Everything posted by khughes
Operation 240k
Checked on the weekend, and it actually seems to have come out quite well (maybe a little on the thin side, but certainly better than a normal primer finish).. i did a bit more (engine bay, doors and roof) over the weekend and keeping the gun a lot closer and putting down a lot more paint "seems" even better (few runs where the hose got snagged.. oops) sorry for the hijack
Operation 240k
What brand and type of epoxy and hi fill did you use? can i also ask.. when you epoxied the car, how did the paint look immediately after spraying? I just sprayed my bonnet and bootlid with Dupont 840R the week before last.. but i don't think i had the gun set properly.. i expected the epoxy to look shiny and almost like a plastic coat.. but instead it looks more like a primer out of a can (i think i had the fluid down too much and it dried before hitting the paint) i am trying to work out if the epoxy should look like a wet pool when applying
Operation 240k
so what steps did you do from stripping to bare metal? Mine is at the bare metal stage, i am planing to give it another rinse of POR metal ready (rust convertor/metal prep), then a non sanding epoxy primer coat (to seal the metal), then start work on minor filling after bogging i had planned to do another epoxy prime coat to seal in any bog before doing a hi fill prime, after which i will hand off to a bodyshop to hopefully do the remaining 20% and colour then again, i have no idea what i am doing (never done any bodywork), and piecing information together as i go
Operation 240k
may i ask why in some of the pictures there is green tape along the lines of the car? i can't quite work it out (other than to possibly protect the edges?).. great job the car looks straight as a tack! how many hours did you spend bogging and sanding?
Suspension; coilovers, diff etc
Hi Guys, great info (when confirmed), wish it was around when i was looking.. can i ask where you read about the Tein adj tops? would also love some more info about the R32 steering rack into the C210 (which is similar to C110), i think mine is a c210 powered unit for now, but would prefer a rack
buying flares, grill etc
unfortuantely that was the good thing about Challange, He went out and found an almost exact copy of the mesh that the fibreglass copy i gave him had.. it will be interesting to see how different the original is.
buying flares, grill etc
out of interest, what process are you using to make these?
buying flares, grill etc
definately put me down for a set of the tail light surrounds pm me when you have an idea on price etc. and i will send you a deposit!
buying flares, grill etc
i would be very keen on a set of the tail light surrounds too it is the last remaining item on my GT-R shopping list I attempted to buy a few when i had a contact in japan, but i always fell short, even around the $1250 mark! (probably a good thing though.. it was impulsive at the time, and needless to say a waste of money for a bit of plastic) Perhaps somebody could replicate them from a photo (maybe in clay or something to take a mould from?)? the mounts etc are all the same as the non-GTR.. anyone got any ideas?
anyone for a cheap KPGC110?
http://translate.google.com/translate?sourceid=navclient&hl=en-GB&u=http%3a%2f%2fpage8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp%2fjp%2fauction%2fh132198010 shame there are no pics of the whole car, just under $105k! (would have been cheaper if our dollar was worth 100 yen again!)
cheap 240k sedan on ebay
http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Datsun-240k-GL-1971-Whole-Complete-Car-RUNS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ65Q3a1Q7c66Q3a2Q7c39Q3a1Q7c293Q3a1Q7c294Q3a50QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem3a50cecb57QQitemZ250463832919QQptZAUQ5fCarsQQsalenotsupported 2 days left and only $300!
Classifieds section?
