Everything posted by Bambikiller240
z aero
240z Interior
Look under his name.
HELP - Rust!
Short answer is Yes, it is worth saving with bad doglegs. However, you should be aware that usually, the rust that you can see is only the tip of the iceberg. Meaning that as you go to repair the doglegs, you may find tha the rocker panels have also been eaten by the rust monster. Even if that is the case, the car is still worth keeping and doing a full resto later on. The rust areas where it gets real expensive to repair are the frame rails, floorpans, and the battery tray and area under it. Also the rear hatch area, and the spare tire well. Good Luck with your car
Outer door handle and side mirrors
Only a driver side mirror came on the 240Z's from the factory in the North American market. NOS Driver side mirror appear on eBay frequently.
Amp Draw I can safely add
If your fan clutch vibrates/wobbles, replace it before you end up replacing the radiator too. If you replace the viscous fan with an electric fan, you will notice the noise from the engine compartment will be less, but as for "freeing up" the engine; any difference will be infinitesimal.
Valvetrain Clatter
Could also be caused by the Oiler Spray Bar being cracked at the welds so that oil doesn't get sprayed where it needs to be. (a common issue on old L24 motors) Best way to check is to remove it, clean it up in solvent, and examine it VERY CAREFULLY. Also could be that the valve lash has not been adjusted correctly, or that the adjustment nuts have gone loose.
Amp Draw I can safely add
I can't help you with specifics, but the 240Z's electrical system was marginal as delivered from the factory 30+ years ago. After all these years, many of our electrical systems are even less robust. I don't have my FSM here, but I believe that the 73 240Z had only a 50 AMP Alternator. Even if you replace the Alternator with a higher output unit, the wiring harnesses are not designed to handle higher current loads. If you are going to add anything that uses significant current, I'd seriously consider wiring in relays to power the new components.
Best Idle Speed?
Mine is currently too high, due to carb adjustment issues. Seems like I read in a manual somewhere that 750 to 800 RPM was the spec for a manual trans 240Z.
Door Handle
On the other hand, you can just remove the other screws that secure the armrest to the door. Then, while pulling (gently) on the armrest toward yourself with one hand, begin unscrewing the screw with a screwdriver held in the other hand. More than likely it is the door itself that is stripped rather than the screw.
Clutch is gone!
More than likely one of the hydraulic cylinders is stuffed. Look for signs of leakage around them.
battery tray & inner fender parts needed
No grommet and drain hole, but if you get a OEM Battery Tray, it has a drain tube attached that will reach down below the framerail.
SU carb spring needed!
Ed: Your dog looks hungrier in this avatar than he did in the previous one.
100% virgin natural media
Door Handle
Whew, have a glass of water, Wayne.
Windshield Glass -- foggy
Hey Wayne: , That's where I first encountered Brasso also (Boot Camp). Cut to 33 years later I was visiting Eric Neyerlin at www.zparts.com a few years ago and he was sitting there polishing tail light lenses with a can of Brasso at his side. Our local hardware store chain (Orchard Supply & Hardware, which is owned by Sears) carries Brasso in Household Cleaners department.
Loads of parts for sale - parting out entire car!!
Sorry (err, nevermind, guess I spoke too soon)
Windshield Glass -- foggy
I use a product called 'BRASSO" to polish side markers and tail lights. It's made for polishing brass and silver and such. Works good for me.
Loads of parts for sale - parting out entire car!!
Yes, a lot of eBayers do try to do that....................BUT Your statement about shipping being a buck or two more is VERY FAR from reality. I just sold an item to a gentleman in Brooklin, Ontario Canada and my cost to ship an insured 1 pound package to him is almost $16 USD and it will arrive in about a week. I can send the same package to anywhere in the USA (using the same shipping service and insurance) for under $7 USD and it will arrive in 2-3 days. And I don't have to screw around with customs documents either. International shipping is a Pain in the arse for both Buyer and Seller.
MSA...Fantastic Service
No I don't, James. I've only spoken with him on the phone. Called the regular number and asked to speak to him. Sorry.
Lookin for front strut tower brace
:surprised If you don't mind a car that looks like and performs like Jed Clampetts truck
Large White Rectangle
It is NOT your computer, it is the website!
Large White Rectangle
I've been using IE6 for 3 years (came with the computer), the issue only cropped up for me today, and only on this website.
MSA...Fantastic Service
I have had a few hiccups along the way with MSA. Mostly with people that seem to be new to their operation. The situation has always been made as right as possible by Sal Perno (the Manager). Their prices (like most places) vary from great to not so great.
choke cables
I also doubt that bicycle brake cable will work, for the same reasons mentioned by beandip. However, I hasten to add that oil is not the right product to use on cables. It may lubricate them briefly, but will tend to pool in low areas, or pour out one end or the other and attract fuzz and lint to further gum up the cable. It is grease injected all through the cable that is needed. It used to be (probably still is) that you could buy a small tool at motorcycle shops to assist in properly greasing these cables. Just my $.02
Large White Rectangle
It comes and goes. very annoying.