Everything posted by Bambikiller240
Rear Defroster - Vertical/Horizontal
The 71 I used to own, had Vertical lines, the early 72 I currently own has Vertical lines, the 73 I previously owned had Horizontal lines
to all that own factory service manuals on CD
I agree completely. I wouldn't want an FSM on CD, I prefer the "old fashioned" book but the "Threadstarter" was bemoaning the cost of the CD's. Fortunately I have a 72 and a 73 FSM in addition to many other manuals (Chiltons, Haynes, Autobooks, etc) that I'll never let go of.
Are 240Z steering wheels actually wood??
Here is some fuel for the discusssion #4
Are 240Z steering wheels actually wood??
Here is some fuel for the discusssion #3
Are 240Z steering wheels actually wood??
Here is some fuel for the discusssion #2
Are 240Z steering wheels actually wood??
Here is some fuel for the discusssion #1
to all that own factory service manuals on CD
The FSM's are available on CD for $69.99 from Courtesy Nissan. That is not too bad IMHO. There is a wealth of information in those manuals. If that is too pricey for you, watch eBay and you can get used hard-copy manuals cheaper. Or you can just keep on sending your car to someone who doesn't care for it like you do, or on breaking parts, installing things wrong and wasting your time and money on stuff that doesn't solve the problem that you are trying to resolve. It's your choice. Spend a little, Save a lot! Just my $.02 Carl
I am an Idiot.
1. The noise that you hear may be the steering rack bushings squeeking and not the tie-rods or the ball-joints. 2. Both the tie-rods, and the ball-joints probably did come with some grease in them. I doubt that a few weeks or months of driving damaged anything significantly, but keep them greased well and they will last a long time. BTW some part DO now come without grease fittings. Mine didn't have fittings either, but I would rather have ones that I can keep adding grease to as time goes on.
su carb oil
If your Nissan dealer is telling you "20w and we dont have it -----and cant get it." They aren't trying hard enough. Nissan never manufactured 20wt. oil, they bought it and now do not carry it because there are not enough demands for it to make it enconomically viable for them. It is available elsewhere. I use it exclusively in my SU's. Look around a bit and you'll be able to find it too.
new to me take a look
Thank you, Mark. I AM kinda pissed at their attitude towards customer service, but I just might stop by the local store tomorrow night after work and see if the same situation applies here. Hate to miss out on 1/2 priced gloves. Thank you, Carl
STOLEN: 260z 2 seater
So sorry to hear about how your car was found. I can't imagine how you must feel.
another victum of a Zed Murder
Yeah, sure it ain't "pretty"; but that's what they did to ZX's in the GT class racing back in the early 80's. "overkill" is an apt description.
another victum of a Zed Murder
Yep, That's how they looked back in the day. I've got pictures from Laguna Seca of a car painted like that which was displayed in a Promo Tent at the GT races. That was back when they passed out tiny packs of cigarettes, and "camel" lighters to race fans (over 18 of course!, wink, wink, nod, nod)
new to me take a look
Well the Idiots at Sears have out done themselves again! Got an email this afternoon informing me that they have cancelled my order for the gloves. Seems the local Sears didn't have any to put aside for me (even though they did an availability check when I placed the order). The email offered me the option of calling an 800 number to re-instate the order for mail delivery, so I did that, but now the fools say that they are out of stock for home delivery as well! Inspite of the sale being effective until the close of business tonight, they will not accept orders, nor honor the orders that they previously accepted for these items. No "rain check offered either. No wonder Sears, as a viable business, is going down the toilet. Customer service seems to be a foreign concept to Sears.
'71 Hatch Strut
When I have looked for replacement struts at Poopboys, Kragen and the like, I have found that only the struts for 260 or 280Z's are available. In other words, only the Z cars that use TWO struts to hold the hatch have been available. The Z's using the single ("high pressure") struts are S.O.L.
timing plate location
Larger valves, when installed in the E31 heads will allow the head to breathe better. Not that they aren't OK as they came from the factory, it's just that they can be made even better by spending money on having a machine shop (that knows what they are doing) install bigger valves (I think they use 280Z valves). Also the E31 heads came with soft valve seats that should be replaced with hardened ones when (if) you have a valve job done to the head. Any competent "Datsun/Nissan experienced shop" will know about all this more than I do.
My new Z
Could you attach the photogragh to a post in the forums? I'd like to use it for Wallpaper without the ClassicZcars.com watermark,
new to me take a look
Yeah, they were available at my local Sears too, but I was too lazy to go tonight, and they close tomorrow before I get off work, so I ordered online for pick up locally. Same price, no shipping, and I can take my time getting there. Oh, Sears auctions some tools on eBay also. I bought a Craftsman 27mm Ratcheting Box-End Wrench for $11.01 and got free shipping to boot.
timing plate location
The ones with degrees were avail on at least some 73 Z's, I've forgotten what mfg date (I looked it up in the Parts CD) and it was listed for Manual Trans cars. Either one will work for you. i just like the look of the "scale" and I got one from a Z boneyard in Oregon. The E31 heads are indeed high compression heads, they also have smaller valves than some of the later heads.
new to me take a look
You can order them on-line for shipment to you, OR you can order them on-line and pick them up at your local Sears Store and save the shipping and wait time. www.sears.com , do a search from their site for "Mechanics Gloves" Just ordered two pair, one for my summer projects and one for future needs. Can't resist a bargain!
Newb ? on removing all smog on '72 10/71 240z Series 2
What size and thread pitch were the plugs that you used to seal up the EGR tubes on the exhaust manifold? Do you have any pictures of the block off plate and bracket that you made? I might want to do that on my car this summer. Thanks, Carl
timing plate location
Steve: Which one did you get from Nissan for two bucks? The little arrow, or the one with the number scale? Just curious. Carl
Can you "Identify the Accordian?"
They aren't too picky about the cars they display. Exotics are a large catagory, but they also have one for "wrecked police cars", one for "bad wrecks"(this car was in the BAD catagory), and some other lesser catagories. The Exotic catagory has some picture to make a car freak weep!
'71 Hatch Strut
I don't have any idea, but since you have the parts, give it a shot and let us all know. I know that Id be interested in doing it if I could.
timing plate location
The 73 240Z that I owned had the timing scale that kmack describes for a 73, but it was mounted on the passenger side of the car timing cover. "Zero" was in the exact same location as it would be on a 70, 71, or 72 240Z with the little arrow type pointer shown in the attachment on the post above this post. I just bought one of these scales to incorporate in the 72 L24 that I had rebuilt for Bambikiller. ***EDIT: I think that the one described by kmack may have been for cars equiped with AC or Auto Trans 240Z's