Everything posted by khughes
coming soon to a K near you!
that might work in a convertible.. buy one of the aero spoiler motors from a porsche, and you can have it pop up over 90km/h i guess my other option could be to use 2 intercoolers one each side in the wheel wells (blocked off of course).. not sure how much flow you would get in there, but you could run fans behind them.. now that i think of i i have a set of these for the S4.. maybe i can use them in the K instead: http://www.evolutionracewerks.com/product.php?prodid=36
coming soon to a K near you!
i still have the brand new intercooler that i had for the RB25DET, it is only 450mm x 300x76mm from memory.. certainly not as big as the GTR cooler is.. this one may just fit if i can get the end tanks rewelded with immediate 90 degree turns, which should get it all contained within the bumber mount holes.. it is going to be real tight though.. and i am not sure how airflow is going to the radiator will go when it has to go through an intercooler, A/C radiator and then finally the radiator. obviously i will need to run a couple of electric fans (i am not going to run a mech. fan) i did a bit more reading into air/water intercoolers, and as well as being very $$$ they don't seem as good for cruising around.. just short runs.. so it probably isnt the best way anyway (unless i have no choice)
Manual 240K on ebay
love the gut
Manual 240K on ebay
and pretty cheap too!
coming soon to a K near you!
main site is functional now.. it is pretty ugly for now.. but i will fix it up www.project240k.com
coming soon to a K near you!
bah my cms install killed my blog.. so www.project240k.com/Blog for now..
coming soon to a K near you!
ZBane, Thanks for the post, hybridz has been a great read.. there are still a few areas i think will be a steep learning curve (such as power wiring, A/C, power steering).. but there is a lot of good info there, it will help a great deal. My New years resolution was to get the car mostly finished this year, The RB26 shouldn't affect anything too much (mounts, gearbox etc. are all the same), just a little more complicated when it comes time to fit in all the intercooler piping (still not sure how i am going to get an intercooler, A/C and Radiator in.. i hope i don't have to resort to a $$$ air to water I/C). The RB26 will go into the car stock (so that there are hopefully no issues with engineering or EPA tests required).. but i do already have a set of N1 cam's and N1 rods.. and i have been thinking ultimately getting an N1 block, forged pistons then a couple of bigger turbos... but i have to keep trying to remind myself that these wacky plans just push the timeline out. If i can get this thing finished before anyone else steals my idea, it should be the first in Oz, and even if it isn't.. i am really hoping it will be one of the best So next, unfortunately i have to atleast chip some of the crap underbody sealer off the bottom of the car (i have been putting that one off), then test fit the engine, see where all the piping goes, cut any required holes, before finally getting the rust holes fixed, and paint her. I probably have a bit of saving to do before the repair and paint though.. so i am concentrating to get the GT in a movable and complete state (not worrying about the bodywork, just fixing the rust), so i can get that out of the way temporarily and focus on this car. I am planning to relocate the battery (i big optima sealed one) to the boot, but i still don't think this will be enough.. maybe i will need to line the boot with lead the trick of having big rear passengers won't help either.. it is now a 2 seater! oh.. i have finally started trying to fix up my website, i still havn't found a good program that presents the way i want it to.. i started trying a blog type program (it is okay, but it looks crap), but i am going to spend most of today trying a proper CMS. www.project240k.com is live though! (still a lot of cleanup to do, especially in the galleries!)
KPGC110 replica yahoo auctions
http://www.project240k.com/Blog/wpg2?g2_itemId=1799 http://www.project240k.com/Blog/wpg2?g2_itemId=870 not the best.. but it is basically this seat http://www63.tok2.com/home2/tuccy/images/corolla/cockpit003.jpg
good news guys! grills and spoilers
I Just spoke to Phil @ challange fibreglass, and they have pulled out the moulds and are cleaning them out to do another batch.. if you want anything, now is the best time to contact them and place your order: phil@melbpc.org.au - (m) 0418 567 019 They are very busy with offsite work though, so they may take a little time (as did the originals, but if yo uget in now, then they should be able to do them all at once. Kent
KPGC110 replica yahoo auctions
what's wrong with modern bits i have a pair of SR3's planning to go in my car, still havn't decided on the steering wheel or gear knob though (they are probably the hardest parts to pick, something that looks modern, but still in theme).. though.. that car seems pretty overpriced for what it is.. maybe there is some hope of my car being worth something sensible (insurance wise) after it is done
good news guys! grills and spoilers
No pics i am afraid, just afterwards, i had to send a 240K over to Brian in the states, and as his parts hadn't turned up, i had to hastily throw them on his car for shipping. I think the front spoiler will fit with a little bit of shaping.. i am trying to get in contact with them to get another grill.. tried email, but no luck.. so i will have to find time to give them a call.
