Everything posted by Bambikiller240
MSA 10th Anniversay Show 2005
Bet MSA quoted only the room rate (without the TAXES that always get applied).
I'll step away as well.
I appologise for the"small words" comment, I've changed it to layman's words which is more appropriate IMO. A large vehicle (such as Hummer) obstructs a great deal of the vision of following vehicle no matter how far back they stay. Also, they CRUSH anything they hit, or that hits them. But I guess that doesn't matter to you, so long as you are safe. But, what happens when someone you care about (driving your Z perhaps) gets killed by the 4 foot tall bumper of a large vehicle (a Hummer, perhaps)? If you think the economy is in good shape, it is obvious that you are looking a a very narrow slice of the economy and not the entire economy of this country. I do not believe that the benefit to the auto industry in the sales of large vehicles (like Hummers) offsets the economic and political damage caused to our country by the dependence on foreign oil, polution, etc. Not to burst your bubble, but money made by the US auto industry pays more wages to workers in Mexico every year, and less to workers in the US every year. The relatively few people who are shareholders in the auto industry are the main beneficiaries. I don't know about the commercial real estate market in TX, but in N. CA the vacancy rate is extremely high. There is relatively little commercial construction happening. And don't even start on the unemployment rate. That's a joke..... Are you kidding?? Do you really think that citizens of the US want, or can afford to live on (buy Hummers, and/or a home) on the wages that the illegals earn on the fringes of our economy??? Now, don't get me wrong on this point because I'm in favor of tightening our borders and stopping illegal immigration, largely due to the services that the entire population must (by law) provide to an evergrowing mass of undocumented immigrants. (Please note that every time your boy GWB spouts off about an amnesty program the normal tide of illegal immigration turns into a tsunami.) Surely you see that in TX as we do here in CA. Plus, most of the "unemployed" (at least those I have seen in and around S. Texas) won't lower themselves to working a common laborer's job. (Which by the way, there are plenty to go around in construction) A job is a job is a job. Quit sucking off the State just because you think they owe you. My taxes don't owe you $^!#! What do you mean by this $hit? Not everyone can do "laborer's" work. What bout the 55 yr old, or the woman who needs a job? Many of those people aren't going to be able to do that kind of job. And, NO; a job isn't a job, isn't a job, isn't a job. That's why individuals with different skills, and abilities earn different amounts of money. You may be a helluva contractor, but I suspect there are jobs in other industries that you'd SUCK at performing. SAME SITUATION APPLIES TO MOST OF US, INCLUDING ME. Who is sucking off the state? You implying something?? Do you think "your taxes" should only be used for something that benefits you, or is approved by you? If so, you are in the wrong country bro.
database or schematics of manufacturer's part number
happens all the time, huh.
database or schematics of manufacturer's part number
Also, some part numbers have been discontinued (and/or supercede to another number) that may or may not be shown on the microfiche. This isn't a problem when you are looking for a part number, but when looking to find the application for a given P/N it may make it more difficult to confirm the application.
RED people slay me. The whole I have the money to afford it, and I don't give a $hit how my pissing away of resources affects my country, I'll do what I please and to hell with the rest of the people in the country attitude. Glad you can see forward for a good distance in your Monster Truck, but what about the other guy sharing the road who can't see anything because your beast is in the way? Oh that's right; F*** him, he shouldn't be on my freeway anyway. PS Since you admit that you aren't an economist, maybe you should consider listening to people who are economists (NOT ME, I mean real economists) that can explain it to you in layman's words if necessary. Oh that's right; I'll be damned if I'll let someone, who thinks they know what is good for me and my safety, tell me what I can or cannot do with my money.
Found a Series 1 240Z, should I get it? (long)
If the car has been sitting unused for 10 years, the brake system (hoses, cylinders, etc) will likely need serious attention. Brake fluid absorbs water and that will corrode the master and wheel cylinders. Flexible hoses (rubber) will rot as well. I'd be suprised if tyou can get it assembled and running safely for just $500. But maybe you can with a "friend discount" on labor. You might want to confirm what carbs are on this car also. Usually if the Z car has "SU" carbs, it will have 2 of them (Dual SU's), Usually if a Z car has "triple" carbs, they are Weber's, Mikuni's, or some other brand.
madkaw: Does this guy have a website? Contact information? (Address & Phone Number)
Datsun poem!