it would be nice, but the traffic is fairly low volume.. most "general" parts (ie. anything common to other models) get posted in other sections/forums.. but anything 240k specific, i don't think anybody really minds if you post in the general 240k section i know i wouldn't
rust in hardtop roof
They use the term hardtop to describe the coupe. The C110 officially came in wagon, sedan and hardtop... though there is a 240k convertible around this forum (3 posts up)
buying flares, grill etc
No, i actually bought a genuine grill from Bonzaelite (who last had my "rally" 240k, before it returned to the land of the rising sun).. the problem now is trying to get it shipped from the US to australia within a reasonable price. It may actually take me a few months to get a hold of it now (anyone know of a cheap sea freight / import company?) With the Grill, i should have all the parts now to send down to Alfa, the grill, flares, tail, front lip The problem i presume, will be like the bonnet.. having the right number of minimum orders for them to take the moulds for free. I presume that alfa will not be sourcing the actual grill material though like challange did i just hope they don't trash the originals (well the grill..) like challenge did. Unfortunately my project has been SLOW recently.. work has been very busy and havn't had anytime to work on the car.. i am almost through completetly stripping the POR off again.. then will epoxy prime it then start the long (and daunting) task of sanding/filling
buying flares, grill etc
Guys.. got some good news for you all.. i finally may have gotten my hands on an original GT-R grill.. as soon as i get it in my hot little hands we can organise to have a mould taken from it by the guys at Alfa Motorsport fibreglass (hopefully for the last time!).. then finally we will have a reliable supplier
Operation 240k
Hi Mate, awesome work there.. you are certainly ploughing through it!
buying flares, grill etc
it is just over the EMS limit.. you have to be lucky with the post office.. hope they don't measure it properly
buying flares, grill etc
it looks like the link i put up may be a company that makes the FRP grill's in japan, wonder if they have a website.. may make it easier to source
buying flares, grill etc
this one? http://page14.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/s122316917 go for it! but if you win, you better let us take a mould actually.. just found the one that you are talking about.. to be honest, i would go for an unbroken one.. it would have to be repaired anyway, and it would be tricky to repair those mounts (they are not that strong to begin with)
Fuel Tank Question
thanks Nigel, out of interest, what year is your car? i am starting to have the feeling that the early ones were different (not that it shows in teh service manual). i only have the 2 fuel lines and the rear brake lines running to the front of the car (rubber spacers only have the room for the 3). My 74 is the same. I will try and get a picture of mine to show the comparison of your 5th picture
buying flares, grill etc
i am still ok to send down the parts that i do have.. but we still need to sort out a grill.. the missing link , as long as they don't get destroyed.. The flares i have seem to be of a much better quality (much thicker) than the set i have had from Challenge.. They are in primer at the moment. but i am sure that we would need a minimum number of orders from alfa for them to take our moulds
Fuel Tank Question
nope, still no luck.. from the fuel tank the pink hose goes under the car, then disapears into the frame rail (via a hard line).. no idea where it goes then.. couldn't find any sign of it coming out near the engine bay. can you trace that line for me from the engine bay and see where it goes? I don't remember seeing it on my other car either when i pulled all the fuel lines off (but that car has the same style tank / fittings etc.. so it must)
Fuel Tank Question
awesome, that is great. i will have another look under the car and see if i can find that third line (it is certainly there at the tank.. so it must be there somewhere) Kent
Fuel Tank Question
Thanks Nigel, can you tell me where the rear hard line is actually going to? does it cross behind the rear of the engine then return along the fuel lines etc. ? this car only has 2 lines going back to the fuel tank that i can find (and so does my other).. i must be missing something and where does the front hose go to? Andrew, how did you bypass it? did you just unhook it?
Fuel Tank Question
Hi Guys, hopefully someone here can help me out and save a few hours trouble shooting I am putting the GT together to send it off to Brian in the States. The car didn't have the engine in it, but i took the working L24 out of my black parts car and stuck it in the GT. The engine fires up beautifully when the fuel feed and return is fed from a jerry can, however when it is plugged into the proper lines, it sucks petrol, however after a short while it seems to develop pressure in the system and this prevents it from pumping more fuel, and eventually it dies. I have tried taking off the gas cap (no help), and also running the return into a jerry can (while retaining the fuel from tank line - still didn't work). The Engine does flow guide valve (which attaches to the right hand side shock tower on a bracket), we guessed at the connections to this (can anyone take a photo of where these 3 lines go -marked A,C,F).. one of which i assume (according to the service manual) "F" should come from the fuel tank vent cleaner.. although there only seems to be the fuel and fuel return hard lines from the front to the rear of the car.. where does this pipe usually come into the engine bay? attached is a pic out of the manual..