Everything posted by khughes
My 240K(c110) build thread
do you mind me asking how much the main instrument dash fascia was?
Introducing "Ginger" -KHGC11000280
really? that is very cool! Do you happen to have any pictures of the rear coil over kit? and any ideas on pricing? I currently have a set of specially set koni struts, but this could be a much nicer solution! Kent
Introducing "Ginger" -KHGC11000280
awesome work! great to see the car again, I have to apologize to everyone (and Brian) for the mismatch of colours on the car, unfortunately this car didn't have the luxury of being garaged (it was always covered though), so i had to atleast cover some of the poor paintwork with something so it wouldn't rust out (especially while at sea!). Brian, any ideas how your going to link up the steering shaft? (i had ideas of converting to rack and pinion but mostly for the RB26 Z i was going to build). Sounds like i need to get a hold of one and make sure that the engine mounts havn't moved, otherwise it will throw out my gearbox mount.. If you have a custom solution in mind for the steering shaft.. i would be keen on getting in on it and having one made up with yours! and remember, let me know if you ever need a hand getting RHD parts.. i can certainly help out from here! Kent
Time does fly
Hi Brian, Great to see you back Online! It is fantastic to hear things are picking up to the point where you can start giving some much deserved attention to the GT (and for yourself, finally some time to relax!). I did have a couple of sleepless nights hoping that you would be able keep a hold of it, and able to give it the restoration it deserves (i know it isn't the most perfect of cars, but for some reason (maybe it being a low number GT), that car has always been my favourite!). I for one will be closely following your progress! (and hopefully I can get some work started again on mine this coming year) I can't wait until she is finished, i am definitely coming over to drive this one too !!, assuming you don't mind of course! Kent
240K GT sedan
Yep, my latest one was like yellow, it is a nice stainless steel colour now i will go through my pics and see what it was, i am sure i have a photo of the plates somewhere.. Couldn't find the picture of the sticker, but found reference in the parts manual (well a scan of it, thanks to Jim!) :- 170
240K GT sedan
that's cool, I have only ever seen the basic colours in the early coupes that i have come across (yellow must have been hugely popular at that!). The only metallic car i had seen was a later model sedan in a wreckers (i managed to grab a PERFECT dashboard from it.. massive surprise since the car was missing the front windscreen.. downside was that it was blue, but after some black die, and some slight modifications to fit the earlier dash frame, it was perfect!) good to know! wonder if metallic coupes were offered?
240K GT sedan
Hi My old 2 door 240kGT had "Datsun coupe GT" stamped into the compliance plate, and was complied 1/73. The UK got GT sedan's i believe (all through the years i think).. but none in Australia. Not sure if the UK cars had Datsun or skyline on the dash. only the earliest coupes seemed to have slipped past with the GT moniker.. the only other major differences i know of are the 4 speed manual gearboxes, better flowing intake manifolds and of course badging. if the compliant plate looks geniuine and matching, then i doubt it would be an import (assuming they had the protection back then that exists today), and a personal import would have a different compliance plate. Sounds like an enthusiast rebadged it all perhaps when it was resprayed? i have collected a few JDM tail lights (both red outers) over the years from australian cars, purely out of luck, so it must have been a fairly common practice (JDM grill's arn't unheard of either) being originally metallic blue, is it a 75+ model? Kent
240K Coupe front pillar trim
I know, me too.. sadly at the time it was a case of having to either downsize storage or loose the lot.. had to try and keep the best of what I had and get rid of the rest. So I hope I managed to keep atleast one of everything! So hard to keep track once the car is fully apart ( the small bolts etc. Are easy, atleast you can bag those :-))
240K coupe for sale ebay - Adelaide
good price, most of the coupes i have sold over the years have only only gone for $2.5k so you did well.. Hope you find another car soon
240K Coupe front pillar trim
damn.. a year ago i threw out a bunch of spare trim including a set sorry
Watanabe's colour choice
nope, that is magnesium.. like mine i actually ordered magnesium with polished edges, but they arrved fully coloured.. had to get somewhere local to polish them for me. took them a bit of convincing that they were not made of magnesium when i first rang up for a quote and they asked me what colour they were
Don't give up on your K
i don't know about inspiration.. more like taunting me i WILL get my car painted.. i WILL get my car painted..
