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Everything posted by Bambikiller240

  1. Bambikiller240 replied to DakotaZ's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Maybe we could ask Bush and Blair to go after the rogue Panda's after he finishes with Iraq, & Syria, &....................
  2. It can be done, but it is more difficult when keeping the L24 and the SU's. There is a guy that hangs out on www.zcar.com named "Norm the Twelve second Z car dude" or something like that. He can tell you what was necessary to get his z down to the 12.9 sec ET range.
  3. Bambikiller240 replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    "Emporer George of Syria" has a nice ring to it huh? Me thinks that the little SOB has a John Wayne complex.
  4. Whoa, There is supposed to be some play there. "back off one rotation and a half of the nut, then lock down". Read your manual. If there is no free play, your T.O bearing is in contact with the fingers of the pressure plate at all times and will fail prematurely. That small amount of free play is critical for the life of the T.O. bearing.
  5. Adjustment is at the interface of the rod at the end of the slave cylinder where it goes througt the T.O. bearing fork whcih comes out the side of the bell housing. The manual will have the specs for the adjustment. I don't have my manuals with me but as I recall, you use the nuts in the threaded rod to take all of the play out the the connection there, then back off about 1 and a half revolutions of the nut, then lock it down. PLEASE refer to the manual and don't take my word for this as I have don't have the manula here to confirm this adjustment.
  6. Bambikiller240 replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I see your post. "part of" I refer to my earlier post: ------------------------------------------------ Originally posted by MDyer Bambi, Rebuilding is construction work, not oil. I contend that the German-French-Russian position to NOT go to war, was about oil. It's too nice of a day to rant. and I replied to MDyer: The rebuilding will pump LARGE sums of money into certain companies and countries economies, likey at taxpayer expense to one degree or another. Interesting that one of the first contracts to be let was to Haliburton Co. (One of Cheney's favorites) I suspect other large companies like Bechtel will be next at the trough, to feed on the Money Pie served up by Chef's Bush and Blair. I still maintain that Bush's oil buddies will benefit greatly from the newly available (stable?) oil supplies from Iraq. OIL and MONEY it's all tied together. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, he did want the UN in the war. No arguement there,(if there had to be a war, I did too) Since then he (Bush) has stated pubicly that he'd prefer that the UN not be involved in the "interim" governing of the country. He and Blair had a chat about that in Ireland a few days ago. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MikeW: They want STABLE supply controlled by a "friendly" government who will not raise prices, lower supply or do anything to negitively impact the bottom line. My belief is that the oil will be cheaper, and less will be purchased from those other sources that you mentioned which are not CONTROLLED by the "friends" of the US oil industry. They don't care to develop the oil in the US as it costs too much ,what with all of the enviromental hoops to be jumped through. In many areas of the US they CAN'T develop the known reserves due to restrictions pushed through during the rein of previous administrations We've already talked about how the price leaps before the higher cost supplies even reach our shores. The oil companies charge what they can get away with, whether supply prices have risen or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm going back into my hut. I'd prefer to not get involved with a wizz'n contest (again) about who's opinion is right. We can disagree, OK. can't we?
  7. Martial Law. The military enforces (to the best of their ability) the rule of law. You do what you can, you don't just stand around and observe. You don't remove a government and not replace it with some other form of control immediately; unless you want things like this to occur. Even Saddam practiced Command and Control.
  8. Bambikiller240 replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    !!! But in Iraq, the US will CONTROL the oil for quite some time. Why do you think Bush doesn't want the UN involved in running the country? Big difference.
  9. 16 tooth Speedo Pinion (yellow) = 3.36 17 tooth speedo pinion (black) = 3.54 18 tooth speedo pinion (blue) = 3.70 19 tooth speedo pinion (white) = 3.90 20 tooth speedo pinion (red) = 4.11 21 tooth speedo pinion (purple) = 4.38 22 tooth speedo pinion (orange) = ? 23 tooth speedo pinion (green) = ? 16-19t require standard sleeve assembly 20-23t require special sleeve assembly
  10. Brian: Only the 73 240Z had self adjusting Clutch hydraulic system, so unless you or P.O. replaced the T.O. Bearing Fork and Slave cylinder with that from a 1973 240Z or later 260Z/280Z; your car does not have self adjusting capabilities. I had the symptoms that you describe on my 1972, and the cause was a leak from the rubber hose from the hard line to the slave cylinder. It had gone rotten from 30 years of exposure to everyting under ths sun. That is probably where your leak is, as the rest of the system is hard metal lines and should not degrade much over time. If your Master cyl.is getting low, you have a leak somewhere. It should be easy to find as the location of the leak will be wet with brake fluid. Look around and "touch" all connectors and fittings until you find the wet one. Another possible place for the leak is out the back of the clutch master cylinder, look in the passenger cabin under the dash at the firewall for signs of leakage. Good Luck PS I wouldn't "replace it all". That's just throwing money away. Find the problem and fix "it".
