Everything posted by Bambikiller240
I've got a new toy!
Sure looks nice to me, Mark. Congrats!
T/C Rod Failure & PU Bushings
I don't know how many of you'all are on the 240z.org mail list, but this message came though today and I feel it is important enough to pass on. Message: 3 Date: Sun, 09 Nov 2003 11:27:04 -0800 From: Alex F To: 240Z Mailing List <list@240z.org> Subject: [240z.org] T/C Rod breaking/failure A local Z buddy (afshin) had a TC rod failure this weekend, and this brought into the light possibilities of TC rod failure due to use of the PU bushings. Carrman posted a good read on how to prevent this failure, which was snipped from the dime quarterly list: http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=27871 I think I'll either switch to drill out the PU bushings to give more flex, or get stock bushings and the g-machine tc rod alum/delrin kit. -alex
Coolant Reservoir
You may want to consider deleting your phone number from the post. Unless you don't mind every telemarketer in the world having access to it.
Timing cover
Yes it does. You'd obviously need to undo the pan to cover bolts to remove the cover whether or not you pulled the pan or head or neither in order to get the cover outta there. I think Kinfish was luckier than 80% of folks would be, to get the pan gasket to release from the block without damage to the gasket or pan flange.
Clutch Slave Cylinder
You only need to bleed the slave cylinder on a stock 240/260/280Z as there is no bleed screw on the clutch master cylinder.
Fuel return line
On my Z's (all have/had stock SU's); the return line that wraps around the front and carb side of the engine is/was of a smaller diameter that the supply line.
Timing cover
There is only one way that I know of, and that is to pull the cylinder head. I'm sure that isn't what you wanted to hear, but I don't know of any other way.
Interior Ergonomics
Hmm, I was copying and pasting from the web page you provided so any errors there would have been carried over.
Interior Ergonomics
Trust me on this one Lachlan; the ignorance of the general public will NEVER surprise this old dog! Woof Woof. So, how did you like my Aussie slang in the X mas gift thread? I'm practicing for when Rick comes back from vacation!
Interior Ergonomics
Not wanting to kill a discussion, but I HOPE that no one would dare to disagree with THE MAN who (above all others) really knows what went into the creation of the S30 series. (ducking for cover now, bye)
NGK wires dirt cheap!
Thanks James. I had tried a search on "NGK wires" but only found stuff from someone else and none offered for early Z's. Thanks for the update! Carl
Broken Bolt
For the Buckets (the Headlight assemblies) theere should just be holes for the screws to go through. On the Sugar Scoops (outer body panels) you are right ther studs are fixed. Maybe you can get S/S nuts, or just coat the studs heavily with anti-seize compound whn assembling. Anti-seize has worked well for me, but I'm in CA and the weather my car is exposed to maybe less severe than what your car will see.
Interior Ergonomics
Words from the Chief Designer's mouth should lay the controversy to rest! Good Stuff Alan (as always!) Thanks.
Broken Bolt
I can't advise on welding an extension, though I think it would be difficult with a screw that was so rusty as to shear. Need good solid metal to weld But there is a much better product to use instead of WD40. It's called Kroil (or Sili-Kroil) made by Kano Labs. It works much better (IMHO) than anything else on the market. www.kanolabs.com PS Use stainless steel bolts/screws when re-assembling, it'll save you from similar hassles later on.
Japanese event pics.
Thanks for the Preview Alan! I can't wait for the new section to be established for the main body of your efforts to be posted. The shot looking down on the show is a great photo. Thank you again for sharing with us.
NGK wires dirt cheap!
James: Do you have a link to the auction or the sellers eBay ID so we can search for the deal?
so what's so special about the Z car?
They didn't use to be a "novelty" in the US, anyway. When they first were imported the early 70's they were an instant hit with the public. Demand outstripped supply for several years (70-72). Car Dealers could (and did) demand premiums over the factory prices. Additional equipment such as aluminum wheels, stripe kits, side mouldings, aftermarket A/C, etc were routinely added to the cars to further "pad" the retail prices. As for what makes the car special to me, it's bang for the buck, and styling; plain and simple. It's an easy and fun car to maintain, and/or mildly modify (I haven't tried a V8 conversion or Turbo swap so I cannot speak to that level of mod) and a very fun car to drive. Then of course, there is the body styling. A little bit of Ferrari Daytona, Jaguar E Type, and other classic styling bits all rolled into a package that to me can only be described as beautiful.
Relationary Status...
Gee, Thanks, Alfa. Turn the one with a Boyfriend over to me, whilst you go after the one LOOKING for a Boyfriend. Bonzer there mate! I think I've been Dudded!
Relationary Status...
Now it's my turn........ "Oooo another girl! I'm liking this..." Hey Alfa, I beat you to it!
Relationary Status...
Hmmm, Interesting how the subject's of people of throwing up on shoes, and Victor wearing a thong seem to come up in the same post. They just seem to go together. :tapemouth
Relationary Status...
Welcome to FANTASYLAND, Kelly! :stupid: ROFL :stupid:
Time for more HP
Hi Dave: No, I haven't heard of GUDE, but I'm going to try a web search and see if anything comes up. EDIT www.gude.com Yeah, sometimes in rushing to lend a hand, people seem to mis-read the question being asked and end up giving an answer to a different question that wasn't asked. Carl
Time for more HP
Well, he asked for advice on a BUILDER for a NA Engine (not on how to build one) putting out those HP numbers. I'm fairly certain that Tom (as a Mech Eng. Tech.) understands that HP costs $$$. Rebello (and Sunbelt Engines) do have the knowledge to get 300+ HP out of a NA L6. He may end up going Turbo, but that isn't the question he asked for advice on.
VIN plate
BANZAI MOTORWORKS sells VIN plates (and many repro Stickers etc found on S30 Z cars) for 240Z's, I don't know if they offer them for 260Z's
Time for more HP
Your first post specified NATURALLY ASPIRATED, so I don't understand the Turbo suggestions. :stupid: REBELLO is the way to in CA