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Everything posted by Bambikiller240

  1. It will be a decision only you can make for yourself. I can tell you from my personal experience with these items that given the condition of roads here in Northern California that I would never again consider using them on a street driven car of mine. (a Track only car would be a different story) It was nice to be able to dial in the camber to what I wanted it to be for optimum handling, but it also caused so much noise and vibration to be transferred to the chassis that I would do anything possible to avoid all but the smallest bits of debris in the roadway. Even small potholes in the road became my mortal enemy. If you do choose to use them I would encourage you to consider a routine inpection of your chassis for cracks, failed welds, etc. Though I never found damage (I only had these camber bushings in the car for 3 years/ 25,000 miles and I avoided driving over EVERYTHING that I could) IMO the transmission of vibrations and shock to the chassis was so harsh that it would only be a matter of time before something failed. $.02 American
  2. Bambikiller240 replied to zhead240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Any publication or printing date on those books??
  3. Bambikiller240 replied to Mr Camouflage's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    then it should have come up. Like I said, I dunno.
  4. Bambikiller240 replied to Mr Camouflage's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I dunno, maybe it was the difference between 280zr and 280ZR
  5. Bambikiller240 replied to Mr Camouflage's post in a topic in Open Discussions
  6. WHO is the "serious man"? Are all other men "not serious"?
  7. Don't bother doing this for 240Z's. These parts are already available.
  8. The person who started this thread (bluezcowboy) installed Triple Webers, so I don't think he has EFI crankcase systems to worry about. But Tomohawk does have EFI to be concerned about.
  9. In the USA K & N sells the small filters. The filter will load up with oil eventually, so it would require cleaning occasionally to prevent drips and a messy engine bay. If your car has to pass emissions tests I don't think it would be considered legal (at least in CA) Our Smog Check program is fairly picky. **Oooh, Oooh, more "legal" advice!!
  10. If ya had a proper place to put it, this one would be cool to have.
  11. Bambikiller240 replied to dk240z's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Well Dave, since you mentioned that, I'll add that the little holder for the fuse removal tool (and the tool itself) is missing from the auction item. Not to mention the starting price of $49 is IMO high even if it was in "excellent" condition. I picked up 2 of them a year ago or so and paid under $30 incl shipping for each one. (and they were in excellent condition, had the fuse remover tool, no burned up fuse holders, etc.)
  12. You can get an Aluminum & Delrin (a form of plastic/nylon/whatever) "bushing" to replace the OEM the Inner transverse link bushing. These have the bolt hole drilled off-center so that you can rotate them to achieve camber adjustment. NOTE: There is no rubber, or polyurethane in this joint. It is solid mount and as a result you'll feel every pebble you drive over. Picture is of a kit for a different model Datsun, but the bushing is almost identical to the part for the Z car. Kontrolle brand is an old company that is no longer in business. I'm pretty sure someone else makes them currently, but I don't know who.
  13. EScanlon's good idea was to vacuum the pins up. (Put a piece of nylon panty hose inside the vacuum hose to keep the pins from going into the vacuum tank/bag.) halz idea with the kebob sticks sound like a good idea for replacing the pins that are lost for one reason or another.
  14. Here are a few samples. The first 4 links show relatively simple solutions, the last link shows a somewhat more sophisticated system.
  15. Bambikiller240 replied to dk240z's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    dk240z: Is that auction yours?
  16. Bambikiller240 replied to zhead240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I have the 2 volume 1972 FSM, and the 1973 Combined Engine and Chassis FSM. The binding on my 72 Chassis FSM book started to come apart, so I had the pages punched for a "comb" style binding. Doesn't look the greatest. but it now lays flat when open and none of the printing was lost in the process.
  17. Bambikiller240 replied to zhead240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    The "original" FSM's for the 1970, 1971, and 1972 240Z's were published in 2 volumes. One covered the Engines (L20A and L24), the Second covered the Chassis (Brakes, Suspension, Interior, Electrical, etc). There were reprints published for these years that combined the two volumes into one book, so you have to look carefully at the cover. If it says "Engines" or says "Chassis" it is part of a 2 volume set. The single volume (reprints) FSM's I have seen say "Service Manual" or "Engine and Chassis" as I recall. From 1973, the FSM's were published as a single volume.
  18. Thanks for the responses, guys! Sadly, even when the Rwanda situation WAS being reported on the nightly news and on the front page of newspapers, the governments of the world and the U.N. largely ignored the situation. Oh, the U.N. sent in a few "Peacekeepers" but they turned tail and ran away when the going got tough. I have to believe that the realtors of the world have a saying that explains it....."Location, Location, Location". It makes all the difference in the world.:mad:
  19. Bambikiller240 replied to zhead240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    There is a different FSM for each year of 240Z. This auction contains only the "Engine" portion of the 1972 FSM (the chassis portion is not shown or listed in the auction)
  20. I do not have figures either, but I heard a radio report that the contributions of the oil-rich countries (like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, et al) were very small in comparison. BTW, my understanding is that the $350 Million figure pledged by the US counted only government funds, not public charites like Red Cross, etc. I wonder if the figures for the other countries also account for only government funds. I suspect this would be the case. BTW2, I find it interesting that the world has rallied to this cause, but seems to have ignored the loss of over 500 million lives in Rwanda over the past few years.
  21. Bambikiller240 replied to Ed's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Thanks for the pics. Wow, Significant differences. Seems like the "new" one would allow a lot of air through the firewall. Let us know how you eventually address the grommet issue.
  22. Did you import it in this condition, or did it find it's way to NZ on it's own? Looks like you got a lot of spares with it.
  23. Good info and advice, Phred. Thanks!
  24. California is one state that does not allow it. There are others. I did not specifiy which because I did not memorize all of the details contained in the articles I read about this issue. (One was presented in CA Traffic School by a CHP officer) CO state could very well be one that allows it, on the other hand it may not be. That is why I said "many states" and not specificly CO. Also I was not warning HIM (specificly) as other people who live elsewhere will view the Tech Article. Sure a cop "can" overlook" a situation (for a variety of reasons), but he can also be a PITA and "stick it to you" for a variety of reasons (some of which may not have anything to do with you). Maybe the donuts were not fresh this morning, he didn't get lucky last night, you've pissed him off previously, etc. Since I did not provide any specifics, I consider the advice to be "general cautionary advice", not "legal advice" which would be of a more specific nature. As for the veracity of my (or any other person's) advice given on this or any other subject or site. Common sense should be used in following any of it. Some people have better advice (sometimes) than other people. People who give advice should give the best and most honest advice that they can. On the other side, some people follow advice better than others. It is the responsibility of the person who chooses to use advice, to use it properly, and to make sure it is properly applied to their situation. Who hijacked the thread? Not me. My cautionary post was dated 06-27-04 so it's not like I am the one who brought it up 6 1/2 months later. Someone else did that.
  25. I knew your picture reminded me of Eddie Haskell ! !

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