Everything posted by Bambikiller240
Windshield Glass '70 - '78 the same?
Victoria British lists only one P/N (#98-002-T) for 70-78 Z Cars. It appears that the seals are different, but the glass is the same.
what's this??
Alternator Regulation??
YES, There is a Technical Article (in the Tech Articles forum) describing in detail the process.
Installing Headers
contact one of the Z Specialist Salvage yards for what you need. Z Specialites in Snohomish, Wa. Danny's Datsuns in Roseburg, OR Z Parts in Richmond, CA CyberSanford in Michigan Z Car Source of AZ in Phoenix, AZ Z Barn in Maryville, TN
Steering coupler
I'll do that right after I cut back on breathing.
Steering coupler
Hmm, I doubt it would make a difference but, what year car? The 73 mentioned in your sig line? I was messing with a 73 (3/73 mfg)
Atitudes are getting bad around Arkansas.
Wonder if anyone in GM lost their job when they figured that one out?
Steering coupler
My recollection is that it won't turn endlessly. I'm sure the design of the rack imposes limits, too. It was a LONG time ago that I had mine apart, but I have a vivid memory of having to count revolutions of the steering wheel to get the upper part of the collumn aligned correctly with the bottom part when I installed the coupler. (of course a lot of beers have been consumed since then) Any one have their steering collumn disassembled at the moment to confirm or not? Ed? Will?
Steering coupler
You are right Daniel, but the part of the collumn above the coupler needs to not spin in either direction, becasue it has limit stops that keep it from rotating endlessly in either direction. You need to still make sure that you have an equal amount of steering wheel rotation in both R and L directions, otherwise steering will be a bitch.
Steering coupler
I seem to recall someone in the past posting that they were unable to find replacement U Joints for that purpose. can't find the thread though
Poll: Should we prevent gallery downloads?
Mike, Can this be done? If the solution is this easy, this whole issue was a waste of time.
Poll: Should we prevent gallery downloads?
MOM: In post #10 Mike said he didin't think he could provide that option of choosing downloadable or non-downlioadable. Or did you mean something else?
Poll: Should we prevent gallery downloads?
I changed a lot of the words, and YES, for clarification. Would you care to "clarify" how I am a backstabber to you? Public or Private, your choice. Do you have the cajones?
Poll: Should we prevent gallery downloads?
Since you are using my words (quoted without my permission I might add) get it straight! I NEVER said that usage was OK. Though I never considered you as such, you are sounding quite assine! Mike knows where you stand, and where everyone else stands. Let's all let him decide what is appropriate for the site. You can still go after people on your own no matter what is done on this site.
75 280 wiper motor, brake booster
Marc: First step is to see what is leaking. tubing, motor (doubtful), or the bottle itself. If motor is bad, they are only available with the washer bottle (cost = over $100) you can buy a Trico brand Washer pump (model #11-601) which will fit perfect, but you would need to change one wire on the pump from a male spade to a female spade connector (at least that is what is needed for a 240Z) in order to connect it to the car wiring.
Andrew: If you made payment through a credit card, you should have recourse through the card issuer.
buy one-get one free!!!!
All very good reasons to stay where you are and not bother to move here.
Ignition Coils on early 240Z's
It's always possible some bonehead installed them backwards, but my 71, 72, and 73 240Z's all have had the connections facing forward and the FSM's that I have show that orientation in various photo's.
Poll: Should we prevent gallery downloads?
Now that this poll is off the Front Page, Is there a decision as to which way the site will go? If there is a decision, will it be communicated to the members. Will 75%+ of the (voting) members continue to be prevented from downloading images so that 11% of the (voting) members are "protected" () from one or two people (members or non-members) who will still find a way to steal their precious property? Inquiring minds want to know!
headlight relay upgrade harness's for sale
Cool! Sent you an email, Dave.
schematic for hoses on stock air box?
I've had one for 4 years. Highly recommended.
You write the book, we can collaborate on the "B" movie. We could all play ourselves, but who do we get to play ZmeFly? zluvr1? :stupid:
I noticed it. Not much to say about it though. It is what it is........the smoking gun that confirms the identity. Chris, you are pretty sharp. we all miss a thing or two on occasion.
Yes, I had the same impression, based on voice mostly. I do remember her mentioning the cat in her avatar was named Leopold. Leopold mentioned
schematic for hoses on stock air box?
Get a K&N filter to fit the Stock Airbox.