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Everything posted by Bambikiller240

  1. Bambikiller240 replied to mmagnus's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Back when i re-assembled the 71 240Z I rebuilt from the ground up (a long time ago) I waited until almost the end of re-assembly before installing the weatherstripping. Trial fit as much as possible. I used cheap masking tape to hold strips in place for a minimum amount of time, then removed it quickly. Use BLACK Permatex Weather Strip Adhesive, instead of the "yellow snot" variety. Clean up immediately & carefully. Just a few thoughts, they worked well for me.
  2. And don't always WHACK it in the same direction. WHACK it from all sides while watching carefully for signs of movement so you don't break the Oil Pick-up tube when it finally lets loose.
  3. He's baaack! OK, I'm not going to get into a long thread about 2nd Amendment rights. (Nope, Not gonna do it!) But, what is this crap about KMART? KMART is a huge department store chain and one of the departments in their stores is SPORTING GOODS. Ammunition for hunting and target shooting certainly comes under the heading of SPORTING GOODS. No big deal. KMART is subject to all of the Federal and State laws that ANY seller of guns and ammunition must obey. The bank where Mr. Moore received a gun for opening an account is an anomaly, not the norm. In most areas of the country that I am familiar with, you cannot take posession of a handgun until 10 days after the lawful purchase. A background check is done to verify that you are allowed to legally own the weapon. In CA you must take a Firearm Safety course in order to purchase a handgun (or prove that you have already passed one recently). There are problems in the USA. Some people have no respect for the rights of other people, some people have no respect for other people period. Some of these social misfits have not been taught how to behave as civilzed beings. Then there are the one who are on the fringes of society, the "Thugs and Drugs" folks. These gems have rotted their brains on chemicals and just don't give a $^!# about anyone or anything. It is not the weapons that are at fault for many of the shooting deaths. It's the A-holes who use them. Generally these are not legal gun owners, they are people who acquire stolen weapons and use them to commit crimes to feed habits and egos. These people are a significant problem for society with or without guns and should be dealt with by the law enforcement community. Harshly! The areas around airports are usually low income areas (who WANTS to live near an runway?) and often suffer many problems like drugs and other social problems including all manner of violence. Were those 12 people drug dealers, thieves, or innocent by-standers just hanging around car parks? Don't judge our whole country by these small areas. PS, don't believe everything you hear from cab drivers. It's not like they are Rhodes Scholars! (well, maybe Rhodes Scholars are a bad example ) Cab drivers aren't always Boy Scouts. I have lived in the CA suburbs for 50+ years. My front door is often left unlocked all night long. In the summer, the doors and windows are left OPEN all night long and I've never had a problem with theft or violence. Of course, I am prepared to defend life and property in the event it becomes necessary, but I have not had the need to do so. Yet. I do not hunt, but love to target shoot in isolated areas or rifle ranges under controlled conditions. It is a hobby that can give lots of satisfaction from the skill required to hit your target, and to maintain finely crafted machinery. It is not unlike the enjoyment one can get from driving a Z quickly and precisely, and maintaining the car properly as well. Zvoiture: I agree whole-heartedly with your last post, except that I would change the last sentence to read as follows......"I hope that we continue to have a government that will protect my right to defend myself and my property from those people described above who seek to violate my right to live safely in peace and harmony with my neighbors." BTW, yes I've opened a few cans of beans with a 30.06, and a .223 as well. An M1 Garand will make a gallon jug of water leap about 3 feet in the air too. Shot an AK-47 once also. KAA-RAZY! Remember, Gun Control is hitting what you aim at, and nothing else.
  4. When in doubt......WHACK IT HARDER with that piece of wood and hammer. Cutting as 2ManyZs says will help, but you may still need to WHACK IT HARD. (I did)
  5. Hi Dwight! Well, I must admit that I've seen "Roger and Me" and "The Big One" and enjoyed them to a degree, as I like it when people in power are put on the Hot Spot and have a tough time answering questions. But Mr. Moore is a bit of a muckraker and is certainly liberal to the core, so I do not always agree with him. I'm curious about this movie, but frankly I'm afraid that it will cause me extreme grief to watch it as I suspect he will have slanted the story to make every gun owner look like a crazed fool with an itchy trigger finger and no brain. I don't need him to raise my blood pressure, or I'll have to increase my medication. I'm going to spend some time tonight checking out that website that you mentioned. PS to Zvoiture: we are not ALL sick over here!
