Everything posted by Bambikiller240
if you designed the new z...
The blue car is made by AC. It's their "Mamba" (in keeping with the 'snake' name)
Looking for a Z
Bigger budget? More of a Fixer Upper? Hard to be more specific without knowing what "exactly" you want in a car and exactly where you've been looking.
Philly Auto Show - Shelby GR-1 Concept
if you designed the new z...
ten charecters
Honda heater blower motor fits a Z?
WHO is talking about an LTD? I don't see anything about an LTD in this thread, the Title is Honda Blower Motor and all the posts talk to THAT part.
Head Identification
Cast ing indentification number should be cast into the head near the #1 spark plug hole. That head probably has the internally oiled cam (no external oil tube). Do you have any pictures of the head you are talking about that you could post? It might help people to help you if they can see what you have.
Honda heater blower motor fits a Z?
It was here all the time. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=2780
Suspension Queries
As far as I know, the "bumpsteer modification that you describe is done to minimize (or maybe eliminate) the negitive effects of lowering the car. I haven't heard of anyone doing it to a car that hasn't been lowered.
Any ZCCA Judges in the house?
http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16320&page=2&pp=15 Post 29 It was here all the time.
Time for a rebuild!
Since you ahven't stated what kind of engine you are starting with, it's hard to be specific with advice. You'll need more than $1300 for a rebuild and the upgrade you describe. First thing I'd recommend ins the books How to Rebuild Datsun Engines, and How to Modify datsun Engines. You can get them through Motorsport Auto and these are great book which will be invaluable to you i this job. If I was doing the cam upgrade that you mention on my stock L24 I would certainly go for larger valves, but for all I know, you may have a 300ZX TT.
No Brake Lights! Have A Fix-It Ticket!!!
You're using the wrong type of .22's, and not aiming carefully enough. But, a .45 would ensure a happy ending.
Ebay, poly hyperflex kit, too good to be true?
I used Silicone Brake grease.
Ebay, poly hyperflex kit, too good to be true?
Notice it says "reducing" and doesn't say "eliminating". My bushings (not this brand) indicated that they had graphite in them as well. Even though I applied what I thought was enough grease to them, they still tend to squeek a bit in colder temps.
Thinking of installing an 81-83 5 speed
Marty: That is a correct statement. You would NOT want to do that! There are two (semi separate) issues to be concerned with when changing from a 240Z Clutch and or Trans to a 280Z/ZX Clutch and/or Trans 1. Fork and Slave cylinder must match each other: both 70-72, or both 73-78, 79-83 Non Turbo) 2. Clutch Disc, Pressure Plate, and Throw-Out Bearing Collar must all match: 70-74; OR 75-78 Coupe, Non Turbo ; OR 75-78 2+2, 79-83 2+2, 82-83 Turbo Victor: That is a correct statement YOU would want to do that. (I unsderstand that you DID do it)
removing mental trim or not
Most of the responses have come since you (obviously) got pissed and deleted your original question, so since this thread no longer has any real purpose there isn't any harm in us having some fun with it. Oooh a threat.
Hard At Work? Or Buying Z Parts?
"Ah yes, I'd like to order a Large Double Peperoni Pizza for delivery to the Parts Department at Nebraska Truck & Equipment."
Well Damn
I can tell you that there are a lot of people in my area, Pleasanton, CA (near S.J) which is a largely upscale community who do not make $50K a year (and they also don't get all the extensive benefit given to civil servants). Our crime rate boarders on non-existant (especially relative to S.J. and other "Big Cities"). Hasn't been an officer killed, or shot, or even severely injured in the line of duty in our community for the 53 years that I've lived (born and raised) here. It's a relatively cushy job in this community, especially at $50K to start. You are thinking of officers who work in the ghetto's of Cokeland (Oakland), S.F., San Jose, Stockton, etc (all Northern CA cities with crime up the kazoo). Of course Cokeland (Oakland) has found it necessary to prosecute some of it's "finest" for running amok on the graveyard shift, meting out their own brand of justice without benefit of the judicial system. It's called the "Night-Rider" case. One of the officers was such a fine and upstanding fellow that he's fled the country to avoid procecution. Not every person with a badge on their shirt is a paragon of virtue. Actually, the average home price in my area is well over $500K, a beater, or a rickety condo will set you back ~$300K. A $50K salary here won't qualify you to buy a house, that's true but who else in what other career can qualify to buy a house when fresh out of college? It's common for people to have to work their way up from starting salaries in order to buy a house everywhere. It is a hard reach for young people to buy, but why should it be any different for a rookie cop? $50K (along with all the other benfits of civil service!) may not be a good starting wage for a Doctor or Lawyer, or some other profession, but it's a helluva wage for a rookie cop in this community and they don't seem to have any trouble finding people willing to take the job. As someone who has lived here for 53 years and is still living here, I think your perception of my CA is not very complete, nor accurate. I stand by my post as well.
No Brake Lights! Have A Fix-It Ticket!!!
Humor doesn't come across the internet well with out the use of emoticons or some other clue to the humorous intention. You'd be surprised at some of the idiotic ideas that are put forth in all seriousness here and elsewhere on the 'net.
Looking for a brake booster
Look at your 71 BMC, and compare the location of the larger Reservoir to the Larger Reservoir on the 79 BMC. If they are different........ On the 71 that I previously owned, and according to MSA's catalog, the 70-71 MBC would be different the ones used from 72 onward. For a 72-76 BMC, The LARGER reservoir should supply the front calipers. I've never even seen a ZX BMC so I can't tell you anything about it, but I would think that it would follow the convention of the 72-76, 77, and 78 BMC's
Boiling fuel?
Earlier this year I had discovered a bad fuel hose (between the sender and the hard lines, that short run of hose). It only leaked when the engine was running. "Cheap arse Kragen fuel hose".
removing mental trim or not
"Qué" http://www.freetranslation.com/ Try Spanish to English
Future Z Driver!
DeoxIT Who here has tried it??
I don't know. I got the 200 ml D100 spray.
DeoxIT Who here has tried it??
Cheaper to buy it on eBay. You can also buy it direct from Caig.
removing mental trim or not