Planes, Sharks, and My Z
yeah could anyone photoshop it for me? and just so you all know it was going to mainly be on the body kit... not like up on the hood or something...
Planes, Sharks, and My Z
herb intake is good... so... im not gonna slow down!... i dont think it was the herb though... i think it was the pcp in the herb..
Planes, Sharks, and My Z
I had a wild idea strike me last night... I was trying to think of "different" and "wild" paint job ideas for my Z and i thought about trying to do a sharks mouth and teeth like on older planes and bombs in ww2 and in other times... so I started to look around online for ideas or pictures to see if anyone else had tried so I would get an idea of the look but I had no luck... so I was wondering if anyone here knew if that kind of paint job had a certain name or knew of anyone who had tried it or if anyone just had pics or knew where I could find them... well post here or PM me or IM me on AIM at ytz750 if you can help thanks.
Im prety sure the one I might buy is the 650 XS but im not positive it could be the 360 but I know its not the 125. if it were the 125 I dont know if I would get it anyway not enough power. Where the 650 gose over 100 MPH pretty easy.
Geuss what! I might be picking up an old 1973 Yamaha bike tomoro! any one else have one? or any coments? btw this is the guy who I might get the humvee from brother in case you read that thread. :cheeky:
well my gret uncle owns a junk yard in WV with bout 5,000 cars and a humvee just happens to be one of them... and im pretty sure its not going any where its kinds shot up im pretty sure also so im saving up some money and hopefully if things work buying it... and I live in the country as i said earlyer trails are made HUGE...some are ust giant feilds of mud hahaha.... and if anyone lives near WV I can give u directions to that junk yard :nervous:
Datsun on TV
i geuss this is where i shoyuld post it but Discovery Channel on Monster Garage on nov. 15 ap 9:00 PM ET. Monster Garage Honey Bee Drift Car A classic 1975 Datsun 210 Honey Bee is transformed into a drift car by transplanting the 280 horsepower engine off a brand new Nissan 350Z. The team will also install a new rear end and roll cage. When work is completed the car will look completely stock.
What are you paying for gas?
I live in posibley the smallest town in PA and gas here is $2.03 per gallon for 87!
Im suprised there arnt many down there...yo have many toyota land cruisers i was thinking about geting one of them a few years ago and got a F-150 instead just a litle bit of price differnce haha..
well i live in a VERRY SMALL town in PA and im moving to a new house in town and its right off a main road so i can pull right beside my house to park it and any where im going is country but you had a good point
well.. mine is gona be for waht ever the hell i want it to be for at that hour in time weather it is hauling another car... or im also hoping to rig it for rock climbing
hey does any one here have an older military hummer or any kind of hummer?im considering buying one, anyone recomend geting one? feel free to PM
4 barrel carb adapter
I proabely wont get the adapter but if i get the jim cook supercharger i still am gona need a 4 barrel carb any good recomendations that are beter than the holley it comes with? "yay more money to spend" :disappoin
4 barrel carb adapter
I was just wondering if it was all good or bad feedback thanks i was just throwing around ideas thanks for your help though. saved me alot of time
4 barrel carb adapter
Has anyone here used one of these 4 barrel carb adapters http://www.zcarparts.com/store/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=11-2995&Category_Code=PFFC04 Anyone?
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