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Everything posted by Bambikiller240

  1. The search engine is your friend: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16624&highlight=impaled+trim
  2. My older tierod and ball joint boots had a "nipple" built into the boot with a slit cut into this nipple" for excess grease to escape. See pics. If any of your boots don't have an obvious relief feature I would be extremely careful in filling them.
  3. The wishes of a vocal segment of the Sports car market (who gladly payed premium $$ over MSRP for the priviledge of owning a Z) is irrelevent? Sounds like the sort thinking of the US automakers that put them in the position to lose a lot of sales to a car company like Nissan which was perceived as delivering more "bang for the buck". The Ford Pinto of the same period had a 4 Speed. (I'm not saying it's in the same class as a 240Z, I considered it an economy car; which IMO is LESS than a 240Z)
  4. Bambikiller240 replied to Go240Zags's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    OK, thanks. The Rewinds I just bought last fall are 7" X 14" -9 offset. The wheels (with 70 series tires that just barely rub) currently on the car are old Appliance brand 5 Slot 14", I don't know the width or offset, but they are original dealer option wheels.
  5. When I had tierods with grease fittings, I filled them (after everything had been tightened properly) only until grease began to come out of the relief slit in the boot.
  6. 1. Have you thoroughly cleaned the battery cables? (removed ALL corrosion) Starter wiring was installed correctly when the starter was replaced? Checked ALL of the fusible links for damage? Oil Pressure gauge symptoms sound weird to me. No ideas there. 2. Are the bleed nipples at the TOP of the calipers? (They should be) You wouldn't be the first person to install the calipers upside down. Did you replace the Brake Master Cylinder? 3. I doubt the fuse marked "dome Light only serves the dome light (it doesn't on a 240Z) Unfortunately I cannot suggest anything one this issue
  7. I agree with the entire post (though I cannot speak to the last paragraph due to lack of experience). Given the sales and success of the 240Z N. American model as delivered, Nissan IMO did get it "right". I do wonder if they could have gotten it "righter" (more right) with a "sporty" upgrade option as you describe (similar to C & D's Omega 240) which I assume had a 5 speed and some other improved features? We'll never know , I guess.
  8. There is only ONE firing order. 153624 Period. The cylinders are numbered 1 thru 6. ONE is at the front of the engine, SIX is at the rear. The Distributor fires the plug wires in sequential order (counterclockwise) See attached picture of a 240Z distributor cap (for this purpose it's the same as one for a 280Z) The numbers shown indicate which CYLINDER (Spark Plug) that wire should be connected to.
  9. Bambikiller240 replied to Go240Zags's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Thanks for the info that you posted. I have one question about the figures: I don't mean to be picky at all but, shouldn't this be 205/2 + 102.5, then take the amount of offset and add that to the number ((102.5 +9 = 111.5) I think that "105.5" was a typo? Also, what does the 25.4 figure represent? mm per inch? This is all new to me. I currently have 205/70 X 14 tires on my car and the very outer edge of the tire rubs the lip of the fender when the suspension compresses fully. So I guess I'd need to find 205/65 or 205/60 series tires, right?
  10. So much for helping to protect our environment.
  11. Very true Chris, but the desire for a 5 speeed preceded the "gas crisis" of 73/74 by a few years. Once the price of gas rose, and the availability of it declined, the 5 speed would have been (was) desirable for both economy and performance.
  12. If they were burning for 24 hours a day. 1,000,000 hours divided by 24 = 41666.666 days divided by 365 = 114.15524 years. So if switched on continuosly they would last 114 years. If used 2 hours per day like you suggest you wouldn't be replacing them now (as you suggested in your post), it would be MUCH longer than 114 yearsbefore they needed replacing. Doesn't matter anyway, the cars will be long gone before either time frame. Yes, 30 years is a really long time especially for inexpensive incandescent bulbs but many, many of them are still performing just fine. Replacing them with LED's for "better" light. or lower electrical consumption may be somewhat desirable, but it's hardly necessary for greater longevity.
