Everything posted by khughes
240K / 260Z engine mounts
just for the record, they didn't fit so much for the easy path!!! i bought some pre made 260z -> RB30 conversion mounts from Castlemaine Rod shop in Perth (great service and very quick delivery!) the 260Z chassis side seems to have a smaller bolt pattern than the 240K, and the engine mount angles are obviously off.. rather than send them back, i will be trying to drop the block in the bay on the weekend and see how much they need to be modified. i will put some pics up on our site, though at the moment, our server is broken..
For All 240K GT & GL
hehe, good to see my car there http://sgt77.topcities.com/carage/4.jpg great site!
KPGC110 dash facia on Yahoo Japan
wow looks like somebody picked up some bargains! Thanks for the pictures ( i will store them away for future reference!) That will teach me not to look at yahoo for 2 weeks yeah i was planning to either get a brushed aluminimum sheet and cut it to suit or try and spray it
KPGC110 dash facia on Yahoo Japan
g72s20, trust it, it won't load on my pc, asks for some sort of ID.. a friend has a japanese yahoo id so i will get him to look at it. Thanks for the heads up!! oh.. and yeah i got dibbs on those badges on aust ebay well atleast i hope i do!
C110 GTR Mirror positioning
yeah that would be fantastic, atleast it will allow me visualise where they are!
Urathene Rear bushes
no worries, ripped out the inner sleeve and the bushes now fit, havn't fitted the arms back to the car now as i am waiting on new brake parts first, then we will see how they all fit up!! thanks for all your help!
C110 GTR Mirror positioning
Hi Guys, just wondering if anyone has the exact (or near enough) measurements for the front fender mirrors for the C110 GTR.. i have a few pictures, but nothing that inspires me to start drilling! Thanks Kent
240K / 260Z engine mounts
Hi Guys, quick question that i hope someone can answer in one simple word! Is the 240K and 260Z engine mounts the same? i need to get some engine mounts made up for the RB30, and i have found a set for the 260Z, hope they are one and the same (the shop didn't know) Thanks Kent www.project240k.com
RB30 in 240K
Does anybody know if the engine mounts for the 240Z and 260Z are the same as the 240K? if so castlemaine rod shop do a engine mount adaptor that will save us a lot of time (it was AU$125 i think) Thanks Guys Kent
Urathene Rear bushes
thanks, i thought that would be the case, any ideas about the different diametres of the crush tubes? i would imagine that if i used the supplied noltec tubes, the movement of the bolt (around 1mm) sideways would not be a good thing..
KPGC110 GTR Rear wing
Hi Guys, does anyone know where i would be able to get my hands on a replica GTR wing (or boot lid spoiler, whatever you want to call it)? anyone in australia make them? I know the Torana XU-1 spoiler is meant to be close, but i think it is a fair bit bigger? Thanks guys (and glad the site is back, it is amazing how many Q's you can think up when you have nobody to ask!) Kent
Urathene Rear bushes
pictures are located here if anyone can help The originals: http://www.project240k.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=106 The originals removed: http://www.project240k.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=108 The new bushes: http://www.project240k.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=107 Thanks Guys
Urathene Rear bushes
well, that was unexpected.. if a moderator could please delete this thread..
RB30 in 240K
Hi Guys, just a quick update, got the RB30 Bottom end, just finished stripping it and getting it ready to be prepped.. picking up an RB25DE head on the weekend.. then the real fun begins
Urathene Rear bushes
Hi i have just got a set of Noltec Rear control arm bushes (http://www.noltecsuspension.com/product/search.php?selBrand=47&product_vhcid=485), N61613 I assumed that the "rear control arm" is the rear arm that the spring, shocks, brakes etc.. are connected to in the back.. (what the service manual refers to as a suspension arm) the bushes length wise seem that they should fit, however after removing the rubber bushes and crush tubes, and comparing them to the noltec ones, it seems that there is no way that they will fit the urethane bushes seem to thick to fit (unless you some how have to remove the inner wall of the mount?) and the crush tube has too much play when you insert the bolt.. like 1mm gap, not a perfect fit as is the factory crush tube, enough for it to rattle around. please tell me i am stupid and looking at the wrong arm (i don't profess to know much, this is my first real hands on project), if so which arm should i be looking at? Thanks guys! (sorry about the other post, my computer is playing up)
Urathene Rear bushes
Hi i have just got a set of Noltec Rear control arm bushes (http://www.noltecsuspension.com/product/search.php?selBrand=47&product_vhcid=485), N61613 I assumed that the "rear control arm" is the rear arm that the spring, shocks, brakes etc.. are connected to in the back.. (what the service manual refers to as a suspension arm) the bushes length wise seem that they should fit, however after removing the rubber bushes and crush tubes, and comparing them to the noltec ones, it seems that there is no way that they will fit the urethane bushes seem to thick to fit (unless you some how have to remove the inner wall of the mount?) and the crush tube has too much play when you insert the bolt.. like 1mm gap, not a perfect fit as is the factory crush tube, enough for it to rattle around. please tell me i am stupid and looking at the wrong arm (i don't profess to know much, this is my first real hands on project), if so which arm should i be looking at? Thanks guys!