KPGC110 replica yahoo auctions
link brings up a generic yahoo page unfortunately
modded P/S and A/C
wouldnt an R33 system be a little tricky considering how shallow the 240k dash si in comparison? it would be pretty cool to get all the electronic mixers etc.. but it might be tricky! i would certainly be interested if you get it working!
coming soon to a K near you!
hehe, no chance of the car being finished for 1012 then
anyone for a brake upgrade?
if anyone wants the Z32 aluminimum calipers + seal kits, they can have them for $150 too i may also have the red R31 calipers (i know the disks sold) somewhere if someone wants them too.. they look pretty i also have a brand new nabco 15/16" Master cylinder, it is for LHD though, so the hard lines would need to be modified to fit.
anyone for a brake upgrade?
the offset is 4mm as per the last picture, and the radius from the 2nd pic is close enough to 109.. the first picture where you got 30 though.. not sure on that.. from the back of the plate to the back of the mount is around 16mm, and the mount is 13mm thick, so 30mm would be close enough as total depth of the whole part. sorry i can't be more exact, but i only have a digital caliper and the batt is almost dead it sounds pretty close to what you have though.. if you want them you can have them for $130 + postage (they cost me $220 trade from nissan)
coming soon to a K near you!
Yep, the front shafts will be pulled out, along with the front Diff, and the holes welded up (unless... 4wd 240k?). From what i have read the RB25 sumps do fit up, but a couple of bolts are missed.. so i will probably modify the RB26 one instead (plus it is bigger) The plan was to put a bigger turbo (GT30R) onto the RB25DET (i had already spent more on the RB25 than the RB26 cost me in aftermarket parts), but after all the messing around.. it still wouldn't be a GT-R engine.. which i think, for my replica is really the next best thing to an S20 now i can say my car has real GT-R soul
coming soon to a K near you!
yes it is, good picking out of a late 1997 GT-R although it doesn't look any where near as impressive next to the VR38DETT as it did before
anyone for a brake upgrade?
sorry, i didn't get a notification ab the new post I will check tonight and get back to you on it Kent
coming soon to a K near you!
well Guys, After meeting up with Brian in the US and having a chance to drive his 240k, I spent the last couple of months kicking myself for not originally going all out well.. after a quick firesale off some of the RB25DET bits and pieces that i have collected over the years, it has earned me enough money to buy my next engine.. after 5 previous engines, the original L24, RB20DET, RB30E (for use in the bottom end of an RB30DET), RB25DE (for the RB30DET head), and then the RB25DET.. i am pretty sure that this will be the last (unless i find a spanking deal on a VR38DETT .. but i am not holding my breath) i should have it in my hot little hands in a couple of weeks time.. then the fun begins!
modded P/S and A/C
Hi guys, does anybody here have any clue about power steering or air conditioning? My C110 has power steering out of (as far as i know) a C210 skyline, it was put in by the previous owner (though, not sure if it works!), because i am putting in an RB engine, i now have no idea what to do about a power steering pump!? Can i just hook up an RB power steering pump, or will this cause problems because of different pressures etc. ? Similarly, the car has air conditioning core and fanbox etc.. but it didn't come with any of the bits from the engine bay (radiator, evaporator etc.).. can i just use the A/C bits from an R32/R33/R34 skyline? would a newer pump, lines, radiator etc. be compatible? i hadn't thought about it before (well i had, but couldn't be bothered working it out yet), but now the new engine i am getting is missing both P/S and A/C pumps.. so i want to get it right first time rather than trial and error at a cost. Kent
RB25 powered 240k
from the pic in your avatar, it is starting to look pretty good! got any better pics? i was dreaming about an N1 plock, N1 rods, forged pistons, and big turbo's.. but i think i just need to get it all in first.. so standard for now
good news guys! grills and spoilers
by the way, the front grill fitted really well
good news guys! grills and spoilers
i just emailed him again asking to make me one, so if you do the same there is a good chance he might! otherwise, maybe try ringing him Kent
good news guys! grills and spoilers
let me know if you get on to him, i asked him to make me another front grill ages and ages ago, but have heard nothing since (and havn't recieved any replies).. so if there is 2 of us then maybe he will do them again Kent