Everything posted by Bambikiller240
Thank you President Clinton
Dwight: I do agree with your assessment of Carter. Regarding Jenny........aren't most women annoying "sometimes"? It wouldn't be for conversation that I'd want to spend time with her, that is for sure. I'd have other plans for her!
Production date question...
The 10% add'l is for them to dye the panels for you. I didn't ask what colors they offer. Since I didn't want dyed panels. Probably whatever colors of SEM dye they can get. When I eventually get to the interior of my car, I'll switch to black as I didn't really care for the white anyway. Grey would look nice though. That blue exterior would look good I think
What are you paying for gas?
Prices for Premium (91 octane ) have fallen to $2.29.9/gallon from the high of $2.47.9
Production date question...
The plastic panels are available from Les and Dennis at Classic Datsun Motorsports for about $400 AIR, but only in black. You'd need to dye them to the color that you want.
A Warning To All Zcar.com Users
No doubt he is!
Thank you President Clinton
Something else I can agree with! But, I think he was referring to Senator Joseph McCarthy. Who saw a Commie in every corner back in the 1950's. I'd trade Joe for Jenny, any day!
A Warning To All Zcar.com Users
The pissant probably makes $3k at Walmart or McD's, has a chip on his shoulder, and nothing else to contribute. When I used to hang out at zcar.com, I noticed a lot of flaming and other anti-social behavior that is largely missing from this site, but the admin would jump in and squash the offenders when notified. I agree with ZmeFly. report him to the admin at Zcar.com.
Production date question...
US Spec 1972 240Z's that were Metallic blue, came only with White interior panels, door panels, white seats, white headliner, & white vinyl. The dash, carpets and console were black. If you want to make it "orignial", you'll be buying black interior plastic panels and using dye to make them white, as no white plastic panels are available. To my knoledge you could NOT order a different interior color. You ordered an exterior color and all cars of that paint color came with one standard interior package. At least for 240Z's. Carl
Thank you President Clinton
I stand corrected. My statement was meant to convey that he was not successfully removed from office in the impeachment process. I know the "trial" occurred, but it was not successful in removing him, which I believe should have been done. I mis-spoke and apologize Neither does Dubya, and it shows......badly! (I'm not saying I could do better, but then again; I didn't apply for the job.) As an educated individual I am sure that you know what happens when someone ASSUMES. Enough said there. But, really; weren't we told that we were going to Iraq on humanitarian grounds, and to make the US safer? I don't feel safer, and I doubt that many Iraqi citizens do (so far) either. Agreed, but I don't consider this as an acceptable situation. Something is wrong here, we're finding common ground on another aspect of this discussion.
Fuse box melt prevention?
Enrique: Aren't these connections rivited into the plastic box? Are you saying to drill out the rivits, and then solder? How would you reinstall the connector into the plastic securely? Maybe a dumb question, but I don't have a fuse box to examine without disassembling my console. Carl
"yeah, that's easy for you to say, you drive a...
!!!!! Way to go Ed! You found the bright side! I agree!
Thank you President Clinton
I served my country for six years in the military (Viet Nam era veteran) Have you served? From the sound of your statements concerning military matters, I doubt it. I vote my conscience in every election, after much research of the issues and people involved. Do you? Or do you blindly believe what the Washington Post and the Austin American-Statesman tell you to believe. People and organizations are right OR wrong BECAUSE of what they do, or don't do, and how they do, or don't do it. PS Clinton was not formally Impeached. He should have been, but was not. I will agree with the rest of your asessment of him.
Thank you President Clinton
My specific reference was to WW2 & Nazi's. Didn't mean to exclude any other events. In case you hadn't noticed civilization has come a long way since 1789. What happened in the past does not make what is happening in the present acceptable. What a crock. Good thing I'm wearing hip-boots because the BS is really deep in that statement. I suppose you would consider Bush a foreign affairs expert and/or a great military mind? :stupid: What the hell to human sheilds have to do with anything? (except providing a handy aiming point for weapons to be trained upon) One act of stupidity does not mean that other acts of stupidity should be tolerated. The citizens of Iraq have no prower (except those in the military) and even they have no authority after the regime is toppled. Our Military forces had the authority (as victors) and the means to ATTMEPT to maintain order, yet nothing was done.
fusible link
You'll still see the connector on the wiring that runs the length of the framerail. It has a pigtail near the starter location that the link plugs into. Get the link, attach it to the starter, plug into the harness. Your original post said "I believe I need to replace the fusible link for my starter." You didn't say anything about it being missing.
fusible link
I doubt AutoZone or Kragen would have one. Personally, I don't buy anything from those places except chemicals like oil, cleaners etc. My experience has been that they carry JUNK parts. Look at your starter. It is the wire that plugs into the rest of the cars wiring. You cannot miss it if you look there. It just looks like a wire with a ring connector on one end and a plastic plug-in connector on the other. approx 4 to 6 inches long
fusible link
Replace it with a new fusible link! Available at MSA and Victoria British to name a few. Under $10.00 It is connected to the starter by a ring connector and the other end plugs into the engine bay wiring harness. 5 minute job.
replace the defective starter
Production date question...
