Everything posted by khughes
240K GT parts
yeah i certainly see the advantage of blasting the bottom.. i was just going to chip the bits off that i could, then por over the top.. but this won't guarentee that rust isn't already there (although it was quite good already). anyone know a sandblaster in Western Sydney? i unfortunately don't have the room to do it myself yeah.. i am not too sure how much heavier the engine will be.. although i would imagine that my car will end up being a little bit lighter than yours.. i had better get that GT30R turbo sooner rather than later then!
My new 240K
just found this pic as well.. you may appreciate it http://image.space.rakuten.co.jp/lg01/89/0000218389/32/imgb6fd02c7j7cjuo.jpeg
Nearly ready to terrorise the local neighbourhood
congrats on getting her back.. can't wait to see the updated pics
240K GT parts
so that explains why it is taking so damn long with that thing in all serious, i have been trying to put off stripping the sound deadener off the bottom of that car.. i want to por it up so that there is no chance of rust in the future.. then she is all ready to paint.. but that won't be until march i am afraid i am hoping the GT looks worse than it actually is.. other than the lower rear panel (someones botched 1st attempt by the looks of it!), most of the rust spots seem fairly easy to fix. as for the official GT's.. Art (or others with complianced Australian GT's?), what is the highest VIN that you have? maybe we can estimate the VIN number that marked the GT/GL changeover.. other than the compliance tag, is there a production date on the car? (i expected to see it on the black datsun tag, or is the compliance tag date the production date rather tahn the compliance date?), did the C110's start being produced in 72 or 73?
My new 240K
talking about GT-R bits.. i just managed to grab these, have been looking for a set for ages!! and it almost completes all the GT-R bits that i need! would still love to get a hold of a genuine grill, but i can't see that happening anytime soon unfortunately (they are hard to find now as you probably know!)
240K GT parts
and here are the pics of mine, in all it's current ugliness http://www.project240k.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=21&g2_highlightId=306
240K GT parts
Picked up the car today, and it is now safely home! it certainly needs a bit of work to get here back into shape, but luckily nothing too major. The car came with 2 rear panels (both with the same GL badging), 1 is a little rusty, but the other seems pretty good.. The new GT badges that came with the car seem to all be reproduction ones (2 of the GT badges like the ones posted just above, and a rear and front GT badge, but they will do for now). Door cards seem to be in good condition (although one is missing the silver bottom panel). unfortunately it seems that lots of the original GT specific bits have gone (other than the door cards), so i would be definately interested in the dash cluster. the car came with 2 centre consoles, so not sure if one of those is the original. it is also missing the front seats, unfortunately the set of seats out of my spares car is fabric, and the other set of vinyl seats i have, have broken springs. Art, could you possibly send me some photo's of the interior, engine bay and exterior of your GT's? Overall though, once the rest of the rust is cleaned up and repaired, it shouldn't take too much to get her up and running.
15x10 GTR wheels now available in Oz
very nice.. certainly cheaper than new watanabe's too!
240K GT parts
that just reminded me.. a while back i bought a set of GT badges from japan and ended up getting blue ones instead of red.. the ones i have are plastic, don't have the red groove (they don't even have a groove), and the blue is a black/blue sparkle.. i presume the real GT ones are dark blue solid? i presume these are reproductions as they are plastic, and whatever was written inbetween the posts has been scratched off
240K GT parts
Thanks Art, i saw those on ebay today, but i wanted to see what badges the car came with in teh morning before i made a bid on that ($55 seems quite expensive for a 2nd hand badge, i paid just a little more for a NIB GT-R one!)
240K GT parts
thanks mr. Camo that makes sense. do you know where these badges originated from? were they JDM, special or something? i find it odd that datsun would make a badge like that (unless it is from another model). should have a few more pics of things tomorrow.. can't wait now!
240K GT parts
Hi Art. Yes, the compliance plate is stamped GT, and the VIN is #280, i am not sure when it was made (will find out on saturday), however it had to be 1972 (when did the 240k production start.. considering this is #KHGC110-0000280.. it can't be too much earlier).. i am not sure if it will come with any documentation or books unfortunately.. it would be nice, but i am not holdign my breath considering the rest of the stuff that has been lost. I am glad to hear that the price sounds justified.. i had started to wonder if i had just dazzled myself and paid too much I am not sure of the condition of the rear panel (the GL badge will certainly go), but i have never seen a datsun badge that takes up the whole width of the rear before.. is this normal? the only ones i can think of seeing, only took up the indent in the centre (but then i could be easily confusing them with my GT-R one).. is this a badge off a sedan or something?
240K GT parts
the only pic i have is this one (the one in the auction). i will certainly have a lot more on saturday!