  13. Bambikiller240 commented on wal280z's comment on a gallery image in Body Work and Paint
  14. I replaced my 240Z trans with a used one ($75) due to this issue. It's lasted 3 years so far and no crunching The crunching will continue to get worse and worse until you cannot engage 2nd gear if it is anything at all like the VW Fox that i once owned. If you can afford a rebuild, I think that I would consider getting one, while the parts are still readily available. With proper care it would probably last almost a lifetime.
  15. Well, the majority of 60's and 70's Sports cars (of any kind) were not sold equipped with automatics (Auto'a were offered, but manual transmissions were more popular). Nissan offered automatics in cars manufactured from 08/71, but the majority of cars were still sold with manual transmissions. Road and Track (and other enthuisiast magazines) pointed out that lack of a 5 speed quite early on, and even if Nissan didn't acknowledge the demand, a lot of people were clamoring for it. Perhaps they (Nissan) were too busy meeting rapidly changing US Emission laws, or something else was in play, but there was a strong desire for a 5 speed, and you are right that it wasn't for fuel economy reasons. It was largely for performance reasons.
  16. Of course the LED's for this purpose weren't even available commercially in 1970. Some of us are still running the old fashion bulbs that were installed back in 1970. I think that Nissan did alright with their choice for gauge illumination given what they had to work with at the time.
  17. You don't have the original fuel pipes and mounting blocks that run down the tunnel and frame rail? I don't think I would use copper. Many folks around here have mentioned that copper will react when in contact with fuel. I'm no scientist but someone will explain it for you (and I). As for hoses, they just need to be rated for fuel/oil. I didn't have any problem getting every size I needed from local full service parts houses. I did end up buying one fuel vent hose from Nissan, the one at the right rear of the tank with a 180 degree bend in it. Everything else was sourced locally.
  18. , I don't know WHY I didn't look at it. I was busy doing nothing (watching the Los Angeles NAPCAR race) and spaced out on it. I would have been far better off to have taken a drive out to Rio Linda. :stupid:
  19. Too far to go just for a set of wheels. "sides, I think they went to the dump last Monday. I just wish I had looked at the thread when I first saw it instead of waiting 3 hours. Stupid ME!!!!
  20. Bambikiller240 replied to J.T.'s post in a topic in Help Me !!
    What year car? What color wire? (without the rice covering) On my 240Z all of the wires that go through the firewall are contained within the wiring harness, no individual, separate wires. This sounds like a patch or add on from your previous owner. I wonder why this guy advised you to run the fuel through the system to clean it? Cleaning of the fuel system should be accomplished by drain and flush sort of method, not running all the crud through the lines, pump(s), and carbs so they can get fouled up with the crud.
  21. Bambikiller240 replied to Go240Zags's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    This is quite true. I was amazed at the differences when I was shopping on the www.TireRack.com website. Do you have any idea what the largest size tires are that will work with the -9 offset 14" X 7" Rewinds?
  22. When I reassembled my first Z (1981) I learned that it's better to install the rubber strap that goes over the diff, before you install the diff. For some reason I didn't, and had to drop the diff to do it as I couldn't get the 2 bolts started on one side. Ed's covered most of it. Engine, Trans, Driveshaft, and Half Axles last IMO
  23. Bambikiller240 replied to J.T.'s post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Glad someone else said that. I've been biting my tongue for several hours. Pictures without the "rice" would be more helpful. So would making sure your battery is firmly secured (among other things) before following the lame advice of alledged "hot rod mechanics".
  24. Vicky: You could very well be correct. I thought that I remembered a neighbor having a 5 speed in a 260Z (back in 74), but I could certainly be wrong.(It's been 30 years and my memory hasn't gotten better over time) I've looked through some books and don't see any mention of 5 speeds in the US models until 280Z production. Kinda strange that it took so long to get 5 speeds here since Road and Track and other mags pointed out the lack of it very early on.
  25. No problem. Notice that the thread is now in a different forum so that the link works.

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