  6. Bambikiller240 replied to echocluster's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Click on "Downloads" on the Home Page, then click on Z Car Technical Documents. We have Wiring Diagrams for various Z Cars available for you to download.
  7. Ah, Second Amendment Rights. Finally, something Dwight and I will agree on! I KNEW there had to be SOME topic where our views would not differ.
  8. If you are talking "concourse" restoration, you'll be hard pressed to find one below $15K anywhere in the US. There will be differences based on region of the US. Could be as much as $20K.
  9. Easier to just leave dangling in engine compartment than to hassle with routing through firewall. Only needed for emergency use, so only worth minimal effort. PS: I'm LAZY! (and don't want to add another hole in firewall)
  10. I have heard some people say that they have had better success unlatching the hood from below, by trying to do it on the passenger side of the engine. I haven't tried it either way my self but you may want to try that. You won't have the header and carb stuff in the way on that side of the engine.
  11. Marty: On the Home Page, find the Main Menu and click on "240Z Mailing List". That will take you to a new page. Scroll to the bottom of that page and enter your email address in the box next to "Edit Options" button, then click on edit options button. That should take you to a place to unsubscribe from the list. HTH, Carl
  12. Once you have the hood open and fix the broken hood release cable, I suggest buying a small package of picture hanging wire (50 lb rated) and connect one end of it to the hood latch mechanism. Stretch out a length of wire that will hang down about half way to the ground on the driverside of the engine. Cut the wire to length and make a loop on that end. Next time the hood release cable breaks, you'll have a handy way to unlatch the hood from below without any hassle. Just reach up and grab the loop and yank.
  13. Hi Jerry: Hey, I've got to watch something on TV in between F1 races ........and the name of the file confirmed my suspicion as to who it was.
  14. My guess is that it's Carl Fogarty & his Ducati. BTW, nicely done Jerry!
  15. Bambikiller240 replied to ZwolleY's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    Un-screw, Screw on new one. No Trick to it. Simple Simon!
  16. It doesn't sound like it's clutch related if it only happens in 3rd gear, and not in 1st, 2nd, or 4th. More likely something is amiss in the transmission.
  17. Bambikiller240 replied to St.stephen's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Yes, they are out of the Z car parts business.
  18. Bambikiller240 replied to mdbrandy's post in a topic in Interior
    Not sure if they are available from Nissan (doubtful) but someone with a parts car should be able to help you out for cheap.
  19. No Problem. Welcome to the club! BTW, if you weren't happy with the Pertronix system as supplied; you should see how the Crane XR700 system arrives. (I bought one of those before I got smart and went to Pertronix) They do give you enough wire, but it is a PITA to install and keep adjusted properly.
  20. Bambikiller240 replied to koreavet's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I'm not an expert on the heads, but the compression is lower on the late E88 head. The racers favor the early heads (E31 and early E88) and claim that they "flow better" than the late E88. I do know that there was a significant decrease in HP fro the 72 model Z's to the 73 models. Largely due the head change and to the switch to Flat-top carburetors, I believe. Sorry I can't provide more information or be more specific.
  21. There are two versions of the E88 head. Early style which is virtually identical to the E31, and the 1973/74 version E88 which is of lower compression and generally considered as a "smog" head. When I took my early E88 to Dave Rebello for a rebuild he told me that my head had the original "soft" valve seats, and he replaced them with hardened seats as part of the rebuild service. Perhaps the later (1973 / 74) E88 head had hardened seats when manufactured. I DUNNO
  22. Bambikiller240 replied to koreavet's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    These pictures illustrate the differences between Early and Late E88 cylinder heads. Photo's from www.Zhome.com
  23. Bambikiller240 replied to That Ozzy Guy's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Good on Ya,George! It's a sweet looking Ride. With all that power, keep your throttle foot under control so you don't end up paying too much HP tax!!
  24. How about turning one into a Brothel on wheels? PS I love the show too. Jesse James has "attitude" and calls 'em the way he see's 'em. Un-PC.
  25. Yeah, Jerry switched us from "Aviation Weakly", to the "Watersports Channel"! ( careful of jokes on this one Alan! )

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