trawling youtube
stumbled across a youtube channel via Schwiplarkin's post. some nice old US based cars.. video is nicely put together too.. http://youtu.be/DO2wylnTI8I http://youtu.be/qfma-zl2fuM?hd=1 also some good full length JDM insider vids in there too great to see some commercial skyline lovin Kent
my 240k coupe (possible for sale thread)
sorry mate.. that actually looks quite bad.. Looks like it has been in a field for the past 20 years.. even my 2nd 240k that did sit in a field for 10 years wasn't anywhere near that bad given enough work and luck in finding replacement parts, i am sure it could be saved.. but i am sure you could find a much better example more cheaply sadly tough decision (especially as i assume you paid a bit for it)
my 240k coupe (possible for sale thread)
Hi Swarf, stick up some pics, we would all love to see it.. at the end of the day, it is still a 240k coupe... and it deserves to live another day! as long as the chassis is straight and rust free.. the rest is fixable I have bought 240k's in the past, thinking they were pretty average.. but once you get down to them all have been pretty solid (including my parts car RIP).. even the last car i bought which looked immaculate.. underneath still had all the same rust areas that i bought to bypass on the car i was building. the real problem is of course, finding skilled old school panel beaters, and being able to afford them
My 240K(c110) build thread
Hi Mate, I would but they are absolutely buried at the moment.. if only i had a quad garage! if i get to dig them out soon i will let you know.. i think i got 16*8 (0 offset) and 16x8.5(-6 offset).. atleast the rears are what your after i really should get some tyres and throw the wat's on the Z.. I am going to be moving back over your way soon though.. which means more time to work on the car and much more time to come up and see the old girl and the awesome work you've done.. extra incentive to dig the wheels out!
Historic \ Club Rego in NSW
Thanks Matt, that is a very good response.. and since i have only been able to find very little information on some of the club websites, it is a great help! At this point i think i am going to probably end up completely de-registering the car and putting it away in some type of storage for a couple of years.. or atleast until i can get the small bits of rust that i know about and paint blemishes all fixed up. Atleast then it takes away ANY temptation to start playing with the car (including the triple webers sitting there for it) and pushes me into doing what i can on the 240k again Kent
My 240K(c110) build thread
maybe create a new thread with the info? i had a look last night on his website too and couldn't find out what their additional charges etc would be.. maybe a comparison against importmonster would also be good man.. i have to stop looking at this thread.. every single time i see your car it taunts me...
Historic \ Club Rego in NSW
I wish i could we get ripped in NSW for rego! In all seriousness though.. it looks like it may just be too hard for now.. i presume that you don't have to pay stamp duty on a car that you previously had registered.. in which case i might de-register it until i have the time/money to fix the bits that are niggling at me and preventing me from driving it more often for now i have a safe place to park it up that doesn't require registration.
Historic \ Club Rego in NSW
I had hoped that SAU or CSA were possibilities, but according to the latest official list (http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/registration/downloads/vehiclesheet/historic_vehicle_clubs_policy.pdf) the current options seem to be : Z Car club Sydney (http://www.zcarclub.com.au/) - forums are a ghost town, social organiser just resigned due to clubs direction.. doesn't sound good! Datsun Sport Owners association (http://www.dsoa.org.au/) - scratch them.. they are roadster only Sydney Datsun Club (http://www.sydneydatsunclub.com/) - require attending 2 events per year and seem pretty organised! there are also a bunch of non datsun related clubs.. but i am not sure if they would be funny about non-marque cars The Z car club seems to be the logical choice, but their website looks initially quite poor so may be hard to do the research (anyone here know anybody in it?). It would be nice to be able to take the car to club events (i presume that means only events such as show's etc. rather than drive days etc.), but the choice of club is very important there. The other option is of course, just de-register the car (with lay up insurance).. either way i presume when you move to full insurance again, you would have to blue slip it (not that that is in anyway difficult!).. i still like the idea of it being active rather than just a pile of metal not being able to go anywhere! I believe the advantages of historic rego are basically registration and CTP for <$100 a year Kent
Historic \ Club Rego in NSW
Hi Guys, Just wondering if any of you have looked into a Historic rego in NSW? I know Jim was looking into this for his C10. Ha Ha... i wish the 240K was finished! I need to find a way of keeping my 1970 240Z registered this year, hoping it will lower my rego, 3rd party and insurance costs since i am really lucky to get the car out more than 3 times a year.. and unfortunately don't see the situation changing this year . I believe you need to have paid club membership, does anyone know if CSA is accepted in NSW? i havn't really been outside of these forums now for a bit (out of touch a little!) Kent
Welcome Kenmeri <3
nice, those look very similar to my mirrors at a glance, did you get the mirror controller and wing bases with them?
Ebay - Perth 240K with RB25
nice looking car! http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320806849392&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:AU:1123#ht_500wt_1413
New Moderator in town
Hi guys, We now have a for sale section for our 240k stuff! I will move all the existing posts over, but in future, all for sale, wanted, eBay links etc. Should go in there!
Terry's Project 240K
Forgot to mention that the gt was available in Europe. Probably where the manual came from. Not sure if the gt over there was sedan too, possible As for parts, 4 or so years ago, new old stock use to be quite frequent on eBay. Things have really dried up since. It really depends on what your trying to find. Mechanicals are not so bad.. other than that either a post here or possibly a wrecker