  11. Bambikiller240 replied to DakotaZ's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hmmm, maybe TIVO is confused, or maybe History Channel is...... see History Channel's 4/18 Friday Schedule and History Channel's 4/19 Saturday Schedule Remember, Arizona doesn't use Daylight Savings Time like most of the country. Just an FYI for those without a TIVO to help schedule recording. And for those with DirecTV, they use the Eastern feed of History channel, so it will be on at 7AM Pacific time, 8AM Mountain, 9AM Central, 10AM Eastern on Saturday.
  12. Bambikiller240 replied to DakotaZ's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    www.historychannel.com 10:00 AM Eastern and Pacific
  13. Bambikiller240 replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    The rebuilding will pump LARGE sums of money into certain companies and countries economies, likey at taxpayer expense to one degree or another. Interesting that one of the first contracts to be let was to Haliburton Co. (One of Cheney's favorites) I suspect other large companies like Bechtel will be next at the trough, to feed on the Money Pie served up by Chef's Bush and Blair. I still maintain that Bush's oil buddies will benefit greatly from the newly available (stable?) oil supplies from Iraq. OIL and MONEY it's all tied together. Yes, it is too nice a day to rant. I'm done now. Too bad it just started raining here........maybe it will pass quickly.
  14. Fill it with dirt and plant a garden! Not even a good parts car from the look of it.
  15. Bambikiller240 replied to 24OZ's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Careful, you'll go blind if you do that too much! :stupid:
  16. Bambikiller240 replied to Smokey's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Companies that make radiators also can make heater cores, all you would need to find is the tanks (top and bottom) and a core can be built to fit. If all you are looking for is a heater core, it is not a big deal. BUT, you will need to have all of the ancillary parts to the heater system. Those are getting difficult to find, I'm told.
  17. "THEY may not apply the same ideoligy to both events, but "I" will. Heads should have been cracked from the get-go in LA and the same should be done in Iraq now. The more looting that goes on in Iraq the higher the cost will be for rebuilding the country's infrastructure. Lawlessness is Lawlessness no matter where, when or how. "Crack Heads, not Crackbabies"
  18. Bambikiller240 replied to DatsunZGuy's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hey man, real sorry to hear about your buddy. Decisions like that are never easy but it sounds like you did the right thing for him. You wouldn't want him to suffer. I'm sorry. Carl
  19. Bambikiller240 replied to ZwolleY's post in a topic in Electrical
    That picture is his old one.
  20. As others have said it could be just a minor thing, or the valve stem seals could be worn, which isn't a REAL bad issue, but you would want to know about it. A Compression test and Leakdown test should tell the condition of the engine. Not very expensive to have done. This may not confirm the stem seals as a cause, but will assure you of the general condition of the engine.
  21. Bambikiller240 replied to ZwolleY's post in a topic in Electrical
    Hi Paul: I received my Voltage Regulator from them also. I am very pleased with the appearance of quality, but have not yet done a side by side comparison with my OEM one. I did open it up and it has a great rubber gasket that will seal well and the internals are adjustable like the OEM one. Connections are soldered and not just crimped. Looks first rate to me! I have compared it to another voltage reg. that I bought on eBay and it is of FAR higher quality.
  22. Bambikiller240 replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Caen: The French members may be few, but you are not alone! Some of the Americans don't agree with MDyer regarding the participation of "non-coalition" countries in the rebuilding process. Nor do we consider the French people to be "Pus*ies" as some others. Were the US and Brits, & Aussies to attempt to exclude other countries from the opportunity to receive contracts for the rebuilding of Iraq, it would be a stupid move that would only reinforce the beliefs of those that feel it was all about oil and who controls Iraq. ( betcha a "Bush Buck" it won't be the Iraqi people)
  23. You mean they still MIGHT croak from SARS?
  24. The bumper is called a "Euro" bumper. Same as a reg bumper except no holes to mount the rubber strips. Can be gotten from Andy Russell . About $280.00 as I recall. I think his email addy is Andy Russell The airdam looks like one of the ones sold by Motorsport Auto in Los Angeles. www.zcarparts.com Both are fairly common items
  25. Well, that is certainly good news.

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