It's cool that he wrote it and that he likes it, but come on; balls to post it hasn't got anything to do with it. Charles Manson had balls too and posted his writing, but his was on walls (and in BLOOD!) and wasn't very good either. Don't let any criticism stop you from writing. As long as you like it thats what matters (but just the same, some will like it and some will dislike it, so be prepared)
How Old?
How do they expect you to buy without driving it? That sounds crazy to me.
Ferrari 250 Gto-cabriolet- Rebuild
Evidently they sell while "high" in OZ too!
Finally - My Z Arrives
You gonna drive it in the Upstate NY snow, Nate?
Ferrari 250 Gto-cabriolet- Rebuild
Hey 26th-Z: Did you by chance send the crack pipe found in #27 to OZ? This seller has got to be drug nutz. Notice he lists the manufacturer as "Ferarri". Talk about misrepresentation! $115,00 AUD = $87,175.61 USD $145,000 AUD = $109,993.04 USD :stupid:
Finally - My Z Arrives
Hi Nate: Nice pic Nate (in the Tire Size thread). Can't wait for more when you have the chance. MSA (and probably others) sell a carpet kit that includes carpet for the strut towers. All 240Z's (in the USA) came with diamond vinyl on the towers.
Tire Size?
Nice! (oh ya, ten charectors)
Tax the living $hit out of them. Unless you can prove (and I mean REALLY PROVE) that you NEED a vehicle that gets such poor fuel mileage. If a person cannot prove a real need for the vehicle, tack A 50% - 75% luxury tax on the purchase and double the annual license renewal fees, bridge tolls, tollway fees, etc. I don't know how it could be managed, but I'd support charging them triple the standard gasoline taxs each time they purchased fuel. I am sure there are folks who need them (and those that can PROVE the need should be exempted from the above measures), but I can tell you that in the area I live in i bet that 90% of the Hummers never, ever see off road usage, and probably only see snow on "all weather" Highway 80 (a misnomer) to Reno, or HWY50 to Tahoe. In the morning you can sit at the gate to Ruby Hill ( a private gated-community for the weathy) a watch Hummer after Hummer after Hummer leave with a single passenger headed to work in Silicon Valley, or a Mom with a handful of kids (2-3) being chauffered to school. I don't know if it is normal ( or less, or more) elsewhere. but our local Hummer dealer has around 40 of them in stock most of the time. Enrique, I haven't gotten any hate mail yet but maybe I should ask Mike for more storage before they start coming in.
Tire Size?
Pictures, Nate!!!! I looked at the ones in your gallery, but I know that you can take better ones than those from the seller. (detail shots, etc.)
You don't live in Crawford, TX do you? Now I'm not cirticizing you directly (you aren't the only one with a 11mpg vehicle) and you may have a legitimate need for it, and it's legal to own but there are reasons to not own vehicles like this Vehicles with fuel economy like this are detrimental to our country's best interests. We are sooooo dependent on foriegn oil that this need for oil shapes our foriegn policy (in way that are making enemies and losing allies), and it adversely affects our economy. (our Trade Balance is WAY out of whack)
believe it or not
I have never heard of 3 mph bumpers either. Lance, does your 73 have the "filler" pieces between the bumper and body. Are the mounting brackets just metal brackets or do they have "compression" built into them?
believe it or not
In the USA, it was in 73. Don't know about Canada. EDIT: 73 240Z's had 2.5 mi bumpers, later cars had 5.0 mi bumpers. Bother were larger than the "standard bumpers that came on 70-72 240Z's It's hard to tell from the crappy pictures, but the front bumper could be a 2.5 or 5.0 bumper. I do not think it is the standard "early Z car bumper" (70-72).
Let me know when you buy one. I'll take and post the picture.
Actually I think the women driving H2's have small peni$' instead of the standard female equipment.
Great link Jerry. F'em ALL. H2 owners are trying to compensate for a small peni$.
believe it or not
$13K - $16K USD I'd insist on using an escrow service for my protection. I'd want to examine it in person before completing the deal.
MSA 10th Anniversay Show 2005
Of course there is nothing to prevent one from "visiting" the Ramada to check out the cars in the parking lot and bench race in the bar. Staying elsewhere saves me enough $ to drink all evening for free. It can be done both ways without missing anything (BTDT). The point of my previous post was that staying at the Ramada is FAR from your only option.