Urathene Rear bushes
Hi i have just got a set of Noltec Rear control arm bushes (http://www.noltecsuspension.com/product/search.php?selBrand=47&product_vhcid=485), N61613 I assumed that the "rear control arm" is the rear arm that the spring, shocks, brakes etc.. are connected to in the back.. (what the service manual refers to as a suspension arm) the bushes length wise seem that they should fit, however after removing the rubber bushes and crush tubes, and comparing them to the noltec ones, it seems that there is no way that they will fit the urethane bushes seem to thick to fit (unless you some how have to remove the inner wall of the mount?) and the crush tube has too much play when you insert the bolt.. like 1mm gap, not a perfect fit as is the factory crush tube, enough for it to rattle around. please tell me i am stupid and looking at the wrong arm (i don't profess to know much, this is my first real hands on project), if so which arm should i be looking at? Thanks guys!
Urathene Rear bushes
Hi i have just got a set of Noltec Rear control arm bushes (http://www.noltecsuspension.com/product/search.php?selBrand=47&product_vhcid=485), N61613 I assumed that the "rear control arm" is the rear arm that the spring, shocks, brakes etc.. are connected to in the back.. (what the service manual refers to as a suspension arm) the bushes length wise seem that they should fit, however after removing the rubber bushes and crush tubes, and comparing them to the noltec ones, it seems that there is no way that they will fit the urethane bushes seem to thick to fit (unless you some how have to remove the inner wall of the mount?) and the crush tube has too much play when you insert the bolt.. like 1mm gap, not a perfect fit as is the factory crush tube, enough for it to rattle around. please tell me i am stupid and looking at the wrong arm (i don't profess to know much, this is my first real hands on project), if so which arm should i be looking at? Thanks guys!
Urathene Rear bushes
Hi i have just got a set of Noltec Rear control arm bushes (http://www.noltecsuspension.com/product/search.php?selBrand=47&product_vhcid=485), N61613 I assumed that the "rear control arm" is the rear arm that the spring, shocks, brakes etc.. are connected to in the back.. (what the service manual refers to as a suspension arm) the bushes length wise seem that they should fit, however after removing the rubber bushes and crush tubes, and comparing them to the noltec ones, it seems that there is no way that they will fit the urethane bushes seem to thick to fit (unless you some how have to remove the inner wall of the mount?) and the crush tube has too much play when you insert the bolt.. like 1mm gap, not a perfect fit as is the factory crush tube, enough for it to rattle around. please tell me i am stupid and looking at the wrong arm (i don't profess to know much, this is my first real hands on project), if so which arm should i be looking at? Thanks guys!
Urathene Rear bushes
Hi i have just got a set of Noltec Rear control arm bushes (http://www.noltecsuspension.com/product/search.php?selBrand=47&product_vhcid=485), N61613 I assumed that the "rear control arm" is the rear arm that the spring, shocks, brakes etc.. are connected to in the back.. (what the service manual refers to as a suspension arm) the bushes length wise seem that they should fit, however after removing the rubber bushes and crush tubes, and comparing them to the noltec ones, it seems that there is no way that they will fit the urethane bushes seem to thick to fit (unless you some how have to remove the inner wall of the mount?) and the crush tube has too much play when you insert the bolt.. like 1mm gap, not a perfect fit as is the factory crush tube, enough for it to rattle around. please tell me i am stupid and looking at the wrong arm (i don't profess to know much, this is my first real hands on project), if so which arm should i be looking at? Thanks guys!
