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Everything posted by Bambikiller240

  1. Bambikiller240 replied to CoastGuardZ's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    FWIW, different tires will "bubble out" different amounts. Depends on construction as well as size. Tire Rack is good for this kind of info also. Even if you don't buy from them.
  2. Bambikiller240 replied to CoastGuardZ's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    I think you are right, 205/70 X 14 is too tall. (if mine were shorter, they wouldn't rub) I've used 205/60 X 14 (on a 14 X 7 rim) and they worked fine (except the speedo was off a bit)
  3. Bambikiller240 replied to CoastGuardZ's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Nate: I have 205/70 X 14's on my car. They rub the rear quarter panel a bit. I have dealer installed Appliance slot Mags. I don't know the offset/backspace. I won't be getting this size when these wear out. Tom: Go to www.tirerack.com the dimensions for every tire they sell are available
  4. Nice Z in your avatar Hawkeye! My favorite color. Where are you in CA?
  5. I *think* 26th-Z mentioned recently that the OEM windshields are NLA from Nissan.
  6. People that have an interest in it should have their head examined.
  7. Bambikiller240 replied to Red-Eye's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    If you decide to do this job, I have sets of the rubber gaskets and the felt washers that I created when i did this job last summer. I sold a bunch of them on eBay but still have some left. If anyone is interested, PM me and for a few bucks I can save you some time and effort sourcing materials and making your own.
  8. MSA is just a few miles from Disneyland. There are probably "hundreds" of hotels/motels in the nearby area. EDIT: I see ZRush beat me to it. I shopped on Expedia.com and was able to view pictures of the various hotels/motels in the area, they had accurate sample room pictures also. IMO the Ramada (host hotel) was overpriced even with the "discount". Plus the block of "discounted" rooms was sold out at least 6 weeks prior to the show.
  9. Bambikiller240 replied to mperdue's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    "Open Discussion" ?
  10. Bambikiller240 replied to mperdue's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    That explains it. I didn't even notice the "forum" wasn't specific. Quotes won't work here either.
  11. Bambikiller240 replied to mperdue's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Seems to be OFF for me as well. WTF?
  12. Bambikiller240 replied to Red-Eye's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Sounds from your latest info that he whole wiper system need to be refurbished. Slow operation usually means the pivots are binding up (lack of grease, corrosion inside). Enrique has posted some info that would be extremely helpful to you if you choose to do this job. Try a search on "Windshield wiper Tip" and/or "Howto Diagnose Wipers?" and/or "wipers stopped working". All 3 threads have some good information.
  13. Bambikiller240 replied to Red-Eye's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Oh, that's different. Do both wipers move up the windshield or just one? Are the wiper arms "securely" mounted to the pivot posts? The S/S nut(s) isn't/aren't loose? If both move up the windshield, it sounds similar to a problem a friend had where his wipers would randomly "park" themselves (when turning them OFF) in different places. The wiper motor is designed to make the wipers park in one place (the bottom of the windshield). This function is adjustable, but it (park location) should be consistant. IOf they park consistantly in the right place it shouldn't be a wiper MOTOR problem. When the wipers are parked, they should not be able to be moved up (or down) the windshield. Can yours be moved manually up the windshield? My friends car had a spring in part of the connection TO the wiper motor that was broken and it allowed the wipers to randomly park in different places. They could also be moved by hand up the windshield. IF the spring is broken in you wiper operating system, you'd need to find a replacement spring to install. Disassembly and reassembly of the motor connection containing this spring must be done exactly correct or the wipers may operate incorrectly.
  14. BIG waste of time, energy, and HOT AIR. Why won't this LAME idea/thread DIE??? Please, somebody KILL IT! Step on it, Hit it with a rock, burn it, SHOOT IT.
  15. Bambikiller240 replied to 5523's post in a topic in RACING
    Odd that I've never, ever been asked which head is on my engines when I've ordered headgaskets from Nissan or any of the few aftermarket sources I've bought gaskets from. Also odd that USA would only have gaskets for E88. We got the E31 head, at least 2 versions of the E88 (one having the same profile as the E31) AFAIK, the L24 cylinder diameter is the same for all L24 engines. Why would there be a different diameter to the combustion chamber? From what I have read, the different c/c volume of the E31 vs the late E88 head is largely due to changes to the shrouding around the spark plug.
  16. Bambikiller240 replied to Red-Eye's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    WOW, they bounce up "several inches"?? The wiper arms have springs built into them to create tension and keep the assemblies firmly pressed to your windshield. Sounds like (maybe) something is wrong with this tensioning device. How easy is it for you to manually lift the wipers from the windshield? There should be a fair amount of resistance until the wipers are quite far from the glass.
  17. The linkage bushings in the balance tube portion of the carb linkage wouldn't cause air leaks since they aren't part of the "induction" system. I believe that he's referring to the rod that the butterflys are mounted to. These rods are (as I understand it from Scott Bruning the original ZTherapy owner) made of brass which has been plated with a harder material, which eventually wears off and causes air leaks. If you hone the bushings in the carb body (that the rod rides in), you would need to add metal (diameter) to the rods to fill the larger diameter that you've created by honing. IIRC, ZTherapy fixed this problem by installing actual bearings of the proper size. They probably do more than just that, but I'm speaking from memory and it's been a few years since I spoke to Scott. Sorry, I don't have any idea about the #3 and #4 cylinder issue. Odd that each cylinder is served by different carb and the other cylinders aren't affected.
  18. Bambikiller240 replied to biker's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Could be. As you say better to have a look before dropping tranny. (It doesn't cost anything but time to look)
  19. Bambikiller240 replied to biker's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Oooh, I wonder if the little wire clip on the other end of the lever that grabs the "pivot ball" (mounted on the face of the transmission) has broken or is not securing the lever to the ball. That might allow the lever to move as you describe without actually operating the bearing against the pressure plate. I'm guessing here, but if it is, you might be able to see that through the dust cover. I wish you good luck in finding whatever it is.
  20. Bambikiller240 replied to biker's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I have not experienced any pop up ads (thank goodness). I don't have any pop up blocker in/on my system. Pop Up ads would not be acceptable to me as a member of any website.
  21. Bambikiller240 replied to biker's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    IMO it sounds like the "thrust bearing" isn't contacting the fingers on the pressure plate, or that the pressure plate isn't operating properly. Unfortunately I doubt there is anything that can done to resolve the issue without pulling the transmission out. Did you swap transmissions (4 speed to a 5 speed, or use any different parts like a different lever or thrust bearing collar) besides the bearing, pressure plate, clutch disc?
  22. Really? There was hashish in the car too? OMG!
  23. Bambikiller240 replied to new_2_z's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    You don't want stripper chemicals to come into contact with your body parts either. Nasty chemical burns can result.
  24. .........and an ultra-rare Nissan Crack Pipe.

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