2004 on Direct TV
...............but only for 30 minutes. :lick:
is this a scam?not zed related
I don't know about the money tranfer tax, but "Square Trade" is a legitimate program that some eBay sellers participate in. SQUARE TRADE However, from what I've read; the maximum that the program offers in fraud protection is $250. .............and it is only protects the bidder in an eBay auction. If you buy something privately, I don't beleive it does anything for you. Caveat Emptor!!!!
Best Idle Speed?
very correct
MSA 2004 on Direct TV
Thanks for the "Heads Up", Tom. Looks like it is on at 6PM and 9PM Pacific (9PM & Midnight Eastern) tonight. Gaotta make room on the TiVo/DVR for it. I looked briefly on the Dish Network website & didn't see Fine Living listed.
Best Idle Speed?
Keep in mind, these people have 240Z's which don't have all that crap
Best Idle Speed?
I set mine at 7-8 degrees BTDT. mention of a 280Z "vacuum thingy controlled by the vacuum solenoids to increase idle when a/c is on" has absolutely nothing to do with this thread about 240Z Timing and Idle RPM settings! :stupid:
my 240z screen saver
Geez, I thought it said "Have a Nice Day" (Duh)