Everything posted by Bambikiller240
IDLE and Spark Plug Fowling Problems
Only way I know to eliminate worn throttle shaft bushings is to replace the carburetor bodies. Since you have a relationship with ZTherapy, you might want to contact them to discuss this. In the USA a bird such as a turkey is sometimes refered to as a "fowl". Michael was making a joke about the country of Turkey, and the bird "turkey". Also there is a spelling joke in there. When talking about spark plugs, the term is "foul", when talking about a bird the term is "fowl". Both words are pronounced the same way in the USA.
Ballast resistor on the 280Z
Well I sure don't see the term ECU mentioned in his post!! And even if he does mean it's in the ECU he still seems to be saying that there IS a resistor. I'm not trying to argue, but his statement ( as I quoted) seems quite clear to me. JZM are you out there? can you clarify?
Crossflow Hemispherical L28 cylinder head?
Nevermind, Ben cleared it up.
Ballast resistor on the 280Z
I understand that, but it seems to me (unless he's talking about a resistor that doesn't function as a ballast resistor) that JZM is saying that there IS one, inside the car.
Ballast resistor on the 280Z
Are you sure about that? JZM seems (if I'm reading correctly) to be saying that there IS one. (see below)
Suspension/Wheel alignment adjustability
No one can fault you for thinking this out now (while you have the car disassembled). Far better to be thinking about it than not thinking about it. Good Luck in finding a solution that will work for you.(and the inspectors).
B&M wants to borrow your car!
Where do you think these companies got the money to "give to people in ravaged third-world countries. Just for the feel-good purpose!??? Oh, I know, they got the money from designing, building, and marketing products that only one guy in OH wants to see on the market. Judging from the responses to your thread, I think you are on your own here. For having worked on it "for years" it doesn't seem that you've gotten very far with any of the established manufacturers. But hey, you're still a young man; maybe this idea will come to fruition sometime in the next 20 to 40 years. Of course by then there might only be 7 S30's with automatic transmissions left in the world. A small production run ought to cover any sales orders that might be generated.
Acetone works also, and is cheaper. But in my experience (with POR solvent and acetone) they only work if the POR15 has not "set".
In order to protect aganinst rust, the POR must be in direct contact with either rusty metal, or properly prepared metal. If applied over paint, it is simply another coat of (expensive) paint. I don't know how engine heat would affect regular POR15, although they do make high temp coatings.
Re: Struts for Stacey
That is true. Being able to compare the 280Z Tokico ride to the 260Z Monroe ride should ilustrate that statement quite well.
I can imagine. How did you do it, sand blaster, wire wheel, or ?????
Z Restoration Progam
Then you wouldn't have bought a new 240Z. All you got was the Monroney label. If that wasn't good enough for you, the guy standing behind you in the sales area bought the car.
Z Restoration Progam
Thanks for the information. Makes sense to me.
Vacuum advance
If the Vac advance "isn't holding air" it's probable that the diaphram has a leak. The BB most likely came from the "cage" Tomohawk referred to. These are 2 separate parts. Maybe you can find a used distributor, cheaper than buying the parts?
did you strip all the paint off the spare tire well, and strut towers, etc. down to bare metal? ? ?
B&M wants to borrow your car!
Same thing they "just" needed to do in 1993, but chose not to do! FOR A REASON that made sense to themselves. Unforunately, time is AGAINST this idea. The S30's are on average 30 years old. Less and less of them remain as every year goes by.(same for old Maxima's as well) In 1990 (or 1993) B&M chose to not "fix" their problem and scrapped the idea. Why would they revive it 12+ years later? Because there are more S30's around now? Because it's MORE economicly feasible to resolve now? 1. Because the "super cars" that have paddle shift are capable of far higher performance than our cars. 2. Because the people who by these toys WANT the latest bells and whistles that modern technology has to offer (AND, they can afford to pay what it costs to engineer these things.) PS they are computer controlled and shift in miliseconds. Try to adapt THAT technology to a 78 automatic transmission Z car. But Hey, Give it a shot. Let us know when they turn out the lights in Fantasyland.
B&M wants to borrow your car!
Guess I assumed wrong. So, they took 3 years to design, patent, and market the thing? THEN they cancelled the project before it hit the shelves? And they never revived the project? THAT should tell you how valuable B&M thought the idea was!
B&M wants to borrow your car!
Please put the crack pipe down and step away from the drugs! You assume that what is designed for one car model will fit and work (and be wanted) in many others. A million? COME ON! Be real. There is a difference between thinking big and FANTASYLAND.
B&M wants to borrow your car!
Clout? There are probably less than 500 people who represent the core of this group. How many HAVE an automatic? How many ofthose would WANT what you are describing? a 90-96 Z32 is far different than an 70-78 S30 (far more of them left as well) interesting that they either COULDN'T or at the very least DIDN'T overcome the problem.
B&M wants to borrow your car!
The cost of designing and manufacturing and marketing a kit to FIT an S30 has to be justifiable to the company. Ever heard of ROI? (Return on Investment) A helluva lot more than the number of S30's with auto transmission that are in the hands of people who WANT it to be a "pretend" manual transmission car. If all they do is make it LOOK like a Ralley car (i.e. not having proper equipment on it) then it MAY be considered RICE, but more likely to be considered a look-alike. The common "H" patteren has 4 locations for gears. Having 3 gears, a reverse gear, a Neutral position, and a Park position would seem to require more than an "H". Park Reverse Neutral Drive Drive2 Drive1 Now who's fault is that? Ask B&M if "they" are interested in this one. One or the other of us will be suprised.
Re: Struts for Stacey
Monroes = :sick: Don't drive too fast or take too many chances.
Suspension/Wheel alignment adjustability
It's only 1 persons opinion, and I was really conficted when I removed them. I loved the great & precise handling, but it was such a pain to deal with the condition of the roads around here FWIW, the adjustable control arms that I'm familiar with would have the same issues. Solid mount. I haven't looked into them (at all), but what about those "camber plates" that mount up top of the strut?
B&M wants to borrow your car!
Sounds like RICE to me. Making something look like something that it isn't fits MY defintion of RICE. How many of these "wonder units" do you think they could sell? Face it,there are not very many automatic equipped S30's left in the world. Only a tiny fraction of the owners of these cars would be interested in "reinventing the wheel" and gaining nothing but "style".
Yay!! My new wheels!! Check em out! Polished Iron Cross :)
Wonder how long they'll look nice considering the snow/salt you have to drive through.
Z Restoration Progam
Does ANYONE have a "build sheet" for a Z Car? I have never seen , nor heard of anyone who did. It is my belief that they simply do not exist. Just because Chebby or Ford provided them doesn't mean that Nissan did. IMO about all you can hope to refer to is the Monroney sticker ...."automobiles are the only consumer items required by law to carry manufacturer suggested retail price stickers. This sticker, also called a Monroney label, is attached to a window of the vehicle. It shows the base price of that model, including all standard equipment; manufacturer-installed options and their retail prices; transportation or freight charges (also known as destination or delivery charges); and the total manufacturer's suggested retail price. Details about the average fuel economy for the vehicle are required on all cars and light trucks; this information is usually included on the Monroney label, but will sometimes be found on a separate sticker, the EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] Fuel Economy Label. The Monroney label may not be removed by anyone other than the purchaser. The legislation requiring the sticker is commonly known as the Monroney Law, named after its sponsor in Congress, Almer Stillwell "Mike" Monroney (1902-1980): Born in Oklahoma; U.S. Representative from Oklahoma, 1939-51; U.S. Senator from Oklahoma, 1951-69."