Many of the early 72's had the pockets in the body for the seatbelt retractors, but the retractable belts themselves were not added until Jan 72 production dates. My Bambikiller (HLS30 55703) was mfg'd 11/71 pockets, yes / but fixed belts (for now, but I bought a nice set of retractables to install later) PS when Zhome.com lists "earliest reported" he means earliest VIN registered on his website
Production date question...
The production information for US Spec 240Z's shown below is copied from www.zhome.com: and shows production changes and the month that they began: 1972 HLS30 48863 thru 99596 (earliest & latest reported so far - Notable VIN Month Highlights 01 Auto seat belt retractors installed, rear window defroster lines run horizontal 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Last 72 Model Year Car Reported So Far - HLS30 99596 1973 Model Year HLS30 120000 thru HLS30 172767 (to date). Major changes made for 73 Model Year Z's - Federal Vehicle Safety Standards & Emissions Standards. Too extensive to list here, see below. 09 10 11 12 So, as you can see, some cars produced in in 8/72 were in fact 72 240Z's, and production of 73 240Z's had begun in August also.
Which Hazard Switch for a 1972 240Z?
On the dash near the cigarette lighter. See pictures in previous posts for a pre 1973 switch. 1973 switches are of a push/pull type located in the same area.
History Channel
"Holey Schmoley" Alan!! That'll certainly make a bloke walk funny for a while. You definitely surprised me with that retort! Thanks for the chuckle! Carl
Thank you President Clinton
OK, Yes, Mike it is different in that respect, I did exagerate the analogy. Perhaps a bit too much. Acknowledged. But to allow it to occur served no purpose whatsoever, did it? Anyone one in any form of law enforcement, be it Martial law, or Civilian Police can tell you that it is far easier to MAINTAIN control of a situation than to REGAIN control of a situation. An attempt should have been made to maintain control of the population, rather than to sit on hands and allow the lawlessness to take hold and escalate. I fault the leaders (at the VERY top) for that. I'm quite sure that the military leaders on site wanted to maintain control as it would have been in ther best intereest. PS DRECORD, arresting them for looting would be understood by ALL civilized countries. Arresting them for nothing would not be. PPS Screw the Anti-American movement, Looting is Looting.
Thank you President Clinton
It is not terribly difficult to stop the looting from sites like hospitals, museums, universities. You take control of the ground. You do not allow entry. If you couldn't predict it starting, you stop the CONTINUANCE of the looting by taking charge. Please reread my earlier post, I DO NOT BLAME THE TROOPS/COPS. I blame the leadership who ordered them to stand by and allow it. There was very little shooting and fighting going on in these areas, so that is not an issue. You can't shoot people when your arms are full of stolen computer, medical equipment and antiquties. Regarding the museums, your same agruement would also validate the Nazi pillaging of the great museums of France, Italy and the other European countries in WW2 right? Allowing the national treasures to disappear into the hands of thieves is not right. Period. Yes the Iraqi civilians (some of them) did it to their own country, but that does not make it right or mean that ALL civilians of Iraqi wanted that to happen. "It is brilliant to not start shooting people if they steal a chair or an air conditioner. If we did shoot them for theft, how would we be different from Sadam? Not much... " No wonder the people of america loot their own neighborhoods. People with that attitude are ENCOURAGING the behavior by looking the other way. UNCONSIONABLE!
History Channel
Hi Alan: I haven't seen the show yet, but if the VCR gods are with me and I get the recording programmed correctly, I'll post my opinion on Sunday. Cheers, Carl
Thank you President Clinton
Common sense required some form of control to be taken immediately. Unfortunately, in the days of no control there have been many university's, hospital's, libraries, and museum's stripped of everything of value. It is unconsionable that the "coalition" forces were not allowed to control the lawlessness or to even ATTEMPT to control it. Strange though, we're STILL bragging about how the OIL FIELDS are secure. Another example of what is really important to the leaders of this coalition who dictate what and where the forces are allowed to protect. Actually it is incredibly STUPID to allow things such as this to occur. I repeat.... UNCONSIONABLE to allow the raping of the civilzation that we purportedly went to Iraq to SAVE from the evil dictator.