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About golgo13

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  • Member ID: 593

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  • Joined: 11/10/2001

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    Golgotha Hill
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    Sniper, Assassin, Spy, Terrorist, Most dangerous man

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    G 1214

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  1. Engine blocks with "R" and "X" stamped on the engine block # area are factory rebuilt bare engines, sold by Nissan parts department as replacement engines, rather than engines that were used in certain model/market/spec cars. I know this for sure because I have two factory remanufacturerd engines stamped this way. Nothing special otherwise, no "racing" bullshit or anything like that. I would guess that the "R" means "Remanufactured" or Rebuilt or mayeven be Recalled (?) or something of that nature. Eiji
  2. The Bionic Woman drove a 280Z. Lindsay is the best. I have to get her autograph my Zs. A red 280z in Capricorn One, circa 1978. OJ Simpson was in it (the movie) among others.
  3. Extreme and hypothetical senarios... Paint carries max 10pts, so if everything else is perfect, even though the car is in primer (say it scores 0 on the paint), it could theoretically still tally up 290pts or above to win a gold (medallion or cup). Also, a car that scores above 290pts, but the engine is dead(say internal damage and therefore judges can't see, => no point diduction). She can still win a Gold (medallion or cup).. None of that will probablly happen in real life, but it could theoretically happen...Odd...
  4. Hello- I agree with Stephan completely. Carl: You mentioned several msg ago that "Many people have simply used the 280Z dash along with the 280Z evap" Who are the "Many people"? I'd really like to see pics and talk to them please.
  5. There is a set of Aluminum LeMans 5x15's on E-Bay...

    E-Bay Item number: 120378740842

    Just FYI


  6. LeMans wheels. I am after them for 4-5yrs now
  7. You Wrote:


    Eiji here.

    If you come across them, let me know. As you know I am dead serious. I ain't gonna waste your time.


    Who is or what is "them" I do not understand what you are refering too.


  8. Carl- Eiji here. If you come across them, let me know. As you know I am dead serious. I ain't gonna waste your time. Regards,
  9. My friend Mike McGinnis' is the best. Banzai Motorworks (301) 420-4200
  10. Hi Eiji

    Filipe here!!! When i saw another i will buy it!!!

  11. Hi. Thank you for those who replied and sorry for the late reply. I am looking exclusively for Mikuni manifold. MUST be Mikuni. No custom manifold or Nissan competition manifold needed, as I have 4 or 5 of those. Anyone who has one and can sell to me, or can trade, please let me know. Many thanks. Eiji
  12. Hey Mark- Are you coming to the Tidewater event on 5/17? Mike- It's not 240z related because it is for 4cylinder (L18/L20B) intake manifold. If this violates the message posting rule, my appologies. Eiji-
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