240K GT parts
Hi Arc, that is some awesome information. I will need to see what the car is missing on saturday afternoon when i pick it up, but i know that all the instrumentation is missing (including the bezel), i didn't check when i looked at it, but i assume the dash is the original one just recovered. Unofrtunately it looks like the car was half pulled apart a number of years ago, then it has moved from place to place.. and some of the important parts have gone walkabout. The guy has obviously been picking up bits and pieces as he went.. but i am not confident he knew exactly what he was looking for do you happen to have a picture of the rear beaver panel? the one that "comes" with the car has a different datsun badge (almost like what i remember the sedan one to be) to what i have seen before, and it had a GL badge on it, so i presume it is not the original. I would be very interested in any GT parts that you can spare (including all the dash bits).. i will pm you on the weekend. I guess i should be hunting for some more 240k GT pics by the sounds of it!
2 x 240Ks on ebay
no, your post tipped me off.. thanks!
2 x 240Ks on ebay
yeah.. i know.. but i figure it will cost me very little to get back up and running.. and i would have kicked myself hard if i had started bidding on it and some other freak out bid me (especially after i checked it out and saw the triple digit VIN!)..
240K GT parts
it is now my 4th 240k coupe.. (in as many years).. only one of those were complete cars.. and the others have all been "complete cars that just needed to be put together (yeah right!).. so that would make only 5 cars i have had the pleasure of being involved with! i am hoping that one day i will find a C10! and i think commited might be the right term thanks guys, would appreciate it if you ever see something..
240K GT parts
hi Guys, well, i have managed to snap up the 240K GT that was recently on ebay.. It is a 72 model (complied in australia 1/73) and it is build number 280! i know it wasn't probably the smartest buy.. considering my other project.. but i just can't resist sometimes! unfortunately the car was a bit of an ongoing "project" and most of the bits of the car have been lost including the original engine, gearbox, bonnet, rear light panel, dash cluster, seats.. it was destined to have some form of V8 in it, but i am looking to fix her up and try and bring her back to a somewhat original look. the car is moslty stripped at the moment, so i am looking at fixing the remaining rust, get her painted again, and then put her all back together using some of the other parts i have lying around. from what i can gather, the rear lights are original, it has the GT door cards, dash top is in good condition (though probably re-covered), and the Diff looks original (no idea what condition it is in though). from what i can find, the only other really functional difference between the GT's and the GL's was that it came with a MPH/KMH speedo.. If anyone finds one of these in their travels, or knows of the whereabouts of one.. can you please let me know!! Kent
project update
Hi Mate, the brace came out to be around $120 australian, but this did not cover postage as i had somebody bring it back for me (luckily).. it is in the cusco catalogue, but it is a special order, so they make it up as you order it.. and yes, before anyone says something.. i do realise the S20 engine covers are black.. but atleast the intake is redish
2 x 240Ks on ebay
The GL is apparently making its way down south.. and the GT... well
My new 240K
congrats on finally getting it home!! real shame about the seal sound like it was a good thing that i didn't drive it the 2000km's + that we had planned to on the rally then!! i am really happy to see that car has a bright bright future!!! it deserves it! congrats on getting the original GT-R grill too.. that is a pretty rare and $$$ find!! i am jealous! good choice on the colour too.. they are the exact reasons why i am going with red!
project update
Hi Guys, just a small update on things, as i havn't had much time (or money) to do much lately.. I spent the last 2 weekends repainting the brake calipers and engine covers on the car in an awesome metallic red that i found. The pictures don't do it justice, but i thought i would post them up anyway The covers use to be a powdercoated yellow (meant to be gold, but far from it).. and while they arn't S20 red.. i am happy that i am going back to the red theme.. oh.. attached is also a photo of the brand new Cusco front stut brace i finally got from japan as for the rest of the car, i have taken off the watanabe's and getting ready to coat them in POR's Glisten PC (hard clear coat), for added protection. otherwise, i am still working towards getting the car painted, i still need to finish scrubing off any loose bitumen from underneath the car, then i am going to give the bottom a coat of POR15, then re-bitumen it for extra extra protection (i really can't be bothered trying to completely remove the bitumen on there, and 80% of it seems to be on pretty well). then early next year i will get the engine bay painted, put the engine etc. in (so i won't scratch the body putting it in later).. then get the rest of the body painted.. then hopefully it will be on the home straight!
GTR Flares how to fit
Typical! let me know when you come back down!! mind you i have to try and "Remove" the por now I will be up at SWR on saturday picking up a friends 260z, so i will definately have a look!! i will get some pics for you and send them on!
C10 GTR for sale in japan
pricey, but looks pretty original and great condition! http://www.j-spec.com.au/list/index.php?ID=10956
Does anyone have a spare driver side coupe boot hinge
i am pretty sure he means the bit that bolts the boot lid to the car ie. the largish arm that is spring loaded