Everything posted by Bambikiller240
Front disc brake squeal
The kit with shims didn't have pins and clips? Oh, put a bit of silicone brake grease on the wear area's of the new hardware also.
looking for the owner of this car
Having owned a that I had painted 918 Orange (not that color from the factory, but I had friends who did) I believe that it does look like that color. Now I did not say the original paint. but as I stated earlier it looked to be a repainted car, and probably not the original type of paint. Pictures can be deceiving due to variations in batches of paint, oxidation, wax or shine products on each car, of lighting, camera, and color rendering on a monitor (and I may be proven wrong, also). Hopefully you'll find the owner and we'll know for sure.
Removing Gas Tank
It was meant to allow for expansion of the fuel load (due to tempurature changes), and to retain the gasoline fumes inside the fuel system. The fumes were then routed forward in the car to the Flow Guide Valve. (left inner fender below the coil) The Flow Guide valve would either send the fumes to the crankcase (if the engine isn't running) or to the intake system to be burned (if the engine is running) One thing to keep in mind...............if you remove the tank and don't do it right, you won't be able to fully fill the gas tank (due to the shape of the tank, an air pocket will develop at the top of the tank)
Barret Jackson BS
You don't REALLY believe they care what we think, do you? Even Brock Yates is entitled to his own opinion, even if he is wrong.
looking for the owner of this car
Well, if you find the owner and get a confirmation of the color, let us know. Cause in person the car looks like 918 Orange.
looking for the owner of this car
I have heard of 110 Red being called "Persimmon". But I haven't seen it on an official Nissan document either. Having worked in a company that was owned by, and also employed many Korean people I do know that the fruit "Persimmon" is well known, and a favorite fruit in Korea. I suppose it's possible that Persimmons are grown in Japan as well. I have a Persimmon tree in my yard and rather than letting the fruit go unused, I'd invite co-workers to come over and clean out the tree. One last comment, a persimmon fruit is colored much more closely to 918 Orange, than to 110 Red.
Barret Jackson BS
Scarab's were manuafactured by Brian Morrow's Scarab Engineering and well cared for examples do command nice prices. Here is a lik to a thread withsome information on theses cars. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3092&highlight=Scarab
Barret Jackson BS
Barrett Jackson doesn't control what the wankers at SPEED say on the air. Every idiot has an opinion. Anyways, the auction that you are watching was completed 11 1/2 months ago (mid January 04). Stay tuned at the end of January 05 for the current auction.
looking for the owner of this car
That is what I thought. It seems that various companies apply names to a color without regard to an "official" name. See the two scans attached for paint on 1971 and 1972 Datsuns an example.
looking for the owner of this car
To be honest, I don't remember what brand of paint the shop used (it was a long time ago). I found a body shop that I was confident could do a great job and let them do it their way. I was more than pleased with the results. Sorry I cannot be of any help with a brand recommendation.
a question about a paint job
Notes, lots of notes describing where the wires were when you found them Pictures, lots of pictures showing ALL of the details Paper or Tape tags on ALL ends of ALL wires describing where they were when you found them
1973 economy restoration
You might want to ask Dennis at Classic Datsun Motorsports for his recommendation of a body shop, or ask for recommendations from a local car club. The difference in "restoraton" body work and what you get at a body shop that does regular (i.e. insurance or standard) body work is in all the execution of all steps of the job. Prep, Application, and Finish work.
looking for the owner of this car
Was this on an OFFICAL NISSAN DOCUMENT (brochure or ?)? If so, which one? I'm curious. I had my 2nd 240Z repainted #918 and could not find an official name for it, other than #918 Orange. http://zhome.com/History/colors.html
To all members in California; emissions question
See post #6 of the thread linked below http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14845&highlight=Smog
looking for the owner of this car
I don't recall seeing any "official" names for paint colors, I think that colors were assigned numbers and these names may be less than "official" mperdue has a web page with examples of the various colors for first gen Z cars. It is located at: http://datsunprojects.org/zpaintcodes/
looking for the owner of this car
Almost any "brand" of paint can be tinted to the correct color, once you know what it is. It looks like a factory color, although from the look of the car at the Blackhawk show, I'd say it was a repaint.
To all members in California; emissions question
74 is the last year that does not have to pass smog tests........for now. You can never tell what the jerk-offs in our government will try to pull in the future.
Front disc brake squeal
Did you replace the anti-squeal shims and other hardware (installation pins and clips)? That is usually where the squeal comes from.
Carbon parts (post suggestions)
I think that "management" removed all the threads about this subject. At least I can't find any of them anymore. www.zcar.com has (had) some threads also. Those may still be available.
Carbon parts (post suggestions)
Mull: I don't want to get into the argument, but I think that those people stating that "X part" is already made by someone are just pointing out that they aren't interested in your part because it is going to be made 1/2 way around the world and they can already get the part more locally. You had asked if there was interest in these parts and in essence, they are showing no interest and explaining why they aren't interested. I don't think they are trying to discourage you from your project.
Swamp Z #2
Some cars are destined to be used as parts cars to save other cars. This one might be in that catagory. The VIN doesn't seem special to me either.
Swamp Z #2
It could be fixed, but it would be cheaper in the long run to start with a car in better condition. What is the point of the project? The end result (a Nice 240Z)? or the long journey to get it there (Lots of effort, time and money)? The answer to that question will help you decide what is best for you.
1973 economy restoration
Guess it depends on your definition of "restoration". The dictionary has a very specific one.
Clear Hatch Glass
Good info, Nate. Your car is just slightly older than mine (which also has the vertical defroster).
1973 economy restoration
He also said "body and interior shops in the los angeles area that take good care of Z cars are welcome." Having someone learn (and make the inevitable learners mistakes on your car) is not what most people would call taking good care of a car. But, hey if it works for you.....go for it.