Urathene Rear bushes
Hi i have just got a set of Noltec Rear control arm bushes (http://www.noltecsuspension.com/product/search.php?selBrand=47&product_vhcid=485), N61613 I assumed that the "rear control arm" is the rear arm that the spring, shocks, brakes etc.. are connected to in the back.. (what the service manual refers to as a suspension arm) the bushes length wise seem that they should fit, however after removing the rubber bushes and crush tubes, and comparing them to the noltec ones, it seems that there is no way that they will fit the urethane bushes seem to thick to fit (unless you some how have to remove the inner wall of the mount?) and the crush tube has too much play when you insert the bolt.. like 1mm gap, not a perfect fit as is the factory crush tube, enough for it to rattle around. please tell me i am stupid and looking at the wrong arm (i don't profess to know much, this is my first real hands on project), if so which arm should i be looking at? Thanks guys!
Urathene Rear bushes
Hi i have just got a set of Noltec Rear control arm bushes (http://www.noltecsuspension.com/product/search.php?selBrand=47&product_vhcid=485), N61613 I assumed that the "rear control arm" is the rear arm that the spring, shocks, brakes etc.. are connected to in the back.. (what the service manual refers to as a suspension arm) the bushes length wise seem that they should fit, however after removing the rubber bushes and crush tubes, and comparing them to the noltec ones, it seems that there is no way that they will fit the urethane bushes seem to thick to fit (unless you some how have to remove the inner wall of the mount?) and the crush tube has too much play when you insert the bolt.. like 1mm gap, not a perfect fit as is the factory crush tube, enough for it to rattle around. please tell me i am stupid and looking at the wrong arm (i don't profess to know much, this is my first real hands on project), if so which arm should i be looking at? Thanks guys!
Urathene Rear bushes
Hi i have just got a set of Noltec Rear control arm bushes (http://www.noltecsuspension.com/product/search.php?selBrand=47&product_vhcid=485), N61613 I assumed that the "rear control arm" is the rear arm that the spring, shocks, brakes etc.. are connected to in the back.. (what the service manual refers to as a suspension arm) the bushes length wise seem that they should fit, however after removing the rubber bushes and crush tubes, and comparing them to the noltec ones, it seems that there is no way that they will fit the urethane bushes seem to thick to fit (unless you some how have to remove the inner wall of the mount?) and the crush tube has too much play when you insert the bolt.. like 1mm gap, not a perfect fit as is the factory crush tube, enough for it to rattle around. please tell me i am stupid and looking at the wrong arm (i don't profess to know much, this is my first real hands on project), if so which arm should i be looking at? Thanks guys!
Urathene Rear bushes
sorry, no idea what happened there.. any way here was the message: Hi i have just got a set of Noltec Rear control arm bushes (http://www.noltecsuspension.com/product/search.php?selBrand=47&product_vhcid=485), N61613 I assumed that the "rear control arm" is the rear arm that the spring, shocks, brakes etc.. are connected to in the back.. (what the service manual refers to as a suspension arm) the bushes length wise seem that they should fit, however after removing the rubber bushes and crush tubes, and comparing them to the noltec ones, it seems that there is no way that they will fit the urethane bushes seem to thick to fit (unless you some how have to remove the inner wall of the mount?) and the crush tube has too much play when you insert the bolt.. like 1mm gap, not a perfect fit as is the factory crush tube, enough for it to rattle around. please tell me i am stupid and looking at the wrong arm (i don't profess to know much, this is my first real hands on project), if so which arm should i be looking at? Thanks guys!
Urathene Rear bushes
Hi i have just got a set of Noltec Rear control arm bushes (http://www.noltecsuspension.com/product/search.php?selBrand=47&product_vhcid=485), N61613 I assumed that the "rear control arm" is the rear arm that the spring, shocks, brakes etc.. are connected to in the back.. (what the service manual refers to as a suspension arm) the bushes length wise seem that they should fit, however after removing the rubber bushes and crush tubes, and comparing them to the noltec ones, it seems that there is no way that they will fit the urethane bushes seem to thick to fit (unless you some how have to remove the inner wall of the mount?) and the crush tube has too much play when you insert the bolt.. like 1mm gap, not a perfect fit as is the factory crush tube, enough for it to rattle around. please tell me i am stupid and looking at the wrong arm (i don't profess to know much, this is my first real hands on project), if so which arm should i be looking at? Thanks guys!