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Everything posted by Bambikiller240

  1. I don't think anyone was "arguing" or "denigrating" anyone. I (for one) was just asking the WHY question because I don't see the point of it, since my 240Z tail lights work just fine and are plenty visible. Others were espousing their own opinions (in which we are all entitled). No "bashing" was noted as far as I see. I think we were discussing it. But THANKS anyway for the sermon, Padre! :devious:
  2. Isn't that the show with the shrimpy little short guy who has a Handle Bar Moustache bigger than his _ _ _ _ ? (quite the fashion on Polk Street!)
  3. I see what you are saying now. I was thinking more on the lines of the silver (curved) reflecters that are part of the rear "housing" of the tail lights. :stupid:
  4. Wink, Wink, Nod, Nod!
  5. Will: What reflecter are you refering to? Is it in any of the pictures you posted? I've never had one of these apart and I guess I don't understand what it is and how it could reflect light "out" if it is glued to the lens (i.e. in between the light source and the lens)
  6. Bambikiller240 replied to Go240Zags's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Yes, they are! Sold at "finer" :stupid: auto parts stores (like Grung Auto, Poop Boys, and CSK [Cheat, Steal & Krap] stores) Oh, and also available at "Will Stokes Auto Dismantling and Refurbishing" in beautiful uptown Savannah, GA http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=10657&sort=1&cat=500&page=3
  7. I hate to think that Mr. Ghosen deserves all the credit for "turning around" Nissan. I believe that Renault's MONEY deserves at least 50% of the credit. Nissan was saved by Carlos Ghosen in the same way the Humane Society saves cats and dogs..........they castrate the beast as part of the process of "saving" it. I love my 240Z too.
  8. Bambikiller240 replied to Go240Zags's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Oh, I've seen those. They also take "spring" out of your springs. You'll have less movement (cushion) in the springs to do what springs are designed to do. Not a recommended addition to a car
  9. Oh, FVCK, nevermind!
  10. My car is a 72, and I don't think my Hazard flasher looks like that (been a while since I dug under there to look at it), but like you say, it appears to be the only barrel shaped one under there. It's quite possible that the flasher changed between 72 and 73 as the electrical system changed quite a bit over that year. I'm sure Enrique (EScanlon) will be able to confirm if that is it. He has a 73 IIRC, and will know better than I.
  11. If your pictures are awaiting approval, we won't be able to see them until they are approved. HOWEVER, you can attach them to your post. Click EDIT, the when the EDIT PAGE appears, scroll down and click on MANAGE ATTACHMENTS. Click on BROWSE, find the pic in your computer directory, "double click" on it to SELECT, then click on UPLOAD (located in the MANAGE ATTACHMENTS WINDOW. Close the M.A. window and click OK (or whatever) on the EDIT page and you're done.
  12. Agreed! (ten charecters)
  13. Ooooh, "Legal Advice!"
  14. Related to What? History? 2002? Stop living in the past. Join 2005, the real deal! (actually, I'm sure he'll appreciate the answer........if he's still alive, hasn't sold his Z, and/or hasn't gotten it fixed by now)
  15. Wow, a response just in the nick of time. Question asked: 12/02 First Answer: 03/05 Hallaian42 Last Logged In: 07/04 Humor Quotient Priceless!
  16. Probably not. It's been a few years since I removed/reinstalled my mirrors, but I don't remember having much problem reaching things. I may have had the window fully or partially up, but I'm 99.9% positive that it wasn't all the way down. (A small magnet is a handy thing to keep stuck to the inside of your tool box)
  17. I assume that you are trying this installation with the window rolled up? Right?
  18. Joe, I think you're taking the comment a bit too seriously. It appeared (to me, anyway) to be a sort of backhanded compliment about your home.
  19. I still think it's UGLY, and an uninspired copycat design exercise meant to ride on the back of the Z cars before it. Yeah, that should cover it.
  20. I thought that tail lights (and brake lights) HAD to be red by law? Why would someone want clear lenses? I'm curious.
  21. Bambikiller240 replied to SuperDave's post in a topic in RACING
    Next thing ya know, people will be complaining that other drivers TRY too hard to win. Maybe it's time for the "I'm Out for a Sunday Drive" Racing Series. Napcar could run it.
  22. Naw, Not really. It just drove me crazy for a long time before I figured it out. Now, I can't forget it.
  23. Yes, I understand. I don't look at them either, except when the smilies, quotes, and hot links don't work. When that happens (or more correctly, doesn't happen) I look, and invariably it's becasue the thread was created in the wrong place.
  24. It's because this thread was created in a place that was not intended for posting. "240z, 260z, 280z Discussion Forums" was set up to be a heading for all the other forums, not a place to post threads. Smilies, and "hot links" will not work here.
  25. Bambikiller240 replied to Go240Zags's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    If the rub is on the outer lip of the wheelwell, spacers will only make the issue worse, since they will (can only) move the wheel/tire outward. What size tires do you have? some sort of 70 series? "Twisted lugnuts", interesting. Any pictures of them? I've only seen spacers as a solid metal ring that slips over the lugnuts. (I'm no expert on the possible types of spacers though)

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